Friday, August 28, 2009

What happens in Vegas...

I don't like to fly.

All of the security hoopla make me nervous, the smell in airplanes stays in my nose for too long and I get motion sickness. On a flight to Europe years ago, I actually blacked out. Flying is just not fun for me.

But when it 's important, I can suck it up and do it. A long weekend with just my husband and I in Las Vegas? That counts as important.

The view from my window as we descend into Las Vegas. (Ever used the internet while on an airplane? Convenient, but not much room for the computer on the tray table.)

Is it pathetic that I miss my kids already?


  1. I was thinking about booking a surprise trip to Vegas for me and hubby, but the only thing keeping me from it...the kids. I have to take Xanax to fly.

  2. But, you're gonna have SO much fun!!!!

    I'm following you now from MBC followers club!

  3. I hate flying too. I have to chug gin and tonics to get through it because no pill works! I'm just too nervous...have fun and safe flight home!

  4. No, I think it's natural to miss them but enjoy yourself! BTW, I hate to fly, too. So much so, you'll find me a the bar before I board. It's the only way I can get through the flight.

  5. have a great time!!

    My husband and I are leaving the kids for a weekend this fall, but I decided on driving to our destination, still scared about being a plane ride away from them.

  6. Cool view! I have actually never flown in a plane. I must admit the thought of it scares me to death! I'll keep my 2 feet planted on the ground. My hubby was just in Vegas back in Feb for business and said it was great! :) Hope you have fun!!! :)

  7. Hope you guys enjoyed the long weekend in Vegas!

    My husband and I booked a night (without the baby) in NYC for this Friday. I am totally looking forward to it! Although, I know we will probably end up thinking/talking about the little guy most of the time anyway.

  8. I hope you had a great time! I will be in Vegas next month, but with kids, still excited though.
    We are driving because I just can't bare the flight, it's only an hour flight but makes me nauseous none the less. I so understand when you explain how you feel about flying.

  9. You wrote this: "All of the security hoopla make me nervous, the smell in airplanes stays in my nose for too long and I get motion sickness."

    I could have written that...word-for-word. Flying is definitely not one of my favorite things.

    Unfortunately, we're going on a little family vacation later this fall - and we'll be flying. The destination will be worth it though... :)

  10. Been there once and I loved it!

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com
