Tuesday, April 20, 2010

EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale {Review & Giveaway} ARV $25

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

Recently my brother-in-law decided to cut soda out of his diet and, combined with a little working out, easily lost somewhere in the range of 20 pounds in a fairly short time. He looks great but let me tell you, I'm annoyed. It made me want to take up drinking a lot of soda just so that I can stop again and see what happens.

Seeing as that isn't going to happen, it did make me stop and think. Aside from the obvious (mmm, brownies), what is it that I'm eating that is making the calories add up? In fact, how many calories do the things I eat actually have? Looking at the side of the box for things like cereal and crackers works, but that doesn't help me with everything that's left. Answering that question is now easy with the EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale.

An easy to use, lightweight, compact, multifunction home scale, the Precision Pro from EatSmart has really opened my eyes to the calories that I'm putting into my mouth on a daily basis. Did you know that to lose just one pound, you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories? 3500! Therefore, when I think about all of the times that I eat the rest of Big Sister E's sandwich or finish the crackers that Little Sister B doesn't want... well, it's no wonder the pounds aren't dropping off.

Right out of the box, using the Precision Pro is simple. Pop in the provided AAA batteries, turn it over and it is set for your first item. The unit button allows you to select between 4 different measurements (grams, ounces, kilogram or pounds) so whether you are cooking, measuring or weighing, each option is readily available.

What really interested me was the Calorie Factor Booklet that came along with the Precision Pro and how clearly it laid out the steps to finding out how many calories are in so many of the foods we eat around here. Simply weigh your item (in grams) and multiply it by the Calorie Factor listed in the guidebook and you no longer have to wonder how many calories are in that banana.

Which is exactly what I did. Using the tare feature (which "zeros out" an amount and eliminates the weight of a plate) I was able to place my bowl on the Precision Pro without showing any added grams:

Next, I added the banana and the large LCD display clearly shows 102 grams:

Finally, by removing the bowl I could see that the weight of the bowl was indeed being counted:

By pressing the tare button again, the scale returned to zero for the next item. And, by using the Calorie Factor booklet and doing the math, I found that the banana in question contained approximately 91 calories. Not a huge amount by any means, but something to think about the next time I walk through the kitchen and consider munching on one just because I see it sitting there.

The longer the Precision Pro scale has been here, the more uses that I have found for it. As well as counting calories or carbohydrates, this is a great tool to have in the kitchen for accurate measurements when you are cooking. I really like that it automatically turns itself off after 3 minutes, long enough that I can turn away and not lose my numbers but short enough that if I move on to something else I won't waste the batteries.

Outside of the kitchen, however, this scale has been great for weighing other items as well (up to 11 pounds). No longer do I have to pack both kids up and wait in line at the post office (not a fun outing with a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old) if I am mailing a letter that is thicker than normal. Instead, after a quick weight check on the Precision Pro, I know whether or not to stick on an extra stamp before putting my envelope right out in my own mailbox. Now that's convenience.

Available in 5 great color choices (the red is really great), the EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale is high quality, accurate and versatile all at an affordable price. Hundreds of satisfied customers have voiced their opinion as well and the reviews show not only how well this scale works but on the impressive customer service EatSmart provides. If you are looking for a Mother's Day idea for the woman who loves to cook or is looking to shed a few pounds, the Precision Pro would make a wonderful gift.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of EatSmart, one person will get starting weighing their food and ingredients with this innovative and handy appliance, because...

One lucky person will win an EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale in their choice of color! ARV $25!

To enter to win: Visit EatSmart and tell me which of their other innovative products you would like to own.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you tell me how this scale would help in your life or who would receive it as a gift.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Lose weight or cook well with an EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale @thxmailcarrier! http://bit.ly/8Ypt43 #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and EatSmart. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on May 13th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to EatSmart for providing a Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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one frugal lady said...

I entered the hallmark giveaway!

one frugal lady said...

I entered the down east basics giveaway!

one frugal lady said...

I entered the yoplait greek giveaway!

clc408 said...

The The EatSmart Nutrition Scale looks amazing.

Heather said...

I like the Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale.

rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I would love the EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale. Thanks!

rebecca said...

I'd also like the Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale!

rebecca said...

I'm an email subscriber!

rebecca said...

I'd like the scale because portion control is a high problem in our family. We try to eat one portion but the scale would make sure of it!

rebecca said...

I also entered the Pillow Pet giveaway!

sksweeps said...

I, of course, go right for the top of the line EatSmart Nutrition Scale™ - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator

J Rodney said...

I entered the beso giveaway.


Frugality Is Free

J Rodney said...

I tweeted about your giveaway.


Frugality Is Free

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love to have the EatSmart Nutrition Scale™ - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator.
I can't believe all the wonderful calculations and 'bells and whistles' on this scale! Let it do the thinking. Wonderful product.

Unknown said...

I would love the Precision Plus Bathroom Scale!


cloud10277 said...

I would love to have the EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale.


cloud10277 said...

I would give it my mother in-law as a gift. She's been needing a new scale for awhile.


Unknown said...

Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/eyzofblu63/status/12703021956

cloud10277 said...

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cloud10277 said...

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cloud10277 said...

Entered the PlasmaCar giveaway

Peggy said...

I also like the EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale™

Peggy said...

It would help me because I could weigh the portions and make sure I am eating the right amount. I need to lose more weight !

Peggy said...

Entered beso giveaway

Peggy said...

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Peggy said...

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ShellyH said...


Ravish30 at aol dot com

LAMusing said...

I would like the EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale,


LAMusing said...

After months of chemo, my mom needs to put ON weight. I'm on medication that is piling on the pounds, so I need to LOSE weight. Makes it hard to cook for both of us, but a scale would really help portion out what I'm cooking!

LAMusing said...

I'm now a follower of your blog!

LAMusing said...

I entered the Yoplait Giveaway

LAMusing said...

I entered the DownEast Basics Goveaway

LAMusing said...

I entered the Oster Blender Giveaway

Unknown said...

i trying to lose weight and need to eat more healthy using portion control and this will help

Unknown said...


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entered oster blender giveaway

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entered measure up bowl

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entered downeast

Unknown said...

entered plasmsa car

ShellyH said...


ravish30 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/eyzofblu63/status/12797101441

Karla@TheClassyWoman said...

Ooo, I would love to win! The Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale looks amazing and is needed in our home. I would also love to win the Digital food and nutrient calculator.

What a great giveaway! :)

Joseph said...

I'd love to own the EatSmart "Digital Bathroom Scale" - $28.95

susan said...

I'd love to own a EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale™ too.

susan said...

It'll help us as we do try to portion ourselves correctly for the whole family.

susan said...

I follow and tweeted. http://twitter.com/susanlanai/status/12810865836

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I entered your PlasmaCar giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your Measure Up Bowl giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your DownEast Basics giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your Smelly Washer giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your Verilux CleanWave UV-C Sanitizing Wand giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your Oster Counterforms Stainless Blender from OrangeOnions.com giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your $100 gift certificate from beso.com giveaway.

Anonymous said...

EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale is an item I would like to own. Thanks for the great giveaway.

lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

This product would help me manage my portions. Thanks again.

chantal said...

I love the nutrient calculator found here

chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

This scale would help me because im trying to portion my meals better and loose weight

chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

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chantal cooper
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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

ShellyH said...

ravish30 at aol dot com

JSColdwell said...


stephanie_dunbar07 at hotmail dot com

Nanci said...

I like the EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale

Barbara Bee said...

My bathroom scale changes if it's moved even an inch off it's regular spot, so I have doubts as to it's accuracy. I'd love to have the EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale™ with the backlit display.

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com

Unknown said...

Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/eyzofblu63/status/12850682248

cloud10277 said...

Daily tweet:

Caroline said...

I would love to have the EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale.


wishpony said...

I would like precision plus bathroom scale along with this scale!!!

Unknown said...

Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/eyzofblu63/status/12883430448

ShellyH said...

ravish30 at aol dot com

cloud10277 said...

Daily tweet

Rachel C said...

entered Princess Couture

Mary A said...

I also like the EatSmart Precision Touch Digital Kitchen Scale™. Thanks for the giveaway.

Angelia said...

The bathroom scale looks great!

Angelia said...

I think the combo of the food scale and the bathroom scale would really be a great help to my weight loss journey!

Angelia said...

I follow you on Twitter!


Angelia said...

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jenn said...


Colette S said...


Colette S said...

I'd love the EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale™

Sue E said...

I also would love to have the EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale.


Sue E said...

This would help me because I'm trying to watch my calorie intake and I'm not very good at judging portions.


Sue E said...

Follow you and tweeted.


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Sue E said...

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ShellyH said...


ravish30 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/eyzofblu63/status/12946237823

Miss Heidi said...

I also like the EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I would love the EatSmart Nutrition Scale™ - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator.

Anonymous said...

This scale would help me track my portion sizes better.

Anonymous said...

entered your downeast giveaway.

Anonymous said...

entered your measure up bowl giveaway.

Anonymous said...

entered your Kinesys giveaway

Anonymous said...

Follow on Twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/middayescapades/status/12957472439

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Sue E said...

Daily Tweet


Karen P said...

I could use the EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale™ since mine is inaccurate

Karen P said...

This would help me in my life because I am trying to watch what I eat

Karen P said...

gfc follower 1

Karen P said...

gfc follower 2

Meghan Finley said...

I would love a EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale because it says I don't have to tap it. I hate that!

Unknown said...

Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/eyzofblu63/status/13003387900

ShellyH said...


ravish30 at aol dot com

cloud10277 said...

Daily tweet:

Carol Casey said...

If I won the scale it might help me loose the weight I have to get rid of

Carol Casey said...

This is a wonderful giveaway to help with a diet

Carol Casey said...

I would love to win

Mary A said...

I also like the EatSmart Precision Touch Digital Kitchen Scale. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...


one frugal lady said...

I entered the cascadian farms giveaway!

one frugal lady said...

I entered the princess couture designs giveaway!

Melissa said...

I like the EatSmart Precision Touch Digital Kitchen Scale

xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/eyzofblu63/status/13068415607

ShellyH said...

dt- http://twitter.com/Ravish30/status/13075238438

ravish30 at aol dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Eleven shoes

sachidewey said...

I would love to own the EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale.

sachidewey said...

I would use this scale to help regulate my portion sizes.

cloud10277 said...

Daily tweet:

one frugal lady said...

I entered the eleven collection shoes giveaway!

Kimbuckjr said...

I would LOVE to own the "EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale™." We do not own a bathroom scale and this one looks nice!
Kimmie Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com

Kimbuckjr said...

This scale would help me tremendously. I just had LapBand surgery March 29th and I'm suppose to weigh all my food and this would certainly help.
Kimmie Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com

Kimbuckjr said...

I have entered the FAB Beauty giveaway.
Kimmie Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com

Kimbuckjr said...

I follow you on Twitter.
Kimmie Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
My Twitter User ID is @kimbuckjr

Kimbuckjr said...

I "tweeted" about this giveaway. My Twitter ID is: @kimbuckjr
Kimmie Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com

Kimbuckjr said...

I subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
Kimmie Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com

Kimbuckjr said...

Kimmie Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
I subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.

Kimbuckjr said...

I am Google Friend Connected.
Kimmie Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com

Kimbuckjr said...

I am connected via Google Friend Connect.
Kimmie Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com

Kimbuckjr said...

I have entered the Plasmacar Giveaway.
Kimmie Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com

Unknown said...


clynsg said...

I also like the Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Aside from using it to figure out correct serving sizes of food, I would also use it to calculate postage.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Google friend follower #1

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Google friend follower #2

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Entered the Eleven shoes giveaway.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

madpay said...

clever item

cloud10277 said...

daily tweet:

ShellyH said...

ravish30 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I both could use your kitchen scale. It would really help us in our weight loss efforts. Thx.


Dale said...

I most definately need this scale, my eye are bigger then my stomach! I would also like the EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale, not sure mine is all that accurate.


Dale said...


Emily Robison said...

I would like to own the EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale

Emily Robison said...

I entered the Votre Vu giveaway

Emily Robison said...

I entered the Beso giveaway

Emily Robison said...

I entered the Oster from OrangeOnions.com giveaway

Emily Robison said...

I follow on Twitter and I tweeted

Emily Robison said...

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Emily Robison said...

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Emily Robison said...

I entered the Verilux CleanWave giveaway

Rachel C said...

entered Votre Vu

Unknown said...

Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/eyzofblu63/status/13144021224

chantal said...

i really like their bathroom scale.

chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

this scale would help me reach my goal of losing 50 pounds.

chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

I follow you via google friend connect entry 1

chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

I follow you on twitter and sent a tweet


chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

chantal said...

I entered the eleven collection giveaway

chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

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