Friday, April 23, 2010

More Winners!

Did the Pillow Pet theme song stuck get stuck in your head recently? Sorry! These cute plush pals really are fun for all ages and my girls have been hugging, resting and playing with Puffy Duck since it arrived and loving it just as much as much as when he first came out of the box. The lucky person who will get to bring home an adorable friend for their child this spring is...

Congratulations, LeeAnn!

I can honestly say that I haven't touched any of the other water bottles in my house since I started using my KOR ONE Hydration Vessel. I love knowing it is completely leak-proof and have even tossed it into a bag with my phone and camera for a walk to the park and not worried that any water was going to ruin my electronics. Plus, the water just seems to taste better! The lucky person who will get to stay hydrated in style is...

Congratulations, Elena!

Cooking has definitely been a little more fun around here with my cute apron from Flirty Aprons. Now if it could just come with a personal chef, that would make things even better. The lucky person who will be fashionable in the kitchen is...

Congratulaions, Sarah-Paige Copeland!

I love getting cards in the mail, who doesn't? And with Hallmark's Kids Collection, they have made it even easier to surprise kids of all ages with a fun card or gift to show that you care... I think quite a few of them would work for adults as well! The lucky person who will receive a selection of these fun cards to show their love is...

Congratulations, Rachel C!

Thank you to everyone who entered these great giveaways!


  1. Oh no I have Bob Marley's Three little Birds from nick jr. in my head... this is my message to youuuu woho... Don't worry about a thing..

  2. Congrats to the winners! Those are some awesome always! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Congrats to all the winners!!!!!!!!

  4. Glad you blogged about the Pepsi project I just saw that actually on TV. It's a great idea. Hope you don't mind but I'm gonna link your post to my blog.

    I'm a new follower from Friday Follow! Happy FF!!

    Can't wait to read more


  5. I am your newest friday follower, please come and check out my camera strap give away

  6. Thanks for the giveaway! My daughter can't wait to get her Pillow Pet!
