Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Sensa Journey: Joining the Community

To read my first post about beginning my Sensa weight loss journey, please click here.

It has now been 4 weeks since I first began using Sensa and I have to say, I had higher hopes for myself. Even thought I have a container sitting right on the table, I still find myself realizing that I'm eating without sprinkling - and that drives me crazy! Considering how simple it is to use Sensa, I really shouldn't have any excuse to not do so. As I move into Month 2, I'm even more determined!

Along with being less forgetful, what will hopefully help me in the upcoming weeks is my membership into the Sensa Community.

When you purchase Sensa, you are automatically given a membership to their Community, a place to visit for any number of groups, forums, tools and plans to help support you in your weight loss goals. Right away, I filled out a simple questionnaire that asked about my height, weight, the amount of exercise that I do (for some reason, "ultra-lazy" wasn't one of the options) and I was given my results: BMI and My Meal Plan.

When I log in right now, an entire week's worth of meals are clearly laid out for me, including 3 meals and 2 snacks per day. Good ones, too - not skimpy diet foods. The ingredients, calories, recipes and more are given for each one, as well as a long list of substitutions if I'm not happy with that specific option.

Another great feature of the Sensa Community to inspire you to be healthier is a Daily Fitness Plan, where you can choose the days and exercises that work best for you. From aerobics to dancing to walking to yoga, Sensa lets you design your fitness plan so that you are even more likely to stick to it. And when you do, you can track your progress every step of the way right on their site.

And wouldn't it be nice to have people there to support you along the way? There are a variety of different groups to join in the Sensa Community, so whether you are a working mom, trying to lose 100+ pounds or in your "golden years," you'll find others who are in the same stages you are to talk with and get encouragement from. What a great place to be!

The Sensa Community is definitely an added bonus to their innovative weight loss program. It's so easy to log in and determine what your target heart rate is, use the Food Analyzer to see the nutritional make-up of your favorite foods or use the Calorie Burn Tool to find out how many calories you burn when undertaking your favorite sports and activities. Not to mention I've been inspired by the comments and stories of other members and I'm definitely going to do better this upcoming month!

Starting weight: Too much.
Week 1: -2.5 lbs
Week 2: -1.0 lb
Week 3: 0.0 lbs
Week 4: -0.5 lbs

Remember, if you want to make a change in your life, use the coupon code SEN15 to save 15% off of your order of Sensa and get started today. You can also stay connected with Sensa through Twitter, Facebook and their blog.

(Sensa has provided me with a supply of their product for my own personal review and I have not been compensated in any way. Results may vary, of course, and this is just my opinion of this innovative weight-loss program)


  1. good luck in month 2! u can do it! hehe stay focused :)

  2. Good luck with Sensa I am getting ready to start using it too! I am debating on doing it in combination with weight watchers. Hope it works for us both. I am a new Follower through Friday Follow. I thought I was already a follower, but guess not!

  3. congrats on your loss... I have a horrible time with weight ... /sigh/ ... BTW ... Following you from Friday Follow

  4. I am really anxious to see what you think about this stuff. I have seen a couple of other people on it, so I am really curious to see if it works. Keep it up girl!
