Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Winners!

I was mailing an envelope recently that had extra forms inside of it and fretted for a minute about whether or not it needed an extra stamp. Fortunately, it hit me that I had my EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale nearby, so in a quick minute I was able to find my answer, add a stamp and toss it out in the mail. Much less hassle than trying to go to the post office or having my envelope returned... plus, then I can turn around and weigh my food on it as well! The lucky person who will now be able to weigh their portions and items is...

Congratulations, Midday Escapades!

How organized is your life? Christie and Simple Organized Sanity are there to help you with any aspect that you might need and you won't be disappointed with how much she can help motivate you. The lucky person who will receive a Consultation and Custom Planner Sheet to keep their days on track is...

Congratulations, Beth!

If you didn't have a chance to Nourish Your Inner Goddess for Mother's Day, now is the time, thanks to Yoplait Greek yogurt! Who doesn't love to wrap themselves up in a soft robe, put on some slippers and kick back to wait for their massage? The lucky person who will be prepared for some spa time at home is...

Congratulations, cdziuba!

Thanks so much to everyone who entered these great giveaways!


  1. Good Morning! Happy FF!
    Have a Great Weekend!

    Bridgette Groschen
    Groschen Goblins

  2. Happy FF! What a great sounding product!

  3. Newest Follower on FF! Follow me back plz!!

  4. You've got some awesome giveaways!
    I am following you from FollowFriday!

  5. Hello from your newest FF visitor :) Following your blog and twitter :)

  6. visiting from Friday follow :)
    would love to have you follow us too! Come enter to win some great stuff!!

  7. Yay! I am so excited to win the scale. I can't wait to start using it. Thank you to EatSmart and to you!


  8. Popping in to visit from Friday Follow! Looks like you have lots of great giveaways! Have followed you and will go ahead and post your cute little button on my blog! Have a great weekend!

  9. Following you from Follow Friday!

    Come visit me at when you get the chance.

  10. Looks like you have lots of happy winners:) CONGRATS everybody! I love the pictures on the above post of the feet in the sand. FUN!

  11. Hi there! Happy FF (On Saturday-LOL)
    Have a Great Weekend!

    Bridgette Groschen
    Groschen Goblins

  12. Congrats to all the winners!
