Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Energizer, BlogHer and One Mom Who Loves Them Both

{Update: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Energizer! I cannot wait to be a Smart ChargHER at BlogHer! I am so excited for this amazing opportunity!}

(For the full cheesy effect, make sure you've got your speakers turned on by around the 1-minute mark.)

Hi. I'm Xenia.

Guess what? I'm that mom.

And I really do love my Energizer Recharge Smart Charger.

When I started Thanks, Mail Carrier, I set out on a mission to bring an honest, thorough, informative (yet fun!) view to the best products that can be delivered right to a consumer's front door - who doesn't enjoy getting the mail? I spend long hours learning about all kinds of products and when I come across a brand and item that I love, I rave about it. I'm enthusiastic, what can I say? If a product is great, I want to point out the reasons why, how it can make someone's life easier and just how much they will love it, too.

For example, Energizer. With all of the battery-run toys, gadgets and gizmos around this house, it's hard to keep up with having them all fueled and ready to go whenever we need them. But from the day the Recharge Smart Charger arrived, it has made life just that much easier. Energizer truly took into account what real people were looking for when they created this and that is just one reason (from a list of many) that makes this a must-have product for everyone out there. For only $19.99, you're instantly on your way to keeping your batteries charged and strong for a longer amount of time and for less money. That can really only be described as smart.

For me, writing a blog has been an amazing journey all on its own. So, just being able to be a part of BlogHer '10 is an opportunity that I already hold near and dear. I have been excitedly (and nervously) anticipating August's arrival for months now and knowing that the chance to meet and network with so many incredible bloggers is growing near is on my mind every single day. So, what could possibly make a trip to New York City and a ticket to the biggest blogging conference around any better?

That questions brings me back to Energizer. If I am beyond fortunate to be chosen to represent Energizer as a Smart ChargHER at BlogHer, this sponsorship would be a perfect match. Who better to tell the world how Energizer provides products that deliver unsurpassed performance and that they are passionate about what they do... than someone who feels the same way? I set high standards and am driven, focused, creative and just a whole lot of fun to have around. Yes, oh yes, posts will be written (by me as well as LOTS of other bloggers), tweets will be flying, Facebook pages with be updated, USB drives will be handed out to all and Energizer-branded shirts will be worn PROUDLY.

I already love Energizer and the Recharge Smart Charger, so the opportunity to be a Smart ChargHER and spread my adoration around would be nothing less than a dream come true. Have I Told You Lately That I Love You, Energizer? Because I do!

(This post serves as my entry into contests being run on An Island Life and Barefoot Mommies wherein a total of four over-the-moon bloggers will be awarded $2000 sponsorships from Energizer to attend BlogHer as Smart ChargHERs. There is a good possibility I won’t be sleeping until the winners are announced.)


  1. I SO wish I was going! How fun! I love the video-one of the best I have seen so far! Good luck! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, from FMBT! I'm Carissa, your newest follower. Stop back, if you would!


  4. I found your blog on FMBT! Follow me back at MommyIsCrafty!

  5. Wow! This is a fabulous review of Energizer's new Smart Charger. You must have spent many hours working on this review, and it's great! Energizer should definitely pick you as one of their ChargHers. Great job. I thoroughly enjoy your blog with its fine reviews. Thank you for doing Thanks, Mail Carrier.

  6. Wow, you guys have a real juke box in your home? How cool is that! Great video. I can see you love your Energizer Smart Charger almost as much as I love Rod Stewart. My fingers are crossed that you win.


  7. New follower from Welcome Wednesdays. Would love it if you stop by at www.hootiebee.blogspot.com

  8. That is an adorable and very creative video! Love it! You are definitely deserving of being a Smart ChargHER!

  9. I can't wait to see you there and you'd better find me!!!!

  10. Oh my gosh Xenia, that video was AWESOME! I have to admit that I did giggle a little. ;-) Energizer definitely needs to pick you. I can't wait to find out the results. Good luck!

  11. Congratulations on the win! I can not wait to meet you at BlogHer :)

  12. Congratulations Xenia!! I look forward to meeting you at BlogHer!

  13. I'm not sure how I missed this but so nice to see you! ANd I heard you won!!!! A huge CONGRATULATIONS, yippeeeeeee!!!!
