Sunday, July 11, 2010

The foodpod by fusionbrands {Review}

When it comes to cooking, I'm squarely in the amateur category. I don't mind trying new recipes, foods or methods as long as they aren't too complicated and have clear directions. And I'll try just about anything that will make my time in the kitchen easier, faster or aid in multi-tasking - who wouldn't?

So, when given the opportunity to try out one of the most innovative, handy and talked-about cooking tools from fusionbrands, I was eager to test how it would actually work... Not to mention that I really also wanted to be able to see the unique look of the foodpod in person!

I believe my husband's first words when he found the foodpod sitting on our kitchen counter were, "What the heck IS IT?"

On a mission to blend material-science into simple machines, fusionbrands designs exceptional products that make everyday tasks easier, faster and more pleasurable. By taking common ways of cooking -boiling, blanching and steaming- and removing any excess hassle from the process, their modern silicone foodpod is convenient, quick and extremely easy to use.

I, for one, like hard-boiled eggs but don't like trying to figure out how to get them in and out of the pot without any cracks. I can't exactly just dump them into a strainer after having cooked them, not to mention that they need to be plunged into cold water to stop them from overcooking. Enter: the foodpod.

Step 1: Place up to a dozen eggs (or a large pile of shellfish or several heads of broccoli or whatever other food you enjoy) into the foodpod.

Step 2: Attach the handy top by putting the arms right in through the holes. They hold tight and the entire foodpod can simply be lifted right up.

Step 3: Place into water and cook, blanch or steam as usual. As all of your foods are immersed (and later removed) at the same time, you can be assured that they will have cooked evenly. The non-stick silicone protects both your food and the pot surfaces and the entire item is flexible so as to fit into any size pot.

As an added smart addition, fusionbrands included a built-in grip clip at the end of the top. Simply attach it right to the edge of your pot and it will help keep water from boiling over as well as be waiting there for you when it is time to remove the foodpod when you are done.

Step 4: When it's time to remove, simply use the grip clip to pull the foodpod and all of your ingredients directly out of the water in one easy move. No separate strainer needed, the holes in the foodpod allow the hot water to drain back into the pot - and can then be reused if need be.

For my eggs, I had no problem moving them right into a bowl of cold water without any worry about how I was going to scoop each one out of the pot.

Step 5: Pop off the top and reach in to remove your food (if it is eggs) or dump it directly into a bowl (for example, if it is healthy broccoli). Then, not only is the foodpod made of FDA/EU food-safe silicone and BPA-free nylon, it is top rack dishwasher safe. Can using this get any easier? I couldn't come up with a single way that it could be.

Is the foodpod from fusionbrands slightly strange and futuristic-looking? Sure. But is it also extremely convenient and a great thing to have around? Absolutely. It barely takes up any room when stored and it requires no set up, electricity or extra work but completely accomplishes its task of saving time. For $15 (available online and at retailers worldwide) I love a product -and company- that sets out on a mission and fulfills it perfectly.

(Other than the foodpod I was provided from fusionbrands, I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this company and this innovative product.)


  1. Looks interesting I think I would like one!

  2. OMG so cool! I love this. So getting one!

  3. Newest follower from Tag a long Tuesday...

    Hope you'll stop by too {5 current giveaways too}

  4. Looks like a very cool gadget. :)

    Following from Follow Me Back Tuesdays!

