Thursday, August 19, 2010

mOmma Baby and Toddler Feeding Products {Review}

Considering the way that Little Sister B can eat... and eat... and eat, it is sometimes hard for even me to remember that it took her an extremely long amount of time before she grasped the concept of feeding herself. And I'm not talking about using utensils, I'm talking about the fact that she just didn't seem to understand that if she picked up the food and placed it in her mouth that it would be, well, in her mouth.

Now that we're past that point, the focus has shifted to encouraging her to develop good eating habits and that even though we're not playing while at the table, mealtimes can still be fun. Recently that point was reinforced by our introduction to the unique new feeding baby and toddler feeding line from mOmma.

With a complete line of products designed according to baby's changing needs during various phases of development, mOmma's simple yet innovative products are there to provide self-assurance, independence and, of course, fun.

At first sight, it wasn't hard to spot the big difference between the mOmma feeding products and those that were sitting on our shelf already. Sure, the modern, clean lines and nice bright colors were there, but it was the innovative shape that jumped right out and made Little Sister B instantly reach out to see them up close.

Trying out both the mOmma Rocking Green Cup and the Sippy Cup Orange, there were quite a few features included that I appreciated. As well as the importance of being BPA & Phthalate free, the round ergonomic shape and dual handles really did make it easy for Little Sister B to carry these cups around and take a drink whenever she needed one (although the unique shape didn't fit in our diaper bag or cup holders, but they were great for while at home).

When it came time to set down a cup, both girls and I were a little entranced by the roly-poly action and, as well as capturing our attention, the way that these cups rock did keep them extremely clean. I was reminded of those clown punching bags that get knocked down but then pop right back up - if these cups are set down at an angle, they just teeter around until they are vertical again. How handy!

Just as convenient, the full line of mOmma bottles and cups have lids that are interchangeable, making it simple to move to the next stage and not have to reintroduce an entirely new product to your child. Aside from a few leaks from the Rocking Green Cup when the straw was twisted open, these both proved to do a great job holding the liquid in and keeping the germs out.

Another major bonus of the mOmma feeding line is that all of their items are dishwasher-safe, a must-have in my household. But for the times that I wanted to hand-wash these cups, their rounded shape means that they needed a unique way to clean them. Fortunately the mOmma Wash Brush Orange was able to reach right in and scrub every edge. The innovative orb shape was easy to use and sat nicely on the edge of the sink with its modern look.

Then, when it came time to eat, Little Sister B's eyes lit up when she came to the table and found the mOmma Developmental Meal Set waiting for her. She didn't pause for a moment before picking up the Soft Spoon Orange and digging right in.

The spherical base of the spoon and the Soft Fork Green had the same effect as the cups - the portion that went in Little Sister B's mouth never had to touch any dirty surfaces when she put them down. I wondered if she would have a difficult time holding the large ball in her hands, but it was never an issue. She proceeded to eat and eat, just like usual!

I thought the protective covers that came with the spoon and fork were also a very nice touch, as I am never a fan of just dropping my daughters' silverware into the depths of the dirty diaper bag when we are heading out to eat. This way you can arrive knowing that the utensils are clean and leave knowing that any food residue won't be smeared into your bag.

I think we were all pleasantly surprised with the mOmma Feeding Plate Green that came in the Developmental Meal Set. At first glance, I thought that having the divided sections was going to limit the amount of space there was for food, but I found that it was still plenty large enough to not be a problem. Plus, the raised edges did a great job of keeping the food from sliding off and ending up all over the table like we were used to.

I especially liked the wide, round base of this plate, as it it stayed firmly in place on the table and my usual worries of Little Sister B accidentally pushing her meal off onto the floor were gone. In all, I felt that the entire line of mOmma items included unique touches that make them really stand out from the traditional feeding products that are stores and online today.

It isn't often that words like innovation, technology and movement are used to describe baby and toddler feeding products, but mOmma has done just that. Their collection is stylish, safe, sanitary and entertaining all at the same time and when it comes to encouraging babies to discover their surroundings and learn life skills, mOmma has done just that in a colorful and fun way.

For a chance to win a prize pack of mOmma products for yourself and a friend (total value $104.50), head over to mOmma's website to find out more information about the mOmma's messiest mOments photo contest that is running until September 10, 2010. You can also check out many of the adorable entries and become a fan over on mOmma's Facebook page.

(Other than the above-mentioned feeding products that I was sent from mOmma in conjunction with my membership to Team Mom, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this fun collection.)


  1. Following you from FFF hope you can follow me back at

  2. that Meal Set is CUTE what a great idea... my kiddo #2 hates when things touch... not a big fan of it myself lol!

    happy THURSDAY CHEERS!!!!

  3. I love those spoons! Zoe had a difficult time with normal spoons, so this would probably do the trick. Little sister is just way to cute.

  4. Hey Xenia!

    I am inviting my favorite blogs that host giveaways to link up to my "I heart Giveaways" weekend link up. It is up now for this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I hope that you will have a few minutes to link up your giveaways!

    Have a great weekend!
    Mommy Minded
