Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's Playdate Time!

With the constant hustle and bustle of life going on, sometimes it's nice to just stop and relax for a little bit. Anyone excited for the long weekend? My hand sure is up!

When LeeAnn at The Life of Rylie... and Bryce, too! invited me to guest post for her Saturday Playdate feature, little did I know that I would end up writing about the topic that I did. Truth be told, I actually hesitated in agreeing to take part in the first place because the last thing I need is another deadline (although LeeAnn was beyond sweet in actually extending mine).

But I'm glad that I did. And it doesn't surprise me that after changing my mind a dozen or so times, I ended up writing about what is most near and dear to me. How could I not? Have I piqued your interest yet? Head over and see!

I hope you all have a great holiday weekend!


  1. What a fantastic post! Reading it made me realize I am not alone. I have often wondered if Kaden is getting 'ripped off' when it comes to being the second child...but as you said, there are so many special things about each! :)

  2. Thank you so much for coming to play today! I know all too well about "Second Child Syndrome". Your post really put things into perspective and now I don't feel so bad. You are totally right about the "lasts" and I know I really cherish these times with my last baby.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Found you via spotlight saturday and I'm going to follow to keep up with your reviews. BTW, I have six children!


  4. It's a wonderful post!

  5. Just stopped by to say great post. It is amazing how we change with each child. My daughter being the third deals with some of what you described. She is lucky in that she didn't get hand me downs.

    Nick my middle I hardly remember raising him the poor kid. He does get to do things so much earlier then my oldest.

  6. Come by Sassy Sites today, it's Spotlight Sunday and I think you'll love her! Have a wonderful Sunday. xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  7. Hi Just popping by via Relax and Surf Sunday. Love your blog. I am getting addicted to these blog hops and meeting all these wonderful new people and learning about their lives.

  8. I am already a follower, but I just wanted to say that I loved learning more about you over at Family and Life in LV! I am going to have to head over to the Life of Rylie to check out what else you have to say!

  9. Great post ....Loved reading your blog...Have a great holiday weekend.
    I have a GREAT HOLIDAY ORNAMENT GIVEAWAY on my blog...drawing on Mon.

  10. Great Post... BTW I'm coming from Shibley Smiles Relax and Surf Sunday HOP and just wanted to say HI I'm following now.. Would like if you can visit me over at

    Have a great weekend

  11. Trying again, got an error message when I left you or tried to the previous message/comment.

    Waved my hand wildly in the air when you asked who was ready for a nice long wkend.

    Will hop over and check out your quest post. I've never done that before. Glad you enjoyed it.

  12. Im amazed at all the great blogs I'm stumbling on with these fabulous hops!

    Nana Poppins (Patty)

  13. Wonderful post I worry a lot about that! - your guest blog spot was up today - hope you got a chance to see it.

  14. Jus dropping by via Monday Blog Hop. Love these blog hops.
