Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lulu Photo Book {Review}

I'm a pretty typical parent when it comes to taking pictures of my kids. I love to do it... but then the photographs end up just sitting on my computer. I used to do a better job of printing out my favorites, or at least sharing them online for family to see them (my family members who read this are shaking their heads right now), but now the photos just tend to end up sitting in folders right here on the computer.

Aside from dealing with the comments and emails from my family, what's the better way to share and treasure my pictures? One answer is to quickly and easily put them together into a great photo book from Lulu.

Creating a Lulu Photo Book is nearly as simple as possible thanks to their Lulu Studio - the online photo book creator. After selecting from their range of sizes and cover types, the hardest decision is choosing which great template to use out of the wide variety of styles and colors.

Knowing my mother-in-law might need something to brighten her day after an upcoming surgery, I selected a soft pink design theme called Woodcut and proceeded to upload a variety of pictures of Big Sister E and Little Sister B over the past few years. I appreciated that Lulu allowed me to upload batches of photographs at a time, while still being able to make changes or work on the book while they were loading.
And did you see the tabs along the top with all of the various location options? As well as taking pictures right off of your computer, Lulu Studio allows you to use pictures right from Flickr, Facebook, Photobucket and SmugMug so that you're sure to be able to bring in your favorite shots.

Making the book itself was a matter of dragging and dropping the pictures that I wanted onto each page after having decided which layout was right for it. I liked the variety of layout options, as some included text boxes and some didn't and there were options for many different size photographs... but I definitely would have liked to see MANY more of each kind.

I did feel limited not being able to create my own page layout or, for example, when I wanted to put three pictures on a page I was forced to use the same exact layout over and over, but I did like the way that I could easily move photographs in and out or move an entire page to a different location in the lineup.

When I was done and satisfied with my book, instead of adding it to a shopping cart as is done on most sites, I was able to publish it online and then have a copy sent to me. What's great about this difference is that I could then send the link to family anywhere in the world and have them be able to see the book right online - and then even purchase it for themselves if they wanted to.

As for the finished product, I am extremely pleased with the way it turned out. The pictures turned out crisp and clear and I really like the small border around each one that makes them look as if they are actual photographs attached to the page.

From cover to cover, this book is a great way to save and share my pictures in an artistic and unique presentation. The addition of the strong binding and high quality printing ensures me that this will last throughout years of use and bring a smile to my mother-in-law every time she opens it.

If you're looking for a way to save and share photographs, a Lulu Photo Book in pretty much any size and shape is a great idea. Whether creating a book for a new baby, a wedding, an anniversary, a vacation... the list really is endless and Lulu makes it possible to sell or share your precious memories with friends and loved ones near and far.

This post was written for Family Review Network & Lulu who provided the complimentary product in exchange for my honest review.


  1. This is really cool! I have photos just sitting on my computer too. It would be really nice to put them all in one place and share them!

  2. Interesting... their software seems to make perfect photobooks to any bookshelf
