Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Prima Princessa Presents The Nutcracker {Review}

Sometimes it's funny what sounds my kids will dance to. If the radio is on and actual music is playing, they might just just look at me like I've lost my mind. On the other hand, they'll hear a tiny part of a jingle from a television ad and they're jumping and shaking to the beat with the best of them.

However, one thing that they'll always dance along with is our copy of Prima Princessa Presents Swan Lake that we reviewed earlier this year. A DVD filled with segments of Swan Lake, ballet instruction, little girls twirling and a cute fairy narrating the whole thing? What's not to love?

And now, just in time for holiday shopping, there is more love to go around with the recently released Prima Princessa Presents The Nutcracker.

The second DVD by mompreneurs Mary Kate Mellow and Stephanie Troeller, Prima Princessa Presents The Nutcracker continues on with the Prima Princessa mission to bring the beauty and magic of ballet to young children everywhere.

In this 60-minute ballet-themed DVD aimed at ages 3 - 7, viewers are able to see a mix of dancers, beginning with England's famed Birmingham Royal Ballet performing The Nutcracker, the classic Christmas show filled with snow fairies, waltzing flowers and toy soldiers. Prima Princessa, an animated fairy ballerina, narrates along with the ballet to ensure that the audience doesn't have any problems following the storyline.

Then, for a fun interactive experience for young children, in between acts of The Nutcracker this DVD also features dance lesson montages with students from New York City Ballet's School of American Ballet as well as cute kids in tutus performing the moves.

Having warned Big Sister E and Little Sister B that this was going to be a DVD about dancing, they were both excited for the show to begin. But then when the opening scenes from The Nutcracker came on the screen, time seemed to slow down and they were both frozen watching the ballet.

Staying mesmerized in same positions throughout the entire first act, it was only when the ballet students and children came on the screen that my daughters were snapped out of their trance and were anxious to take part in the action.

Racing into their playroom for the dress-up bin, when they returned it was time for my ballerinas to fully participate in the fun.

If you have a ballet fan in your life, this DVD is a unique way to bring both entertainment and cultural enrichment to their life. Even though they didn't learn the exact steps, my girls had a great time dancing along with the kids and watching the professional ballerinas and that's really all that mattered.

As a fun surprise, we also enjoyed the extra features on Prima Princessa Presents The Nutcracker. After viewing ballet arm positions, there was a Holiday Party (showing cookie decorating), Holiday Freeze Dancing (twirling and dancing until the music stops) and Holiday Crafts (paper snowflakes, a paper chain and folded paper fans) all set to holiday music. Now we're definitely ready for December!

For more information on Prima Princessa Presents The Nutcracker or to view a clip of the show, visit their website. You'll also find great printable ballerina coloring sheets, ballerina princess dress up games, a ballet dictionary and more. Available at select retailers across the country and online at places like Amazon, this DVD is a bargain at only $6.99. Just make sure you have a tutu handy!

(Other than the copy of Prima Princessa Presents The Nutcracker that I was sent from Prima Princessa, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this DVD.)


  1. My cousin's seven-year-old daughter would really like this video. She loves to dance! I think she would enjoy the lessons along with the show.

  2. Well, Zoe would just love this right now....the girls are so cute.

  3. Thanks for following me on Tuesday tag-along. I followed you back and tried to email you but couldn't access your email! Anyway, nice to see your blog. Very cute baseball set for little ones!

  4. The littlest one is so engrossed in watching, the older girl is pretty in tune to it also. Too cute.

  5. I love the photos of your daughters "mesmerized" watching the ballet.

  6. Helpful blog, bookmarked the website with hopes to read more!
