Monday, November 29, 2010

RedEnvelope Night Before Christmas Activity Kit {Review}

With December only days away, I just know that Christmas will be here before I know it. Now that we have our tree up and decorated and the lights all set on their timers, it's time to get into the holiday spirit and get started on all of the wonderful family traditions that we participate in every year.


We don't have any. Big Sister E was too young to really understand Christmas up until last year and then I was sick in bed for a good portion of December 2009, so we didn't end up doing anything special. Sure, there were presents and mentions of Santa, but it all was glazed over and shrugged off.

But now that Big Sister E is 4, she gets it. She couldn't wait to help trim the tree and has been talking about Santa Claus ever since he started appearing in the ads or on television. Little Sister B will turn 2 right before Christmas and although she is a little fuzzy on the details, she does her own fair share of gesturing towards the tree and saying "Ismas! Sanna!"

Fortunately, we have the perfect way to start in on a few of our own traditions this year thanks to the Night Before Christmas Activity Kit from

Having been introduced to RedEnvelope last month with a great review and giveaway, I couldn't get over the number of comments from people who already knew and loved all of the great gift options available there. Where have I been that I was just finding out about all of the Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, anniversary gifts and much, much more that RedEnvelope was known for?

So, on top of already knowing about the high quality, unique and fun items that RedEnvelope offers, I knew that my daughters, husband and I were going to have a really good time with the stylish red box that arrived to help us celebrate Christmas.

I almost couldn't bring myself to open up the classic red box and ivory grosgrain ribbon that symbolizes RedEnvelope, but as the Open by December 24th clue was calling, I had to check out just what was inside.

First, I pulled out the card on the front to find that Santa himself had sent along a hello and a few little instructions on just what to do to have fun preparing for his upcoming visit. Now wasn't that nice of him to do that?

Lifting off the top, the first item waiting inside was the book Reindeer Games, filled with all sorts of cute activities and games to do on Christmas Eve. I really liked the way that each page had a handy guide showing the recommended ages and number of players needed, as well as any craft supplies.

This book has a lot of great ideas and with the guide, it just makes it all the more easy to flip open to the page that will work best for your family and have some fun while preparing for the big man's visit.

Digging further into the box, I found a great collection of goodies perfectly packaged that are needed to put together one of the all-time classic Christmas traditions: cookies for Santa.

A ceramic mug and plate (both labeled so that there is no confusion that they are for Santa) are a great way to lay out the provided six Mrs. Field's chocolate chip nibbler cookies and Mrs. Field's cocoa (two mix packets are included) that make up Santa's snack.

I love that there is a second package of cocoa, as I have no doubt that on Christmas Eve my two little helpers are going to have a hard time leaving the treats for Santa and not wanting to sample some of their own. And, after the presentation of the cookies and cocoa is prepared, the classic poem "The Night Before Christmas" by Clement Clarke Moore is right there to read before getting the kids "nestled all snug in their beds."

And after Christmas day has come and gone? An added bonus that I always like to see:
After sticking the plate and mug in the dishwasher, everything stores neatly back in that great red box for next year... just add your own cookies and cocoa and you'll be set for Christmases to come and traditions to be continued.

A wonderful gift for families with children, the Night Before Christmas Activity Kit retails for $29.95 from RedEnvelope and makes a great keepsake for years to come. I'm looking forward to pulling it out this December 24th to begin an annual evening of encouraging the joy and wonder of Santa Claus and this loving time of year!

(Other than the Night Before Christmas Activity Kit that I was sent from RedEnvelope, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this website and their unique items.)


  1. That is so much fun, I have been looking for some fun items! We need to start some traditions too! ;-)

  2. Oh this is wonderful, how fun! We have our own small traditions. The kids write Santa a letter, leave carrots for the reindeer and a big old homemade cookie for Santa. I love this little cute, how fun for the kids.

  3. I LOVE this kit - what a great gift for a family who has little ones!

  4. What a fabulous idea! I hadn't heard of RedEnvelope until now either. And we also don't have any Christmas traditions yet. What a lovely way to spend Christmas Eve by playing games and drinking cocoa. The cookies are a bonus too. Thumbs up!

  5. Your review just put me over the edge of yes, I'm buying this! Thank you for such a detailed review & the photos!
