Saturday, November 27, 2010

Santa's Secretary: Letters From Santa {Review}

letter to Santa

I can still remember that feeling of waking up on Christmas morning. You know the one, right? Where there is the split second as your mind is starting to twitch, trying to tell you that there is something special about that day... and then BAM! It hits you: It's Christmas!

I don't know about you, but jumping up out of bed and rushing into the living room to assess the change in presents couldn't be done fast enough and, even if I was the first one awake, I would stand there in the silence just soaking it in. There's something so magical about believing in the possibility of Santa that, even when I knew the truth, still made the whole idea fun.

Which is why I love passing on that amazement to my daughters and look forward to many years of seeing the wonder and joy on their faces as the holiday season grows near. And what better way to bring a little extra delight and enchantment to the holiday season than with a letter from the big man himself? Not just any old letter, mind you, an ultra-personalized, treasure-this-always letter brought directly to your child from Santa's Secretary.

When it comes to a letter from Santa, the only ones that I have ever seen or read before have been... nice. Just fine. Dear Johnny, hope you've been good. Don't forget that I'm watching, be nice to your brother/sister, clean your room. Love, Santa. I guess if you can call that personalized, then... well, okay.

Santa's Secretary is different and by different, I mean the top of the line when it comes to Santa letters. Instead of just inputting the standard things like name, age and hometown and having them copied and pasted into a form letter, a letter from Santa's Secretary is thorough, detailed and customized for each individual child.

After first browsing the differences between a Standard Package and a Deluxe Package (those being a fun postcard from Santa that arrives in the summer and a cool wax seal on the back) and the colorful stationary options, I was impressed with the questions included in Santa's Secretary personalization form. Again, more than just the basics, this site wants to know about your child's friends, accomplishments, hobbies, Christmas wish list and more.

Once I filled out all of Big Sister E's information, there wasn't much more to do than sit back and wait for the mail to come. And, when it did, the added details of this Santa letter were apparent before it was even out of the envelope.

Addressed right to Big Sister E, this letter had a return address of Santa Claus at the North Pole (where else?) and was even postmarked from there! For any child that might be doubting that this came right from the big man himself, how could they not believe when they see those?

As soon as Big Sister E saw her name and Santa's stamp, she could barely wait to get her letter open... so much so that she ripped a chunk out of the letter itself in her excitement to open the envelope.

When she finally handed over the letter for me to read to her, both Big Sister E and I were amazed at how well it was tailored just for her. Having told Santa's Secretary some of the positive and negative behaviors that happen in our household, I loved seeing them worded in such a great way throughout the letter to show that both Santa and her parents were very proud of her but with encouragement to work on certain issues.

When I was done reading, Big Sister E had a look of complete amazement on her face and proceeded to look over her letter again and again, talking about all of the things that Santa had told her.

"Are you going to try to do what Santa asked?" I questioned. The response? A vigorous head nod and an immediate discussion about how she wanted to be an extra-good girl now that she knew that Santa was watching. Success! Both for positive behavior and for instilling the belief in the big guy knowing and caring about her personally!

I couldn't think of a better way to add in the magic of Christmas and Santa Claus to any child's life than with a letter from Santa's Secretary. In my mind, Santa symbolizes joy and love and how better to make children feel so completely special than to know that he cares about each and every one of them?

Considering how excited Big Sister E was over her letter (she even immediately pulled out a card to write back to Santa), I can understand why there are so many positive reviews from Santa's Secretary customers. This is a site that you'll want to order your Santa letters from for years to come - the letters will be able to be even more personalized as Santa references changes from the past. What a great tradition!

Want to thrill the lucky child in your life with a custom letter from Santa's Secretary? You had better hurry! The last day to order one of these fantastic and affordable letters (the Standard Package is only $9.95!) is coming up soon - December 1!

(Other than the personalized letter that Big Sister E was sent by Santa's Secretary, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this website and their wonderful products.)

1 comment:

  1. We have done letters every year and Gavyn gets thrilled. He's getting to the age now and asking so many questions. I know the magic will be ending for him soon:( I'm gonna check this one out as it may be my last year for him to receive a letter from Santa.
