Sunday, December 19, 2010

Checking Our List: Dirt Devil Gator 15.6V Cordless Hand Vacuum with Brushroll {Review}

As my kids have gotten older, it's hard to believe that I already have a difficult time remembering some of the aspects and occurrences from when they were babies. Where did that time go?

However, one of the things that I won't be sad about if it drifts from my memory is the amount of time that I've spent cleaning up after them both. From the small messes to the large ones, it seems like every time I turn around there is another one waiting.

Fortunately, there are fast, easy and convenient ways to suck up dirt and debris at the touch of a button. And when they are from one of the most well-known and largest selling names, Dirt Devil, you know that the Gator 15.6V Cordless Hand Vacuum with Brushroll is going to be one that you turn to time and time again.

With over 15 volts of suction, this is one hand vacuum cleaner that is designed to work great for quick and easy cleaning of a variety of messes and dry spills... which is pretty much exactly what I need on a daily basis. Pulling the Gator out of the box, I was extremely glad to see that it was completely assembled and ready to use almost immediately.

As this vacuum comes uncharged, the first thing I had to do was simply plug the charger directly into the back and find an outlet - foolproof!

After leaving the Gator sit for a while, I came back to test it out and see just how well it would perform. Sliding the power switch right on top, things came to life (without too loud of a noise) and the fact that this is a cordless vacuum made me instantly a fan. I hate having to deal with the mess of a cord getting tangled and winding around everywhere, particularly for handheld vacuums.

Running the tip along the floor and furniture, the strong suction was immediately evident and I was glad to see the dirt being sucked right up. Suddenly realizing that there was a built-in crevice tool that extended easily, pulling it out made the Gator just right for hard-to-reach places.

Heading in between our couch cushions, along the baseboards and in the cracks of Little Sister B's booster seat (which is always in need of cleaning), I was happy to see just how well the crevice tool could get into tight spaces.

Considering this vacuum only weighs 3.85 pounds, it was extremely easy to carry from room to room and use both in high and low places. And, when it came time to clean up the extensive amount of crumbs on the floor and off of the couch, the included motorized brushroll was the perfect thing to slide right onto the end.

After sufficiently cleaning up the current messes spread throughout our dining and living rooms, it was (unfortunately) easy to see the large amount that the Gator had sucked up from multiple locations into the transparent holder. When I went to empty the dirt out, the reason behind this vacuum being named Gator became clear.

Simply slide the tabs on either side forward...

And the result is:


The flip open cup makes for extremely easy emptying, as you just dump the dirt into the garbage without having to touch anything or get your hands messy. Without any need for bags, you not only save time but there is no money wasted on having to continually purchase replacements.

As the internal filter is also removable and can be rinsed with water, your initial purchase really is just about all that is needed. As for that price tag? A reasonable $49.99 for a sleek, balanced hand vacuum that is perfect for both large and small jobs. From dirt tracked in by the front door to the smashed Cheerios that are underfoot in the kitchen, the lightweight, compact size (barely over a foot long) and powerful suction that Dirt Devil has included make this an affordable solution for any household.

Plus, with a three-year parts-and-motor warranty, you can rest assured that you can have a quick way to clean for a long time to come with the Gator 15.6V Cordless Hand Vacuum. You can't go wrong! Want to hear more? Head over to A Mom's Balancing Act to find out how Dirt Devil has helped keep things clean with a Gator over there as well!

(Other than the Gator 15.6V Cordless Hand Vacuum that I was sent by Dirt Devil, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this company and their products.)


  1. We have always had great luck with Dirt Devil vacuums! Nice review!

  2. Dirt Devil has great vacs! We actually just purchased one, Scorpian I think is the name. I needed something for quick cleanups, instead of our upright and this has been great. Now I want hubby to get me the Cyclonic upright, we are in desperate need of a new upright.

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