Friday, December 17, 2010

Checking Our List: philosophy Skin, Bath and Beauty Products {Review}

Let's be honest here for a minute. No matter how much you love the holidays, you're a tiny bit relieved when it's all over, right? Sure, it's wonderful to spend time with family and friends and celebrate the merriment of the season, but... the hustle and bustle that begins in November and just continues to build straight through until January is just plain exhausting.

Personally, I find it difficult to make time for everyone and everything else going on in my life during the holidays, let alone find a little time for me. This year, however, I've been introduced to the company that not only reminds its customers to take care of their inner and outer beauty, but to nurture their entire well-being: philosophy.

Started in 1996, philosophy was created so that women everywhere could personally access leading skin care technologies and be inspired to live better lives by being better to themselves. Basing their products on a rich, scientific heritage combined with inspirational messaging, you not only end up feeling beautiful on the surface, but within as well.

One of the best ways I know to relax and pamper yourself at home is to run a big bubble bath and take a nice long soak in the tub. Therefore, when the gingerbread man, a combination foaming bubble bath and shower gel, arrived, I took one look at the cute, sparkly box and was ready for some me time.

As much as I was enjoying the packaging, it was time to pull out the 16 ounce bottle and see what it was that all of the fans of the gingerbread man were raving about.

The philosophy behind the gingerbread man is that it's wonderful when a guy doesn't say, "just relax," but rather, "let me help you relax," which is exactly what this warm, creamy formula does.

Whether using this as bubble bath or shower gel, I love the way the ginger spice scent and thick lather leave my skin feeling clean and soft. As I had been expecting more of a cookie or baked goods scent, I was actually extremely pleased to find that the gingerbread man is more of a ginger spice scent, just clean and refreshing without being sugary sweet.

At the end of a long soak or a hot shower, I like that I can still smell a hint of the gel (again, not too overpowering) and it makes me look forward to the next time I can take another relaxing break. Also, seeing as both the bottle and the scent are gender neutral, I don't worry that my husband will roll his eyes at another girly bottle in the bathroom... instead I just have to keep my eye on him to not use it up himself.

Devoted to caring for your skin, philosophy is known for some of the finest, most innovative skin care, fragrance, body care and color cosmetics available. Giving a gift like the gingerbread man (there is actually a huge collection of all kinds of amazing holiday gifts) is a wonderful way to not only save you time (you saw the very cute, already-packaged-for-gifting house this came in, right?) but will help nurture your recipient's well-being as well.

Find all of philosophy's items to make you and your loved ones feel well and live joyously on their website (free shipping until December 19th!) or at a retail location near you. Then, continue to lift your spirits by connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter and head over to A Mom's Balancing Act to find out Jenna's thoughts on the gingerbread man as well!

(Other than the 16 ounce bottle of the gingerbread man that I was sent by philosophy, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this company and their products.)


  1. I really do like Philosophy products. I've never tried the ginger spice though. YUM!!!!!

  2. Philosophy ROCKS! This one sounds amazing....need to pick some up:)
