Tuesday, January 25, 2011

fair ivy surprise package subscriptions {Review}

When it comes to surprises, my husband doesn't trust me.

He thinks that I'm going to secretly open a package or envelope when it arrives or I'm going to peek into his emails and find an order receipt or any number of other devious things. Which, yes, those are all things I could do, but then that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?

And I love surprises! Whether or not I know something is on its way, the anticipation of opening a gift when I don't know what is inside makes me feel like a kid on Christmas morning all over again. What will it be? Am I going to love it?

The only thing that could make a surprise gift better would be for it to 1, come in the mail (because clearly we have a thing for the mail around here) and 2, be only one of a series of many surprise gifts. Because that would mean that the excitement would continue on again! And where to find such a perfect combination? From the site that handpicks only the best and most unique items, wraps them up beautifully and sends them right to your doorstep: fair ivy.

Created to bring joy and fun to receiving packages in the mail, fair ivy surprise package subscriptions is the innovative way to send two, four or six month's worth of hand-selected items that are a mix of fun, quirky and even handmade qualities.

Available in three categories (fair ivy for women, fun ivy for girls and teens, and fur ivy for pets and the people who love them), as well as choosing the category and subscription length, fair ivy offers regular or mini size packages to match your recipient as well as your budget. But, no matter what you choose, if they are anywhere near as thrilled as I was when their first box arrives, you'll know you have found a big hit!

After opening the outer brown box (adorned with a cute fair ivy stamp and sticker) of my fair ivy surprise, I could hardly wait to dig in through the packaging to discover what was underneath... and was amazed as the well-wrapped items just seemed to keep on coming!

After admiring the simple yet chic packaging, I opened each individual item with a hope that at least a few would match my picky tastes. Little did I know how much I would love each one a little more than the next! I'm not sure how fair ivy seemed to find something from so many different categories that I would adore, but they definitely did!

From the beautiful turquoise necklace and chain to the handmade scarf with parachuting elephants stamped on it (love that!) to the easy herb-growing kit to the bath bomb for relaxing in the tub... I can't remember the last time I felt so happy after opening up something the mail carrier delivered (and that says a lot, considering we're on a first-name basis with him).

If this was just a selection of what would come in one month of a fair ivy surprise subscription, the thought of having my day brightened by a package like this every month meant I knew this would make a fantastic gift for any occasion or holiday. If you've been looking for something unique for Valentine's Day for a loved one (or to hint to your significant other), this would be perfect!

But not just for grown-ups, sending a fun ivy surprise package subscription would be a great way to let your college teen know you are thinking of her or just a cute way to have something to share with your daughter. How could she not be excited to have all of these goodies delivered right to her?

I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but as I opened each great fun ivy item, I understood what they meant when they described the contents as "fun, cute, silly, uncommon and awesome!"

Cute mushroom wall decals, a handmade adorable coin purse, a sweet little piggy bank, strawberry earrings and an eggling... where do they come up with these gifts? I love them! Even though this box was designed for the younger crowd, I had such a great time opening up each item and marveling at how different it was from the one before it, as well as just how universally-appealing and enjoyable they all were!

I had such a wonderful time with the fair ivy and fun ivy boxes that they made me wish we had a dog or cat so that we could experience fur ivy as well. What an innovative way to make a pet owner happy - by spoiling their beloved feline or canine companion!

For Valentine's Day, a birthday or all year round, fair ivy is an innovative way to give a gift that keeps on giving! Your recipient will enjoy the surprise of discovering what unique products will arrive in their box each month and you won't have to scour the internet for something that is sure to bring a smile to their face.

As everything comes already wrapped (fair ivy is even eco-friendly and uses recycled and/or recyclable packaging materials whenever possible), after you put in your order you're all set! The only thing you need to do is wait for a thank you each month... and then to take the time to decide who else you know that would love a fair ivy surprise package subscription!

(Other than the fair ivy and fun ivy boxes that I was provided by fair ivy, I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this company and their incredibly fun products.)


  1. What a really neat shop! Loving the parachuting elephants. And that bath bomb looks edible!

  2. What a fantastic and unique idea! I love it!

    Such adorable products too!

  3. I second this, I got this for my girlfriend this Christmas, and she has loved both packages that have come so far! Its great because I get to join in the excitement of opening the packages too!

  4. I really like the idea of not knowing exactly what you're going to get. Makes you look forward to each one.

  5. Love it, and I'm signing up for a 2 month subscription right now! This is so fun. I'll let you guys know how my experience goes :)

  6. I actually do love the packaging. It's so green!
