Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Guidecraft Construct-It Early Builder Set {Review}

Guidecraft reviewThere seem to be some toys that I see and I'll think, "Okay, I know a few kids that would like to play with that." But then there are others that, just by looking, I can tell are going to be universally loved. There are those that just inspire creativity and encourage imagination - two signs of a sure winner.

One such category is that of the classic building toy. By giving children an open-ended, quality set that they can use to construct and assemble whatever their minds can come up with... well, that just leads itself to fun that everyone can be happy about.

And who knows that better than the name synonymous with toys that parents and children both admire and enjoy, Guidecraft, and their Construct-It Early Builder Set.

Guidecraft toysDesigned for ages 4 and up, the Construct-It Early Builder Set fits right in with Guidecraft's large selection of easy-to-use, highly enjoyable educational toys. This beginning construction set is just right for younger children, as it includes 160 components in a larger, more manageable size for smaller hands.

Pulling the various pieces and parts out of the box, we were right away impressed with all of the possibilities that we could make with rods, nuts, bolts, tools and more.

building toyAs Big Sister E and Little Sister B began to examine the table full of colorful pieces and, their favorites, the pliers, hammer, wrench and screwdriver, I took a look at what I always like to see: a page full of ideas.

Being someone who likes to follow instructions, I love toys that allow children to use their own critical thinking and problem-solving skills, yet can also give a boost when it comes to needing ideas of where to get started.

However, both girls went immediately to work building and hardly glanced up during all of the fun that they were having with the wheels, rods and connectors of all sizes.

Whether making elaborate creations or simply lining up the nails and screws, both Big Sister E and Little Sister B have had a great time with the Construct-It Early Builder Set each and every time that we have brought it out. I love seeing that they are developing their fine motor skills and coordination, while coming up with all sorts of ideas of what to build.

One moment we'll be racing cars...

...and hours later we'll still be playing, this time with a crown fit for a princess.

The only thing that I would add to the Construct-It Early Builder Set would be a container to hold all of the pieces in... so that if we ever somehow tire of playing with all of them that there would be a way to easily store them. However, even without that, this is a great way to start off any young builder with everything that they will need to be inventive and inspired to create their dreams!

Think the Construct-It Early Builder Set (retail value $30) would be a hit for the child in your life? As this is a Guidecraft Moms review, that means there is a giveaway going on somewhere right now! Where? This month it is from Mama Jenn... but only until January 21st - head over and enter to win now!

(I was provided with a Construct-It Early Builder Set to help facilitate this review as part of my participation as a Guidecraft Mom. I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way and this post is solely my honest opinion of this website, the products and how much we love them.)


  1. Building toys are a blast in our home, for everyone. Love her little crown lol, she definitely has an imagination!

  2. Wow, that looks like a lot of fun! And lots of little pieces! ;-)

  3. Hello to you - cute little people - I'm a new follower from the Welcome Wednesday hop - And I'm Shah from wordsinsync.blogspot.com X

  4. Those are lovely photographs. I think constructive toys are such a good idea for young children. They encourage them to think and imagine all at the same time.

    CJ xx

  5. This looks like such a cool set! And your girls seem to have a blast with it too. Can I borrow that crown? Lol!

  6. this is so cute! definitely something every kid should have :)


  7. This one would be great for my nephew! Thanks for sharing.
