Monday, January 3, 2011

Kenmore Progressive Canister 21614 Vacuum {Review}

Back before we had kids, my husband and I had a dog: a big, lovable, not-too-bright yellow lab that was truly my first baby. And, as many people told me, having a dog was good preparation for having children in the seemingly endless ways that I had to take care of another living being 24 hours a day.

After having kids, I can tell you that they are much more work than having a pet, but indeed there truly are similarities. Aside from the constant need for food and attention, there are the big, big messes that somehow appear any time you turn around. Although it was nonstop hair everywhere when we had a dog, it seems to be food, dust and all over dirt that appears on every surface with kids.

So when it comes to cleaning, the solution to having a clean house (whether with pets or kids or not) is, of course, a high quality vacuum cleaner. But... where to start? There is such a wide range of brands, styles and prices in vacuums that sometimes it's hard to know what makes one different than another.

Well, this one is different. This one is durable, reliable, easy to use, versatile and extremely high quality... and it's from a name that everyone knows and trusts. This is the Kenmore Progressive Canister 21614 from Sears.

Having never used a canister vacuum cleaner before (but I've heard for years from multiple people how great they are), I wasn't sure what to expect when the Kenmore Progressive Canister 21614 arrived. As I opened and unpacked the box, I appreciated that each of the various parts were individually wrapped for protection... and was amazed that there were so many of them.

This picture doesn't even show at least three more attachments that I later discovered tucked away!

With a combination of common sense and a few flips through the helpful manual, it wasn't long before I was marveling at the incredible number of features that Sears included in this vacuum cleaner and just how much of my house it could clean.

Did you catch all that?

From the 6-in-1 Crossover Handle (that can be used with the Combination Brush, Pet Powermate, Crevice Tool, Pet Hair Tool, Floor Brush or Wand) to the Stair Grip to keep the canister securely in place to the Pet PowerMate to the HEPA cloth bags and filtration... there's not much that the Progressive Canister 21614 can't do.

I love the ability to clean my house from floor to ceiling (literally) with all of the tools and attachments right at my fingertips. Each and every time I have pulled this vacuum out it has proven to be reliable, easy to use and it has excellent results. The hose and base swivels smoothly, the wand extends plenty far (and can get in, around and under absolutely everything) and my adoration for the retractable cord is just the icing on the cake.

Sears even added features that I wouldn't have thought of before, like the adjustable suction (which is great for vacuuming along delicate fabrics or throw rugs without damaging or sucking them up) and the belt release button that would have come in handy when, hypothetically, a certain husband might suck up one of our daughter's socks with our previous vacuum and not be able to get it out without having to take the whole thing apart and causing it to forever on make a strange buzzing sound.

Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Retailing for $359.99, the Kenmore Progressive Canister 21614 vacuum cleaner does cost more than others you'll find out there, but having a clean and allergen-free home seems worth it, doesn't it? Considering the amount of use you will get out of this for years and years to come, it makes much more sense to spend more on one purchase and have its high quality and power last rather than replacing cheap vacuums every so often due to the dirt or pet hair that they leave behind.

Start 2011 off with a clean house! Visit Sears for more information about this amazing vacuum cleaner and definitely keep up with them and the Blue Appliance Crew on Twitter and Facebook for deals, fun contests and more.

(Other than the Kenmore Progressive Canister 21614 vacuum that I was provided by Sears, I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this vacuum cleaner and this company and their products.)


  1. That is awesome! I love all the different attachments it comes with! I definitely need something like this, I am constantly trying to clean up pet hair and looking for a good vacuum that actually can do it!

    I have heard such good things about canister vacuums too!

  2. I always thought it would be odd to drag along a canister vacuum. I do need a new vacuum, so I will have to keep it in mind!

  3. Ok I'm impressed with this vac, but totally impressed with your video! What do you use to create that? I have to learn how to make vids. Anyways, I love that this traps allergens, because hubby has severe allergies, and the stair thing is really cool!

  4. I have a thing for vacuums even though I rarely use them myself. ;) This one really seems cool!!!


  5. I have never owned a canister vac either, but this looks so sleek. I LOVE the color! I could definitely use a vacuum with features to help with pet hair. Thanks for the review!

  6. Terrific review! I too can think of a few times where that belt release button would have come in handy, hypothetically speaking of course.

  7. Thanks for the review…I need feedback on these since I'm in the market for a new vacuum.

  8. What a great review!!!

  9. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
