Monday, January 24, 2011

Nutrisystem {Week 4}

Has it really been a whole month already? My time on Nutrisystem has really flown by and part of me can hardly believe that my journey is a quarter of the way done... and the other part of me is so excited to see where things are in the upcoming months.

I've mentally had my ups and downs but each week the scale doesn't let me down and I'm so happy about that! Here's a quick recap summing up the past month...

What? You thought that I would actually appear in my own video? Eh, it'll happen eventually.

So, let's get to the results, shall we? This past weekend I was extremely fortunate to get away with my husband to review a great resort not too far from here and they treated us to a meal that was... huge. And amazing. And, after drinks and appetizers and entrees, included things like this:

In the past, let me tell you that I would have eaten that Colossal Chocolate Cake until there wasn't a speck left on the plate... and that was after I finished off all of the courses before it. But after a month on Nutrisystem, I knew that it wasn't worth it to have more than a bite or two. I didn't need to eat the entire thing to be able to fully enjoy it.

Besides, we could save the rest and take advantage of the tastiness again the next day!

But even after not overdoing it, I still felt a little too full that evening and couldn't help but wonder what the weekend's meals were going to end up showing on the scale this morning...
Starting weight: Too much
Week 1: -3 lbs
Week 2: -3 lbs
Week 3: -1 lbs
Week 4: -1.4 lbs

Total loss: 8.4 lbs

Another 1.4 pounds gone, I am really happy with that! That brings my weight loss for one month to 8.4 pounds and has moved my weight down into the next set of digits, something that I haven't seen in a while. Looking at that middle digit and seeing it move down brought a smile to my face and has only made me even more excited for next month! My inner competitiveness has to meet or beat the 8.4 pound mark, so here's to another great month of food and support from Nutrisystem!

If you would like to join me in finding a healthier you, visit Nutrisystem to find out more about what their awesome program can do!

As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me to review. However, all thoughts, opinions and results expressed are completely and honestly mine; your experience or feelings may differ.


  1. Awesome Xenia! Way to avoid temptation! 8 pouds in 4 weeks is great :)

  2. Weight to go Xenia!! You rock!! Keep up the great are awesome. hugs!!

  3. I meant weight to go..not weight...sorry for typo


  4. That is great!! You are doing so well with the program!

  5. GREAT JOB! You're doing so great with it, keep it up :)

  6. I like how you feature the most important aspect each week...DESSERT!

    Good job, mama! You're doing this thing!

  7. Oh gosh, maybe I'll try some Nutrisystem foods, like the desserts. I do love my desserts but not the fattening high calorie ones. Loved the vid! WTG on another 1.4lbs that is amazing!!!

  8. Congrats!!!

    I started a meme for Nutrisystem bloggers and others to link Motivation posts. Would you stop by and link your post? Then we can hop around and read about each others' journey.

  9. After my baby is born i can do this. Visiting from Follow Me Back Tuesday/...

  10. Was your follower already, just stopping by from FMBT,

    Follow Me Back Tuesday

  11. Good Morning! I'm from FMBT and I came to follow you, but I already do! ~hehe~ Have a great day! Oh, and if you have time I'm in the top ten to win a block make-over! You can vote once a day until the 28th. I sure would appreciate it. Thank you so much! The button to click on is in my side bar. Thanks again!

  12. Following thru blog hop. Please follow back

  13. That's awesome! You are doing so well and it shows. I can imagine it was tempting to eat more of that delicious looking dessert. But you didn't and that's amazing. I have such a sweet tooth that I don't know if I could have resisted. I'm very excited to hear about your coming weeks on the program. Yay, Xenia!!!

  14. Way to go Xenia! I'm so excited for you! Keep up the great work... and we are here for you :O) OurKidsMom

  15. Awesome weight loss! I'm totally envious!
    New blog follower from Tuesday blog hop! Would love a follow back at

  16. I am a Canadian blogger for the Nutrisystem program here and starting my program this weekend! Get my food today sometime!

    Way to go on your first month:) Awesome numbers!

    Can't wait to see your progress!
