Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shelf Reliance Emergency Preparedness

Shelf RelianceWhen it comes to being prepared for an emergency, I have to admit that we're not ready. Big Sister E knows that if there is a fire that she should get out of the house and go to the neighbors, but if there was something major like a tornado in our area, would we have things like emergency contacts, food storage and a family plan ready to implement?

Well, no.

Fortunately, for those of us that would like to get ready for any sort of emergency that might occur close to home, the overwhelming aspect of it has been removed by a site that has it all: Shelf Reliance.

emergency preparednessWith everything from a complete emergency kit to shelter to tools, Shelf Reliance has an option for emergency preparedness that will have you feeling safe and secure that you'll be ready in your time of need. Who doesn't want to reduce the feeling of anxiety or panic that might occur without a moment's notice?

Even better, if you're not sure which supplies or gear you might need, they have an Emergency Planner that allows you to enter in information suchemergency kit as number and age of family members, what type of plan you need, disasters that might occur in your area, etc and have it provide you with a list of all the materials you will want to have included in your emergency kit.

No one is quite sure what tomorrow will bring and of course we don't want to dwell on something bad happening in our area, but ignoring the possibility isn't going to help. Instead, the products and information at Shelf Reliance can help you feel more educated and prepared. That's what being self-reliant is all about, right?

What about you? Would you and your family be prepared if an emergency were to happen?

(This post was brought to you by Shelf Reliance.)


  1. I have a flashlight & medical box along with other items for an emergency right in my walk-in closet which is located near our front door. Yes, we would be prepared. I already follow you. Stopping by from FMBT./

  2. Sometimes I was, sometimes I wasn't. I always intended to get one of those stairways you can use from the second floor in case of fire, but I never did. Good thing we never had a fire!

  3. I hadn't really thought about being prepared too much before. Now that we've been getting a ton of snow I've been starting to think that we need a kit for our car and our home. It's always best to be prepared so I'm going to check out the Self Reliance site. Thanks!

  4. We're slowly working on getting a good emergency stash built up. I also keep an "emergency bag" in the car, with toothbrushes, extra clothes, etc., in case we ever got stuck someplace AWAY from home.

    (I hopped over here from the link-up at last year's Ultimate Blog Party! Have a beautifully blessed day!)
