Saturday, January 8, 2011


We have just about come to the end of the Checking Our List {Holiday Gift Guide 2010} already - how time flies! The finale, the Britax Frontier 85 Car Seat giveaway here and the Britax B-SCENE stroller giveaway at A Mom's Balancing Act end on January 14, so be sure to not miss those! For now, though, there are quite a few winners to announce for this week...

Checking Our List #36: The five lucky winners of a Zooper Hook-On Chair are...

Congratulations, Savvy Addy, deanna, Brandi Elam, skgaff and Cakeblast!

Checking Our List #37: The lucky winner of their choice of Hearts For Hearts Girls doll is...
Congratulations, Heather R!

Checking Our List #38: The lucky winner of a $20 gift certificate to Collections Etc. is...
Congratulations, Darcey!

Checking Our List #39: The lucky winner of a $25 Build-A-Bear Workshop gift card is...
Congratulations, aSpoonfulOsugar!

Checking Our List #40: The lucky winner of a $75 gift certificate to CSN Stores is...

Congratulations, Julie A!

Checking Our List #41: The lucky winner of a pair of innovative dB Logic Headphones is...
Congratulations, Nickolay!

The lucky winner of a Cheerios Spoonfuls of Stories prize pack containing a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card is...

Congratulations, Alison!

The lucky winner of a Superstructs Custom Building Set is...

Congratulations, susanlanai!

The lucky winner of a box of Keurig Hot Apple Cider K-Cups from Green Mountain Naturals is...
Congratulations, Nancy!

The two lucky winners of an Inspired Gifts Custom Calendar are...

Congratulations, manthas24 and Jaclyn!

Thanks so much to everyone who entered these great giveaways! Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Congrats winners! Did you know you can choose interger generator on and put in how many winners and it will choose all 5 winners so you don't have to do a separate one for the same giveaway? Just wanted you to know in case:)

  2. Thank you! My little one will enjoy the Superstructs Custom Building Set.

  3. I've got a smile hooked on my face!
    Thanks so much!

  4. Congratulations to the choir full of winners who are probably singing "THANK YOU FA LA LA" right now.

  5. congrats winners!

    also wanted to stop and say hey and let you know taht i gave you a stylish blogge award
