Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tom and Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures DVD {Review}

My husband and I packed up the kids into our minivan for a 2½ hour drive to see family recently. Along with plenty of snacks, the main thing that we were sure to bring was a wide selection of DVDs to ensure that we had something to keep the peace when boredom began to kick in.

As oftentimes my girls' attention span means that we need to switch from one show to the next, we had a whole stack of options... but this trip we really ended up only needing just one. Because as soon as we popped in Tom and Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures, there was a contented silence that lasted for the full 93 minute running time.

Released by Warner Home Video today, February 8th, Tom and Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures is a collection of 14 cartoon shorts that the entire family can enjoy. I remember this crazy cat and mouse duo back from when I was young and the combination of the perturbed Tom and mischievous Jerry always led to a bunch of great laughs... and this DVD is no exception.

Originally created by the legendary William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, Tom and Jerry emerged during Hollywood’s golden age of animation and became one of the most popular cartoon series in existence. The shorts focus on the never-ending rivalry between Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse. The plots of each short usually center on Tom's attempts to capture Jerry who is too clever and quick on his feet so Tom hardly ever manages to catch him.

"Tom and Jerry are two enduring cartoon legends whose escapades always remain timeless and fresh. Generations of audiences have been captivated by their never-ending pursuit," commented Amit Desai, WHV Vice President of Family, Animation & Partner Brands Marketing. He added, "Tom and Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures kicks off a new series of Tom and Jerry collections which are comprised of beloved, classic cartoons that we hand-picked because they appeal to a wide audience."

Which is certainly the case with this DVD. Kids and adults can join Tom, Jerry and many of their favorite pals, including Quacker the adorable duckling, Tuffy the mouse, Spike the Bulldog and his son, Tyke and others in this must-own collection.

In Tom and Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures, our favorite dueling pair travels through time in Guided Mouse-ille, to Europe in Neapolitan Mouse and into outer space on O-Solar-Meow. It’s two against one when Tom’s scaredy-cat cousin George comes to town in Timid Tabby. Jerry comes up on top time and again in Pet Peeve, That’s My Mommy and Robin Hoodwinked. Other featured shorts include Barbecue Brawl, Happy go Ducky, Hic-cup Pup, Little Quacker, Rock ‘N’ Rodent, Pup on a Picnic and The Vanishing Duck.

Retailing for $14.97, look for Tom and Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures in stores now or on Amazon (for only $10.99 with free shipping!) to bring home some laughs today.

(Other than the information and Tom and Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures DVD that I was provided by Warner Home Video, I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this DVDs and its contents.)

1 comment:

  1. Good ol' Tom and Jerry. What a classic! I used to watch that cartoon after school way back when. Lol!

    It's nice your girls enjoyed this DVD during a trip. Car rides can be treacherous without good entertainment.
