Saturday, April 2, 2011

Crest Pro-Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse Test Drive

Recently, Big Sister E and I took our bi-annual visit to the dentist.

Now, you'd assume that a 4-year-old wouldn't be all that thrilled about that, considering that the hygienist and all her strange tools coming at your mouth might be a little bit scary, right?

Apparently not for my 4-year-old.

Yes, I am just that cool.

Possibly because she leaves with a new toothbrush and toothpaste as well as a special coin that gets her a tiny toy out of the machine before we go out the door, but Big Sister E has thus far been a big fan of the dentist.

I wish I could say the same.

I've always been good at brushing my teeth... it's the flossing that gets me every time. It has just never been a part of my routine and therefore is just extremely hard for me to keep up with, no matter how much scolding I get every six months.

Then there is mouthwash or rinse. The main experience I have had with it? When I was in a school play in high school and the drama teacher had us all gargle with it before the curtain opened. Weird, right? And clearly not a way that encouraged me to want to continue with mouthwash, as we used some brand and flavor that tasted horrible.

Assuming my feelings about this aspect of oral care weren't ever going to change, I was pretty excited to see an email from Mom Central Consulting telling me that I was able to be a part of their Crest Pro-Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse Test Drive Program. That is just what my mouth needed to hear!

The new Crest Pro-Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse provides an invigorating sensation during use and a lasting cool freshness after use, all while helping protect your smile from plaque and gingivitis. Considering that I can use a little extra help with my dental hygiene (really, who can't?) I'm looking forward to participating in this one-month test drive program and seeing what this rinse really can do.

By adding Crest Pro-Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse to my daily routine, I'm hoping to experience all of the benefits that it claims:
  • Kills germs
  • Reduces plaque
  • Helps prevent gingivitis
  • Keeps teeth cleaner longer (vs. brushing alone)
  • Freshens breath
  • Invigorating sensation
Only a few days into this test and so far, so good! This bright green liquid doesn't have a burning taste or feeling and the "clean mouth" feeling really has lasted long after I've used it. This just might be the rinse that I don't mind using regularly that will give me a little extra help and protection for my mouth... I'll let you know at the end of the month!

And heck, hopefully at my next dental checkup, I'll be able to sit back and look just as cool and happy as my 4-year-old.

I wrote this review while participating in a test drive campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Crest and received a sample to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central Consulting sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.

1 comment:

  1. Awww your 4 year old looks so happy! Crap I need to bring my almost 4 year old to the Dentist soon.

    I love this Crest Mouthwash! I was going to get more at the grocery store and they had none. :(
