Sunday, April 10, 2011

Grows Up Poloppo T-me Dino Shirt Kit {Review}

Being that Big Sister E is 4½ already, I know that there is only so much time left that I can still pick out her clothes or brush her hair without her having a strong (i.e. combative) opinion on the end result.

However, that doesn't mean that we're completely smooth sailing right now, and even though I can possibly steer her towards not putting stripes and polka dots together, that still doesn't mean that she doesn't have her favorites in her closet. Those are the pieces of apparel that, when left to her own devices, she'll choose every single time and wear over and over again.

And it's no surprise that the newest item to join those ranks is one that she designed herself. What kid wouldn't adore that? Surely not one who has had the chance to own and try out Poloppo's T-me Dino from Grows Up.

An online marketplace that showcases and sells unique, high-quality goods for babies and kids (directly from the makers to you), is passionate about helping small businesses. They carefully select the boutiques that they feature in order to give moms the best variety of original clothing, toys, books, and more for their children and themselves.

As soon as you arrive, you'll also find that they offer only the cutest of the cute stuff for babies and children of all ages. Baby gear, toys, eco-friendly, furniture & decor... really, it's all here and it's all items that you would be pleased to give as a gift or happy for your children to own.

So when the T-me Dino shirt kit arrived, I knew right away that Big Sister E was going to have a blast creating something that she would be able to wear proudly.

Arriving in cute, shirt-shaped packaging, we opened up the kit and found everything that we needed to get started included right inside.

From the instructions to the markers to a variety of dinosaur outlines to the envelope in which to send it in, Poloppo thought of everything when they put this kit together.

Although there is the option for children to completely design their own drawing, Big Sister E loved the idea of a dinosaur shirt (Grows Up offers quite a few other versions as well, such as the T-me Princess for more girly girls) and went to work examining the designs that she was provided.

After choosing her favorite, she went right to work on coloring it just the way that she wanted.

Although we could have gotten out other art supplies, Big Sister E was happy with the markers and a few crayons... although then changed her mind on her dinosaur and switched to one of the other options claiming that he was "just better."

In the end, she deemed him perfect and named him Max the Dinosaur.

Hi, Max.
(The black spot in front is a microphone and the larger one behind Max is a backpack... just in case you were wondering)

In less than a minute, I had the form filled out that went along with the drawing (which allows you to choose the size and color shirt, whether you want the original illustration returned, how close you would like them to cut around the drawing, etc) and we slid it with Max into the provided, pre-stamped envelope and put it out in the mailbox.

Big Sister E waited with anticipation for days, continually asking if her dinosaur shirt had arrived yet every time the mail came. It did take a few weeks, but eventually Max returned home.

Printed on a dark blue (Big Sister E's favorite color), super soft American Apparel t-shirt, even I was really impressed with the way that Max was displayed right on the front just exactly as we had last seen him.

Again, what kid wouldn't be excited about getting to wear a shirt that they designed?

Following the care instructions, we've been machine washing this shirt but hanging it to dry (to best preserve the image from being damaged in the dryer) and not ironing over it. It has continued to look as bright and crisp as that first day and there is just as much excitement over Max each time.

Retailing for $31.95, the T-me Dino kit is one of the most unique and fun gifts that I've come across for any dinosaur-loving child. They can take as little or as much time as they would like doing the artwork and with the postage already paid, they simply need to drop their completed work in the mailbox and wait for their shirt to arrive.

As this did take a little while to come, I would make sure to send it in early if the finished shirt is going to be a gift for a parent, grandparent or sibling, but it is well worth the wait. The high quality of the image as well as the shirt and just the amazed look that a child has when they see their own drawing as clothing is something that can't be matched by a t-shirt bought off of the rack.

For more information and to check out all of the incredibly fun items that Grows Up has to offer, visit their website. Be sure to connect with them on Facebook and Twitter as well so that you'll never miss an update, sale or weekly giveaway.

(Other than the Poloppo T-me Dino that I received from Grows Up in order to facilitate my review, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this website, their products and this item.)


  1. How cuuuuute!!! My kids would have a blast with this! :) Following from the Monday Blog Hop!! Nice to meet you!
    Melanie @ MySideOfLife

  2. Hi, I'm a new follower. Those are adorable! Can't wait to read more of your blog.


  3. If these are not the cutest things I have ever seen wow. I cannot believe how exact it looks. She must be so proud to wear that shirt. I'm gonna head over, Zoe would love to do this!
