Saturday, May 14, 2011

Childrens Hospital Season 1 & 2 on DVD

As it continually seems like I have less and less time in my life for television and movies, I'm more and more picky about what I spend that time watching.

There isn't a single thing wrong with drama or action-packed episodes of the popular shows that are on every night, but when I sit down I want something that is going to make me laugh. Don't give me in-depth, deep plots that I have to watch closely, give me sarcasm and humor and jokes that are going to keep the mood light.

And one show that I have recently been introduced to for clever humor and hilarious parodies of medical TV shows such as Grey’s Anatomy and House is Childrens Hospital.

Childrens Hospital is based on the Webby Award–winning digital series that debuted on in 2008 and quickly became a Web hit with its twisted take on network medical drama. The show explores the emotional struggles and sexual politics of a group of doctors charged with healthy libidos. Their dedication to their personal lives is relentless, interrupted only by the occasional need to treat sick children.

Starring an ensemble cast including Rob Corddry, Lake Bell, Megan Mullaly and Harry Winkler, the Childrens Hospital medical staff aim to heal their patients through irreverent humor and unconventional methods... and Season 1 & 2 can now be found on DVD, while the show is preparing to return for its third season.

I have been fortunate to not spend too much time in hospitals over the years, but I sure did have some awkward moments during both visits when I went in to give birth. I was scheduled to be induced with Big Sister E due to her size (she ended up 10 lbs 5 oz anyway) and was so nervous going in that I tried checking in at the wrong desk in the labor and delivery ward. Let's just say that I got a few eye rolls from that and I'm sure a comment or two after I was pointed in the right direction.

I was happy to not have to be induced with Little Sister B and that her labor went much faster than the first time, but I did feel completely red-faced afterward when I was no longer whining about the pain and trying to claw my husband's shoulder off to make it stop. I'm sure the doctor and nurses had a big sigh of relief and a laugh when they finally passed me over to the recovery ward!

Considering that the hospital truly is a serious place, it's nice to have a show like Childrens Hospital to make light of it all. If it sounds like something you would enjoy as well (warning, there are adult situations and language), be sure to tune-in on the Cartoon Network during Adult Swim. No, it isn't animated, but it will surely give you a chuckle.

Childrens Hospital Season 1 & 2 can also be found on DVD, where you can see all the episodes from the show as well as a sneak peek behind the scenes, interviews with the cast, and hilarious bloopers. Check it out today!

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Childrens Hospital Season 1&2 on DVD. You can purchase a copy here.

1 comment:

  1. I like the Childrens Hospital where a team of dedicated doctors are using humor and other unconventional methods to treat the sick children on a lighter way. show is really an award winning digital show.
