Thursday, May 26, 2011

Natural Tableware from Dandelion, Earth-Friendly Goods {Review}

There are a lot of items or issues around here with my kids where I definitely use the "choose your battles" mentality. You want to wear your tutu dress to the library? Feel free. You want to see what happens when you dump the sand into the water? Sure, enjoy the mud.

But when it comes to things like not holding hands in the parking lot or diving over the back of the couch, I draw the line. Sorry, Kiddo, when safety is at stake, Mama doesn't budge.

One area, however, that I have always fretted over but never seemed to be able to solve in terms of safety was my kids' utensils. Yes, their utensils. Although that probably isn't the most common worry, I have always looked at the cheap forks and spoons that my girls use and cringed thinking about what possible harm they could be causing due to how much they are used. Yuck.

Fortunately, I was introduced to one company that allows parents to make the easy, eco-friendly choices for their children so that everyone can end up happy and have peace of mind: Dandelion, Earth Friendly Goods.

On a mission to provide products that are safer for families and easier on the environment, Dandelion is about using more eco-conscience materials, less packaging and greener office practices. Essentially they work to take small steps to do more - and who can't appreciate that?

With the rise of parents being more and more concerned over what their babies touch, chew on, and eat with, it is easy to rest assured that Dandelion's quality materials and processes are always going to be safe for children as well as the environment.

As well as their adorable organic rattles, teethers, plush animals, dolls, clothing, totes, and more, when I saw the Natural Tableware, I knew that it was exactly what I would feel good about giving to my kids.

Not only are these plates, bowls and utensils reusable and free from BPA, phthalates and PVC, they aren't actually plastic... they're made from corn. Corn! Dandelion's revolutionary process requires significantly less fossil resources and generates far fewer greenhouse gases than conventional plastic, not to mention that corn is renewable and sustainable. It's corn!

Clearly I was already impressed even before seeing these items in person (seriously! Corn!) but then when they arrived it only made them even better.

Immediately replacing the worn, gross utensils that my kids were using with Dandelion's Corn Utensils, I was happy to see that Big Sister E and Little Sister B seemed just as excited as I was.

Whether it is the bright yellow color, the lightweight feel, or just how well the spoons and forks fit in their hands (they're 5" long), but both girls have really enjoyed these utensils. The spoons have just enough of a bowl to them that food doesn't spill off and the forks are sharp enough to poke into the food but not enough that kids might accidentally hurt themselves.

I can see these working great for children that are just getting used to using silverware as well as those that are old pros like these two...

To go along with their new utensils, the Dandelion Divided Plates are 7" across and perfect for just about any small meal that my girls eat. In fact, they both were so excited about having the two separate sections that it seems to encourage them to finish their food and then ask for more because they want to keep each side full!

For children that aren't yet feeding themselves, the Infant Bowl & Spoon Set is something that I would have loved when the girls were younger. It is plenty deep enough on each side to hold two food choices and the holding tab is such a small but smart feature to make things easier for parents.

Add in the 6" long infant spoon and you're set for meals at home or on-the-go in a simple, eco-conscious style.

Retailing for comparable prices to plastic products (the Utensil Set and Divided Plates retail for $7.99 each and the Infant Bowl & Spoon for $6.99), I love the way that Dandelion has made it easy and affordable to keep your children healthy while helping the environment.

Their tableware can't go in the dishwasher or microwave, but the unique, high quality, eco-friendly, durability of it makes it clear why these are award-winning, highly-rated products. (Is it weird that I would like to use some in adult sizes?) My kids really like them and I'm happy knowing that I've made a choice that is positive on so many levels.

To find out much more about Dandelion, Earth Friendly Goods and their healthy products, environmentally friendly processes, recycled packaging, ways they give back to the community, and more, check out their blog and find them Twitter and Facebook. Find their incredible products in stores or right online on their easy-to-navigate website.

(Other than the tableware that I received from Dandelion, Earth Friendly Goods to facilitate my review, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this company and their innovative and high quality products. Who knew corn could do so much?)


  1. Cute stuff!

    I'm a new follower from the Friendly Friday Blog Hop!! Please stop on by and follow me at and say hello :)

  2. Love the yellow of the utensils! I would get it if my children would use it. But they use the grown up stuff.

  3. I'm a fan of Dandelion products too. My son loves their utensils and bowls! I'm glad you were able to replace your worn utensil with these. The wonders of corn!
