Monday, May 23, 2011

Online Love: My Favorite Fabulous Bloggers

Thanks to Trop50 for sponsoring my writing about fabulous bloggers. This year Trop50 is granting 50 Fabulous Wishes. Click here to enter for a chance to win $1,000 to celebrate a friend with a refreshing attitude about looking and feeling fabulous!

When asked to name five fabulous bloggers, I jumped at the chance! I have met so many amazing women (and some men, too) through blogging that being able to name off five of them and tell just why I think they're fabulous wouldn't be a problem at all!

But then... wait.

How in the world was I going to limit it to only five?

I tried. Really I did. And I felt bad that there are SO many other fantastic bloggers out there that, for one reason or another, impress me every day that I would love to write about. I just hope that, even if their name isn't mentioned here, they know who they are.

But I couldn't list every one of them and, when I managed to get my list down to seven, that's as far as I could go.

Without further ado, these are seven of the bloggers (in alphabetical order by blog) that I deem fabulous. I absolutely know that I could count on for not only a wonderful post to appear in my Reader, but that they would be there for me to laugh, cry, commiserate, complain, or just plain be a friend. What more could a girl need?

A Mom's Balancing Act: I know, you're completely shocked, right? I visited a ton of blogs back before I started my own and Jenna's is one of the very few that I continued to read afterward as well. Now having teamed up with her for multiple blog events, I've gotten to know her even better and she is just as thoughtful and sweet as her writing.

It takes a lot to impress me with a product review and I don't know if I could find a single one of Jenna's that I don't find thorough and detailed and fun to read. Not to mention the adorable pictures of her kids that are always included - even though we have never met in person, I feel like I have seen her daughter and son grow up right before my eyes as if I know them!

A Nut in a Nutshell: If you're a blogger, the chances of you not also thinking Liz is fabulous are pretty slim. There's the fact that her blog is incredibly entertaining and leaves you giggling throughout anything from a personal post to a review to, well, what can only be called nonsense...

And then there's the way that she manages to be everywhere in the blogosphere, leaving comments left and right. It's not too often that I go to leave a comment somewhere and find that Liz hasn't already left one. On top of all that...

I've been fortunate to hang out with Liz in person a few times now and I can tell you honestly that she really is as caring and funny and amazing in person as she is online, which just makes her even that much more fabulous.

An Island Life: I consider Kailani everything from a friend to a mentor and credit some of where I am today due to the fact that she brought me on as a writer on her blog back in September of 2009 when I was still pretty new at it all (I still have the email that she sent welcoming me. I was so excited that she deemed me worthy of being a part of her review team)!

I honestly have no clue how Kailani keeps up with her family, her job, her blog, running the Family Review Network, and more. She's like a rock star of blogging! I was also fortunate to meet this tiny little dynamo in person at BlogHer last year and she is adorable and sweet and I was so excited to get to hang out, have dinner, and even have pedicures done together. The next time I'm in Hawaii (I wish!) she's going to have to kick me out of her house to get me to leave because she's just so awesome.

KiddiesCorner Deals: Nichol is also on the extremely short list of sites that I continued to read even after I started blogging, but now I'm so thrilled that we've become even better friends. Nichol puts her heart and soul into her posts and whether they're about a deal, a review, or a recipe that makes my mouth water, this mama's passion and honesty is never a question and I admire that completely.

I know for a fact that Nichol would be there for me online or in person and there have been more times that I can count that we've spent chatting about everything and nothing and all that's in between. I couldn't have been happier to meet her and her adorable family just this month at Reviewer's Retreat...

...and I went away from the conference wishing I could move all four of them into a house on my block so that we could hang out all the time. Why must people always live so far away?

Mommy Is Green: There are some people that are just experts at what they know and Victoria has always amazed me at her commitment to being eco-friendly in every aspect of her life. So many of her posts introduce me to companies and products that I've never heard of before and her knowledge on all things green manages to impress me each and every day.

Victoria and I managed to meet up last year at BlogHer as well and I loved even the small amount of time that we were able to spend together. She's warm and friendly and whether in person or through email, I always feel like she genuinely cares about what's going on in my life even when hers is incredibly busy. Now that's a great friend!

Sippy Cup Mom: I am just this close to meeting Melissa in person and I can't wait! Even though I haven't known her for as long as some of the other bloggers that I have mentioned, she is still counted among the friends and writers that I think are fabulous.

Melissa has just about the biggest heart possible and I'm continually inspired by the way that she wants to help people online and off. Her blog has such a positive feel to it and whether she is writing about travel or a review or her adorable son, there is such a personal feel to each word that I feel like she is talking directly to me. I can't wait to give her a big hug at all of the upcoming events that we're both going to be at this summer and beyond!

The Life of Rylie... & Bryce, Too!: Pillow Pets will always have a soft spot in my heart for introducing me to LeeAnn. She won one of my giveaways for them quite a while back and we slowly started emailing after that... only to turn into a friendship that I love.

LeeAnn manages to combine moving personal posts in with her reviews and giveaways and I have spent quite a bit of time laughing at pictures of her cute kids or crying over the heartbreaking ups and downs life has put her through this past year. I always know I'm in for something good when I see her name pop up in my inbox and knowing that I could tell LeeAnn just about anything about life or blogging and have her understand means a lot to me.

So there you have it, seven of my favorite fabulous bloggers. Each of these ladies has her own wonderful qualities that I enjoy and admire and, in their own way, make me happy to be a part of the blogging community. I love knowing that, no matter what the future holds for my blog, their friendships will have been worth it all.

Don't forget to enter the 50 Fabulous Wishes contest for a chance to win $1,000 to celebrate a friend with a refreshing attitude about looking and feeling fabulous. I was selected for this Tropicana Trop50 sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do. I received compensation to use and facilitate my post.


  1. You're too sweet and I'm honored to be on this list! You are a fabulous person and blogger yourself! I'm so happy we have had the chance to get to know one another better and become friends! I look forward to hopefully meeting you in person someday soon! :)

  2. Awww thank you so much, I'm honored to be on your list. I wish I could move right next door. We could have like study hall and write posts together, go shopping, hang out, I could teach you to cook and hubby could teach your hubs some home improvements lol. I am so glad I finally met you and am counting the days until we meet again(I hope), You are a rocking blogger, and I love you!

  3. I must admit, it makes me so, so, happy to see bloggers supporting bloggers, putting a face to the site. This post makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! :P I'll have to make time to stop by and visit the blogs showcased here. Oh, lol, almost forgot to say, I'm your newest follower from Mingle Monday! Would love it if you'd swing by my blog when you get a chance! ☺

  4. <3 Xenia, you totally made my day. What am I talking about? How about my year?! You have no idea how much I look up to YOU. You are always there giving such great advice on anything. You are amazing and I can't wait to meet you!

    Should I put a countdown widget on my blog? :-p

  5. Firstly, dear God, I need to lose some weight. Secondly, you don't. Thirdly, I love you. I know you are a forever friend and I LOVED hanging out together at RR. I really feel like I got to know you there, and you're one of the few people I can let my guard down with and relax. Can't wait for all the future trips we've got coming down the pike.

    I also love all these wonderful blogs and bloggers and am happy to say they're my friends too, but Jenna's is kinda sorta new to me so I'll head over and get to know her too. :)

    Thank you for including me on your list. I'm honored!

  6. I haven't heard of some of these! I'll have to go check them out!

  7. OK, I have tears in my eyes right now. I am absolutely honored to be a part of this list. Who knew that a Pillow Pet would lead to a great friendship like ours?

    You have been my blogging idol ever since the first time I read "Thanks, Mail Carrier", and the fact that my little old blog is one of your favorites means so much to me. Thank you so much for this post. :-)

    I can't wait to meet in person one of these days. At least I have theme parks and beaches nearby to entice you. ;-)

  8. Thank you for the wonderful mention! I think you’re a fabulous blogger as well. You are so dedicated to blogging and I admire that. You always take the time listen to my issues even though you don’t have to. I truly appreciate that more than you know! I’m extremely honored and I cherish our friendship. I hope we get to meet up again soon!!!

    And I wouldn’t have been upset if you didn’t pick me. There are so many wonderful bloggers out there. I’m going to have to visit the blogs of these other lovely ladies. Thanks again!
