Saturday, June 25, 2011

Plan Your Next Playdate with Kmart Playdate Place

In the months after Big Sister E was born and it was clear that we needed to find ways to get out of the house and interact with other parents and kids... to help preserve the sanity of both of us.

Although it took a little time to gain some confidence and, more importantly, to meet a group of friends that we love, here we are four years later cherishing each and every playdate that we go on. There is just something about the way that my kids can socialize and have fun with their peers while I can talk and confide in other moms that can commiserate, advise, discuss, recommend and, in general, be there for me as friends.

However, even after all this time, planning a playdate isn't an easy task. Coordinating the time, choosing a location... not to mention picking a theme or activity that will meet all of the interests of the various ages of each of the kids. What's a mom to do?

Fortunately, planning a playdate just got easier thanks to the articles, tips, toys, and more available right online at Kmart Playdate Place.

Created to provide ideas, inspiration, and help to plan the perfect playdate, Kmart Playdate Place is a great resource for easing the stress and burden of planning a fun-filled afternoon for everyone involved.

Together with a panel of expert parents and bloggers, you'll find information in everything from spending a day at the beach to great board games to playdate safety to so much more. I found the article Playdates with Siblings hit especially close to home, as trying to ensure that both of my girls are having a good time is something that I feel I am continually working on.

As well as articles for parents to show you how to involve your child in fun, constructive playtime with friends, there is much more to be found at Playdate Place. You can sign up to receive their e-newsletter and find their great information, special offers, and the chance to win fun prizes (Playdate Perks) right in your inbox...

...and of course it wouldn't be Kmart or a playdate without toys, right?

Playdate Place makes it easy to browse through a great selection of Kmart toys that can be enjoyed by one child or by many. You'll find a description, information, and a quick link right to when you're ready to make a purchase. Easy!

If that wasn't enough, parents can also sign up for the Kmart Birthday Club, which will get kids fun things like $5 in Birthday Bucks, a birthday crown, a certificate, and surprise goodies. And while the birthday boy or girl is enjoying their treats, Mom or Dad can find gift suggestions, party planning tips, and more to help celebrate the big day.

What are you waiting for? Before your next playdate, be sure to check out Kmart Playdate Place as well as connect with them on Twitter. It's time for fun!

This post is part of a shop that has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I was so happy to discover Kmart Playdate Place! So many great ideas and suggestions!

  2. I didn't know about the birthday club- my kids will love that!
