Saturday, June 4, 2011

Scotch-Brite Bathroom Solutions {Review}

Scotch-BriteIn a recent email that my husband sent to a single friend of his, he mentioned how much more difficult it is to keep the house clean once you've had children.

As I was copied on the email (because the point was that they were trying to set up a time to get together for dinner), I read that line and nodded my head. Once kids and all of their stuff are around, the mess is more than doubled.

However, I then went on to read the next line and wasn't so agreeable to the fact that my husband pointed out that he thinks that I am more of mess than the kids are. What the heck? When I confronted him about it later on, he raised his eyebrows and asked me if it was really that far from the truth.

As cleaning is one thing that we both tease each other about, I don't have too hard of feelings about it all. However, I do have to admit that when it comes to certain rooms of the house, particularly the bathroom, I truly am in the minority when it comes to splitting the cleaning duties.

Fortunately for him, however, my husband can keep our bathrooms cleaner even quicker and easier than normal thanks to Scotch-Brite and their innovative and convenient Bathroom Solutions products.

Scotch-Brite Bathroom Solutions
Considering that recent studies have shown that men and women don't see eye-to-eye when it comes to cleaning the bathroom and sharing the duties, Scotch-Brite Bathroom Solutions products are just the thing to help ease that debate.

In fact, men responded to surveys stating that 52% of them think women do the majority of the bathroom cleaning while the other 48% of them said that they do the majority of the cleaning. Pretty evenly split, right? However, when women were asked the same question, 95% of them said they take on the bathroom cleaning most often and that 68% of them have even gone back to "re-clean" the bathroom after their significant other!

Considering that I haven't cleaned a toilet in years and those numbers make me feel a little guilty about having always passed the chore of cleaning the bathroom to my husband, I was pretty interested in learning about Scotch-Brite Bathroom Solutions.

Designed to target different areas in the bathroom that are hard-to-reach and clean, such as grout lines, behind the toilet and around the drain and faucets, these products are the tools that are going to make cleaning take less time and be less challenging. Just what I need to turn over to my husband and feel a little less lazy!

With a customized shape and size to accommodate every cleaning situation, I couldn't believe that Scotch-Brite had come up with a way to reach every nook and cranny of the bathroom. Each one of their reusable products not only reduces waste and helps save money, but is able to fulfill its job of having your bathroom sparking clean in no time!

I have to admit that even I was interested in trying out all of these great products... and that alone says quite a bit about them!

The Scotch-Brite Non-Scratch Tub Scrubber has a flexible, sure-grip handle that is comfortable to hold, is water-resistant, and won't bang against the shower or tub. With the ability to remove soap scum without scratching and the way that it can conform to the curves of your tub, there's just no reason to spend forever with traditional scrubbing pads again!

Also much better than a regular-shaped sponge, the Scotch-Brite Non-Scratch Angled Scrubber is a product that I can't believe didn't exist before because it just makes sense. This two-sided sponge provides scrubbing and absorbing while the unique angles are shaped just right to get into corners and tight spaces throughout the entire bathroom.

Similarly, if the Non-Scratch Angled Scrubber isn't enough, the Scotch-Brite Nook and Cranny Scrubber is probably the most uniquely-shaped scrubber that I've ever seen. The "triangle with a twist" hook-shaped tips can get into every last crevice just as well as that grimy toothbrush that we've all been storing under the sink. There isn't a small space that I've discovered that it can't go!

I'm not a fan of grout, as it always seems to look dirty and dingy, but the Scotch-Brite Grout Scrubber has the perfect raised ridge to it that almost acts like a non-scratching blade. Simply scrub it along the dirt and grime in the shower, bath or on the floor and it manages to remove the muck without any possibility of damage to the surrounding tile.

And while you've got your grout sparkling clean, the Scotch-Brite Non-Scratch Shower Scrubber is the way to get the entire rest of your shower clean with much less bending and stretching!

Using the extendable handle, you're able to get the durable scrubber pad (which can be replaced later on) into places that you might otherwise need a ladder to reach. Being a little on the vertically-challenged side myself, I love that this product allows me to get those places that are typically not possible!

I've tried a variety of different ways to get our mirrors (and windows) clean and streak-free over the years, but the Scotch-Brite Streak-Free Mirror Cloth has got to be one of the easiest and most successful. I've tried it on glass, mirrors, faucets, and more (with and without cleaner) and it removes dust, dirt, splatters, and finger smudges without leaving behind lint or streaks. Then just throw it in the washing machine for next time!

Finally, the Scotch-Brite Absorbent Counter Cloths seem to be able to do just about anything and everything. Instead of grabbing for yet another paper towel, this reusable and machine washable cloth is strong and durable enough to wipe up hair, makeup, toothpaste, dirt, and more from your counter or vanity. These have proven to be great to have on hand for just about anything that our bathrooms have needed them for.

Having been continually impressed with Scotch-Brite in the past, their line of Bathroom Solutions has lived up to the same level of high quality and durability that I would expect. No matter which area of situation in your bathroom you are tackling, Scotch-Brite's reusable, affordable (aside from the Shower Scrubber for around $6.49, these all retail between $2.99 and $3.99) cleaning products are customized to make it easier and show that having the right tool for the job really can make a difference!

Find much more information about Scotch-Brite and their Bathroom Solutions (they even have a few great videos demonstrating them) on their website and check out where to buy these great products online or in a store near you. You can also find Scotch-Brite on Facebook for more updates and tips as well.

(Other than the information and Scotch-Brite Bathroom Solutions products that I was provided, I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this company and their convenient products.)


  1. wow, i need this cleaning materials. you got them all!

  2. Hey! Thanks for the info, I'll definitely have to keep these products in mind! Found you at the Sunday Blog Hop, and am glad I did! Am a happy new follower :).

  3. You're kinda making me want to go clean my bathroom!

  4. I have a coupon for these from the newspaper. Haven't used it yet but after your review.. I may need too. I want that tub scrubber!!!
