Saturday, September 10, 2011

Natural Lice Prevention with Fairy Tales Hair Care Rosemary Repel {Review}

Fairy Tales Hair Care logoBack-to-school has been an exciting time for everyone around here, as Big Sister E was able to return to a school, class, and friends that she adores and Little Sister B had the opportunity to begin attending two mornings a week and develop her own love for school.

As much as I'm thrilled that my kids are such fans of school, one of the fears that I have always had is that they'll bring home the ever-dreaded head lice. The idea of the amount of stress and work that would be involved with getting rid of them... ugh, I don't even want to think about it.

Although of course my husband and I do our best to keep our girls clean and well-groomed, when 85% of all school districts in the U.S. report at least one case of head lice every year and the majority of those 12 million cases occur in preschool and elementary-aged children, I know that my hope to never bring this pest into our home is a lofty one.

However, I'm not giving up. Now that we have been introduced to the Fairy Tales Hair Care Rosemary Repel collection, I have reason to believe that we have a chance at making it through the upcoming years of schooling lice-free.

Fairy Tales Hair Care reviewDeveloped in 1999, Fairy Tales Hair Care are the creators and leaders in natural lice prevention for children. Their line of Rosemary Repel Hair Products naturally repel lice and other insects from the hair using all-natural, organic ingredients. As they are infused with organic rosemary and citronella oils and are proven to safely repel lice (without the use of harsh chemicals), Rosemary Repel products can be used daily for effective results.

Consisting of a shampoo, a cream conditioner, a leave-in conditioning spray, a styling gel and a hair spray, when the Rosemary Repel products arrived, I was ready to put both of my girls in the tub and get them prepared to go to school and keep away the possibility of lice.

Rosemary Repel Shampoo
  • The first of its kind, this unique shampoo is Fairy Tales shampooinfused with rosemary, citronella, tea tree, anise, lavender and geranium oils to repel lice and other insects from the hair.
  • Enriched with vitamins and minerals, this shampoo contains no harsh chemicals and is mild and safe enough to use every day.
  • The nourishing ingredients promote soft, shiny, squeaky-clean hair for all hair types and is paraben and SLS free.
Rosemary Repel Creme Conditioner
  • This conditioner combines lice protectingFairy Tales conditioner ingredients such as organic rosemary, citronella, geranium, tea tree, cherry bark and passion flower with aloe and vitamin E to protect and nourish the hair.
  • No need to rinse it out completely, simply comb through for tangle free hair and the lightweight formula promotes silky, smooth hair without build up.
  • Paraben and SLS free.
Rosemary Repel Leave-in Conditioning Spray
  • Fairy Tales Hair Care's #1 product!Fairy Tales Leave-In Conditioner
  • This ground-breaking formula blends organic oils of rosemary, citronella, tea tree, lemongrass, peppermint, sage and others to help keep lice and other insects away.
  • Loaded with vitamin B-5 and aloe,this spray detangles, conditions, and seals and protects the hair from unwanted elements.
  • Safe to use as part of a daily hair-care routine, this conditioning spray has been proven to be 92% effective when used alone and nearly 100% effective when combined with the other Fairy Tales Hair Care lice prevention products.
  • Paraben and SLS free.
Rosemary Repel Spray and Shield Hair Spray
  • Infused with pure oils of rosemary, citronella, Fairy Tales Spray and Shieldtea tree, cinnamon, rose extracts and geranium oil for healthy, beautiful hair, this lightweight hairspray smells fresh and clean.
  • Provides maximum protection from lice and other insects while holding style all day.
  • Paraben and SLS free.
We've had a chance to try out all four of these products and they've been great! The girls' hair is left soft, smooth and shiny and the smells of rosemary, lavender and more are soothing without being overpowering.

I love how easy it is to comb through their hair after it has been washed (particularly Big Sister E's long, tangle-prone hair) and the way that the Rosemary Repel products manage to keep the knots and snarls from returning the next day. Instead of having to struggle with forcing a brush or comb through her long locks after she has slept on them, it has been so much easier to comb through and have her styled and ready to go.

So far there haven't been any reports of lice at school yet, but I feel so much more confident that when the time comes, my daughters will be able to keep those pesky bugs away thanks to Fairy Tales and their Rosemary Repel products! Which makes us all give this line two thumbs up...

In the meantime, Fairy Tales Hair Care also has some great tips on lice prevention to increase our chances as well:
  • Teach children to never share hats, combs, pillows or helmets, which can transmit live lice. While most lice are spread through head-to-head contact, lice can also survive off the human head for 24-36 hours.
  • Keep long hair up in a braid or ponytail to help minimize contact with infected surfaces.
  • Do not wash hair everyday as lice attach themselves more easily to squeaky clean hair. Wash every other day to allow the build up of natural oils, which coat the hair shaft and make it more difficult for lice to latch on to.
  • Use hair care products that repel lice naturally with ingredients such as rosemary oil, citronella oil and tea tree oil.
  • Be vigilant and commit to weekly head checks under a bright light. If a gray or white fleck is hard to remove, it's a nit and not dandruff.
For even more help keeping kids' hair healthy and lice-free all year long, Fairy Tales Hair Care has also introduced a FREE new iPhone app called The Facts of Lice. This app provides real time alerts of outbreaks at the local level so that when you know an outbreak has occurred in your area, you'll be able to increase your lice prevention efforts at home. In addition, the app provides valuable lice prevention information and lice treatment tips.

Facts of Lice appRosemary Repel products are available in salons and specialty stores across the country and online at the Fairy Tales Hair Care website. This innovative company can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

(Other than the information and Fairy Tales Hair Care Rosemary Repel products that I was sent in conjunction with my membership to Team Mom, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this company and these products.)


  1. This sounds GREAT! As a teacher, I would definitely recommend this product if people could get their hands on it!

  2. That sounds like a great product, Xenia! Great review too! I will keep this in mind for my kids!
