Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Timmy Time: Hide and Seek DVD {Review}

Timmy Time logoEvery time we begin planning a car ride with our kids, I go through the usual list of things that we'll need to pack. Clothes and shoes? Check. Water cups that won't spill? Check. DVDs for their entertainment and my yearning for no bickering or whining? Oh yes, a big check on that one.

To take things a step further, I'm always sure to reach for one of the characters that my girls enjoy and that has a special place in my heart due to the lack of dialogue in each episode: Timmy Time. This lovable sheep never fails to bring a smile to our faces every time he is on, something which has been proved yet again with the release of Timmy Time: Hide & Seek.

Timmy Time Hide and SeekAvailable today, September 20, 2011, from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment, Timmy Time: Hide and Seek brings this cute and humorous series following the life of preschoolers on the farm from Disney Channel's Disney Junior right to your DVD player. Aimed at children ages 2 - 5, in Timmy's world lessons are learned about friendship and trial and error (things every young child can relate to) through five all-new, antic-filled, good-hearted episodes.

Any time we have this show on and there is complete silence except for the sounds of a hoot, cluck, bark, mew, oink, quack and bleat, I find myself liking Timmy even more than I did before!

Timmy TimeEven though this endearing character and his barnyard of animal friends don't talk, they still manage to translate their antics, sentiments and lessons with ease. In the all-new Timmy Time: Hide and Seek, Timmy and his friends uncover adventure and surprises filled with fun and laughter that all young viewers can enjoy.

The five adorable tales included in this DVD are:

Timmy Tries to Hide: The class is playing Hide and Seek, but no one wants to hide with the noisy Paxton, who keeps giving them away. Timmy finally helps Paxton by hiding with him behind some hay-bales, but they're so well-hideen that when it comes to Snack Time, no one can find them!

Timmy Gets the Job Done: It's time for spring cleaning in the Preschool, but all Timmy wants is to go outside and play. Rushing his chores, he ends up making more of a mess, getting himself into trouble and being sent to sit on the Naughty Stump. Timmy Timmy Timefinally learns to finish his jobs properly so he can join the others in their play.

Timmy Goes Bang: After hearing thunder during a storm, Timmy becomes fixated with loud noises, banging anything he can find! But poor Apricot is frightened by all these sounds, until she finds something to bang for herself.

Timmy Wants the Beret: Ruffy is wearing a beret... and Timmy wants it! After successfully getting hold of it, Timmy also takes Otus' hand-puppet and Mittens' wagon. But when his beloved teddy bear goes missing, he doesn't know what to do!

Timmy Afloat: The class is making boats, but Timmy has been paired with a very sneezy Stripey, who keeps ruining his efforts. When Stripey accidentally breaks Otus' boat, Timmy is forced to give the little owl his boat. Finally, Stripey's sneezing comes in handy and pushes the pair's new paper-hat boat to the finish line!

As well as the entertaining main features, Timmy Time: Hide and Seek includes two DVD bonus features (Timmy Time Sing-Along and Timmy's Days of the Week, an educational special) that add to make even more fun!

Timmy TimeWith each story following a day in the life of Timmy and his pals learning about camaraderie and the trial and error aspects of life, I'm happy that my kids can enjoy learning some valuable lessons through such a cute, kid-friendly DVD. As for the peace and quiet that it provides for me at home or in the car? That's definitely an added bonus!

Retailing for $14.98, Timmy Time: Hide & Seek has a running time of 45 minutes. More information about this great series (as well as clips, downloads, games, and more) can be found on the Timmy Time website and you can connect with Timmy Time on Facebook as well.

(Other than the Timmy Time: Hide and Seek DVD I was provided by Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this product.)


  1. Timmy Time is seriously so cute!

  2. Thanks for the heads up on the new DVD! We watched a lot of Timmy Time on our trip and we only have the one DVD!

  3. I love Timmy Time.. mainly because it's so quiet hehe
