Thursday, September 29, 2011 is holding a $500 Visa Gift Card Giveaway! logoIt seems like there are certain seasons where we don't spend much money.

Aside from a few outings in the summer, playing at the park or going to our local zoo are free. And in the spring? What do we spend money on then besides maybe a new pair of sandals if last year's are outgrown?

But here and now in the fall, I feel as though my wallet might be permanently open. With back-to-school shopping still underway, cold weather apparel needed soon, and let's not even start thinking about the multiple birthday gifts and all of the holiday presents that are on my list to purchase. Yikes!

So, the nice people over at want to make this time of year a little easier by giving one lucky winner a $500 Visa gift card!

Facebook contestAs a revolutionary search and exploration engine for children ranging from 3 to 12 years of age, focuses on making the internet fun and safe for kids... and they want to know what you like most about them. Even better, answering that one simple question is all you need to do as your entry into their Facebook contest for the $500 Visa gift card!

It couldn't get much easier than that and isn't it worth the one minute that it will take you to enter on the chance that it could end up winning you $500? Clothes, groceries, gifts, boots that fit and snow pants that don't have holes in the knees (or is that just us?)... head over to the KidZui Facebook page today and enter!

This is a sponsored post on behalf of but all thoughts and opinions are my own. It's $500, People!

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