Sunday, October 9, 2011

Beat Blemishes with the tända ZAP {Review}

Tanda Zap logoWhen it comes to skincare, nearly everyone has had problems with acne and blemishes at some point in their life. Whether it's during the hormonal teenage years or well into your adult life, the appearance of a pimple is something that is universally dreaded.

Other than giving your face a good scrub or trying any of the many creams and ointments out there that claim to make blemishes disappear, what else is there to do?

Now there is a new and unique method to try: light.

Thanks to the innovative tända ZAP, you can eliminate acne bacteria and start clearing blemishes immediately simply by utilizing the science of blue light.

tanda ZAP reviewLight? Really?

I was pretty skeptical, but also quite interested in how the new tända ZAP advanced acne clearing device could be clinically proven to clear individual acne blemishes fast.

The combination of the powerful blue light destroying the acne-causing bacteria while subtle vibration and gentle warming help to open pores sounded fairly scientific... but turned out to be incredibly simple.

blue light technologyEssentially, the combination of the three factors really does provide results. The heat opens up the pores so that the light can reach the bacteria, then 414nm blue LED light then kills the acne-causing bacteria, and the sonic vibrations increases microcirculation to help reduce swelling, inflammation and redness.

Together, that equals pimple elimination!

tanda ZAP reviewThinking that this was a fairly high-tech device, I readied myself to have to sift through quite a few instructions and directions as to how to use the tända ZAP. However, after looking things over, I was pleased to find that there are only two steps in the whole process:

Step 1: Press the orange power button.
Step 2: Lightly place the tända ZAP over the blemish until the vibration stops (two minutes). Repeat 2-3 times daily.

That's it! The tända ZAP remains fully effective for 1,000 uses (it will begin to display a red light when you near the end of its uses) and is safe for all skin types and skin tones. The results are not only guaranteed, but your skin is left zit-free without any dryness or irritation.

tanda ZAP sizeThe size of the tända ZAP compared with my lip balm - not all that much bigger!

For me, the convenience of the tända ZAP can't be matched. The small, portable size means that it doesn't take up room on my bathroom shelf or in my bag when traveling and knowing that it can help with pimples anytime and anywhere is a great feeling. No water or sink required, just pull it out, press the button, and apply!

Instead of adding this to a particular part of my routine, I can utilize this device on the needed area while I'm watching television, talking on the phone, or more. So far I have yet to see "magical" results, but I also have yet to have an acne emergency... and I love knowing that I'm well-prepared. After all, tanda zapthe tända ZAP is clinically proven to clear or fade pimples in just 24 hours!

Available directly from Tända, at Sephora or, or from a variety of other authorized resellers, the tända ZAP retails for $49 and would be a much-welcomed gift for all ages. With the importance of skin an even bigger deal to teens that are back in school, this little handheld device could be a lifesaver in zapping an embarrassing zit and not putting a damper their social life.

For much more information about this innovation in acne-fighting, visit the Tända website and check them out on Facebook and Twitter.

(Other than the tända ZAP I was provided, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this product and its results.)


  1. How interesting! I do like that there's no danger of bleaching towels or pillowcases without a peroxide!

  2. That's kind of cool! I've gotten to the age where I don't really get pimples, but get cystic acne. I wonder if it works for that?
