Thursday, October 6, 2011

Going Green: Abe's Market In-The-Know Video Series

Abe's Market logoWhen it comes to going green, there are days that I feel as though I'm doing a good job... and days that I feel completely and utterly overwhelmed. Where to start? How to continue? Where to even go to look for more information or natural products?

Fortunately, then I'm introduced to sites that make things much more simple and convenient. When it comes to shopping, having an online marketplace with everything I need all in one place (and being able to find answers to my questions and the background of the products) can be extremely helpful.

And if we're talking about going green, then that site must be Abe's Market.

natural productsA combination of Etsy and Whole Foods, Abe's Market is part Amazon, part Groupon and part Home Shopping Network - which all come together to connect buyers seeking amazing natural products with the people who make them. Instead of continuing to search online for a broader natural product selection than what can be found at your local store, one visit to Abe's Market allows you to get all of yournatural lipstick natural product shopping done in one place.

Plus, instead of buying products without knowing their origin, at Abe's Market you are given the unique opportunity to learn the story behind them – straight from the products' creators. More than just what is found on a label, this background information answers any questions about who makes the product, what is in it, where it is made, and more.

If you find that you still have unanswered queries, you can even chat directly with sellers to ask specific questions so that you won't have any doubts about the products you are bringing into your home. Co-founders, Richard Demb and Jon Polin, want you to know that Abe's is there for you!

Abe's MarketCurrently, Abe's Market is helping consumers stay even more up-to-date with information on how to maintain a green, natural, and healthy lifestyle with their "In-The-Know..." video series. Whether you're looking to shop for eco-friendly toys or plant your own organic garden, Abe's has brought together experts in their field who have the advice that you need.

Even though school has already started, I enjoyed the video titled How To: Go Back To School Naturally, which is loaded with tips and ideas for staying eco-friendly as kids head off to school:

From reusable, sustainable backpacks, pens, lunch containers and more, Abe's and the experts make it easy to head off to school while making a positive impact on the environment.

Whether your shopping list contains food, baby gear, beauty products, health remedies, items for your home or pet, gifts, decor, or much, much more, check out Abe's Market hemp beanbag chairto see what a difference natural shopping can be. As well as their website, you can connect with them on Facebook and Twitter as well.

Even better, how about a discount? Visit and enter the one-time only coupon code ENB-wmwr5x at checkout and you'll receive $10 off a $30 purchase or more! With the holidays quickly approaching, now is a great time to cross some items off of your list while supporting hard-working, passionate sellers.

How about you? Have you found any new methods to go green? Have you started including new natural products into your daily routine?

I was provided an Abe's Market gift certificate in exchange for sharing this information, but all ideas and opinions are honest and my own.


  1. I try to do things "green" if I can. I have found many natural products that I love and others that I don't really care much about. I like the fact that there is somewhere you can go and see all sorts of different all natural products, that really helps!

  2. Ooh...I'm liking what I'm hearing about this site! It's right up my alley. Especially because I spend so much time searching for natural and organic products. I'm going to head on over!
