Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Crystal Body Deodorant Roll-On inspires me to be thankful {#CrystalRollOn #CBias}

Crystal logoI've mentioned it here before, but in our pre-children life, my husband and I had a dog. A sweet, loving, not-so-bright dog that had the ability to simultaneously warm my heart while also driving me slightly insane.

Although he wasn't smart enough to make it through obedience class and he never understood the point of playing fetch and he just couldn't grasp why we didn't like it when he jumped up or barked... he knew how to love.

I can't make it very long in thinking about Luke and the heartbreak of losing him to cancer without getting teary-eyed, but, at the same time, every aspect of having him as a pet has made me more thankful for my kids now. Anyone who has ever loved a pet like a child knows what I mean, and having him was probably the best preparation for parenthood that I could have had.

family pet
Umm... little help here, maybe?

I'm so thankful that my kids are happy and healthy now, but I will still always have a soft spot in my mind for Luke, as well as all of the other animals out there that bring joy to our lives.

Therefore, when I come across companies that make certain to not test on animals, I'm immediately drawn to them. I understand that not everyone feels the same way that I do, but if there is a brand that makes it a point to not harm any animals in the creation of their products, I want to find out more.

And then when it turns out that they also donate generously to Cancer Treatment Centers nationwide, humane societies, schools, homeless shelters, fundraisers, food banks and various other charities... how could I not be thankful and appreciative of the amount of caring that they display?

With their generous spirit in mind, I was interested in learning more about Crystal and their natural deodorant.

Crystal deodorantHaving never tried a natural deodorant in the past, I have heard a variety of stories about them over the years and have always wondered how well they actually perform. After being told that the chemicals found in traditional deodorants have been linked to things like breast cancer, it makes sense that we would want to avoid putting any of those toxic chemicals on our skin, doesn't it?

At the same time, the idea of venturing into one of the natural or green stores in town and being overwhelmed by the choices (and again, not knowing if they actually provide protection) has always been a little too frightening for me. What can I say? I'm a wimp!

But then when I heard that Walmart now carries natural deodorants (surprised? I was!) including Crystal, I was more than willing to head in and give it a try. Although it took a few walks up and down the aisle searching, eventually the purple cap on the top shelf jumped out at me...

natural deodorant...and I was thrilled to bring the Crystal Body Deodorant Roll-On home to give it a try for myself and swap it out with my usual brand.

Crystal Roll-On review

When I got home, it was time to put Crystal head-to-head against my dependable Dove.

deodorant warsRight away I noticed and liked that the Crystal Body Deodorant Roll-On is smooth and clear, as it took away any worries that I had about it possibly leaving those annoying white marks that everyone dreads.

deodorant white marksHaving always had satisfactory results (e.g. non-stinky) from my Dove, I felt that Crystal had an awful lot to live up to... but I set about my daily routine for the week using their natural deodorant to see how well it would keep me feeling dry and smelling fresh.

From shopping to running errands to playing with the kids, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary so that I could see how well Crystal's natural deodorant would match up (and, to be honest, because I didn't have anything out of the ordinary planned to do). But that doesn't mean that our regular life of things like visiting the zoo is boring, right?

Not when Big Sister E was thrilled to hold a butterfly all by herself...

holding butterfly...and Little Sister B couldn't get enough of her beloved penguins...

penguin exhibitA great time was had by all!

butterfly exhibitAnd after all of the walking and going indoors and outdoors and carrying children and pushing a stroller and more? Completely stink-free! When I initially applied Crystal's deodorant, I thought it felt an awful lot like water, so I was having a hard time believing that it would really protect as well as traditional deodorant, but it did.

Even though I wondered how long it would take to dry, I realized that I had forgotten all about it and by the end of the day's events, I was still feeling fresh and clean. I'll fully admit that I kept sniffing and was pleasantly surprised each time that I smelled natural deodorant no chemicalsabsolutely nothing. When Crystal claims "unscented," they really mean it!

All in all, I've been very impressed by the Crystal Body Deodorant Roll-On and I recommend it to anyone who is thinking about making the switch to a natural deodorant. Being able to purchase it right from Walmart is extremely convenient and knowing that I'm not applying a single harmful chemical to my skin is a great feeling. I'm definitely going to continue using this product while I have it to put it to the full test in many more situations and types of weather and will keep it in mind to purchase again.

Find out much more about Crystal and their natural products on their website, and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter as well. They just might inspire you to be thankful as well!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias, but all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own. #CBias


  1. What a cute dog!

    LOL at your WM pics. Do you feel strange taking pics at the store of deodorant? That made me laugh. You found some cute sheets!

  2. Great piece! Loved your pics, too!
    Thanks for sharing about this :)

  3. I love all your pictures. I'm glad to hear that you found a deodorant that cares about the environment.
