Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Foldflops Unfold and Go Footwear {Review}

Foldflops logoI've never hidden the fact that, much to my husband's dismay, I love shoes.

There are pairs stored in our closet, under our bed, in the basement, in Big Sister E's closet... are things out of hand?

Of course not, why would you even ask that?

But I do have to admit that there are quite a few pairs that don't make it out of the house all that often. Because as much as they look good, if they aren't comfortable then the thrill of wearing them decreases pretty quickly (not saying that I won't still wear them, but after all, I can only put up with so much pain).

Fortunately, the latest innovation in convenient and comfortable footwear is here for me with my introduction to the revolutionary foldable and portable Foldflops.

Foldflops reviewYes, foldable.

Foldflops are unique flip-flop sandals for women and men that offer style, comfort, and convenience for on-the-go happy feet. Their concept of compact, mobile footwear is one that I have never seen before and their patented "Unfold and Go" hinge technology provides protection and relief whenever your feet need it most.

Available for men in black or champagne and for women in those plus a variety of other fun colors, when a pair of black Foldflops arrived I was most curious as to how they would look and feel. After all, would it look odd to have a big crease in the middle of my shoe? Not to mention how good could that feel under my foot?

Surprisingly, from the top, the Foldflops looked an awful lot like a classic pair of flip-flops...

black flip flops...but when turned over, the difference was easily apparent.

folding flip flopsLightweight and space-saving, that simple hinge makes it possible for Foldflops to be tucked away in a purse, stashed in a pocket of a gym bag or easily packed in a suitcase to head on vacation. As they are waterproof, UV-resistant, flexible, and include a cushioned inset to maximize foot and arch support, there's just no reason to waste money on cheap, disposable flip flops ever again.

Instead, these do feel as though I could wear them for a continued amount of time and not have to worry about aches or pains, while the look is just as sporty and stylish as usual.

women's shoesAnd when I'm heading to an occasion (such as a wedding) where I know that I might need relief from my heels after standing or dancing? Foldflops can either be folded (inside sole to inside sole) and held in place by the included red bands...

folding shoes...or they can be layered and held together to barely take up any room lengthwise.

portable shoesFoldflops even come with their own zippered carry/storage bag so that you don't have to worry about placing them in your purse or suitcase and getting dirt on anything else.

shoe travel bagAlthough if your FoldFlops do get dirty, you can wash them with soap and water, in the dishwasher or in your washing machine in a laundry bag on gentle cycle. I don't own any other pairs of flip flops that can go right into the washer!

Whether heading out for a night of dancing or just to keep in the glove compartment of the car for emergencies, Foldflops can provide relief from uncomfortable footwear for nearly any occasion. Retailing for $20, more information and to make a shoe purchase can be found on the Foldflops website. You can also connect with this innovative company on Twitter and Facebook.

This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media but all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.


  1. Pack us both a pair for BlogHer next year! I insist!

  2. Stop. Seriously! I LIVE in flip flops and these are genius! Pack me an extra pair too!
