Friday, November 18, 2011

Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches: A Great Post-Event Snack! {#TysonGoodness #CBias}

Tyson logoBetween school and work and traveling and blogging and life, I feel like we're on a continual rush, rush, rush schedule around here. A good friend said to me recently, "And here you thought that you'd be less busy once the kids were in school!" She was right, too.

Instead, school added on another layer of commitments and between that and the various sports and activities that my kids are involved in, I'm pretty sure that there are somehow less hours in the day now than there used to be.

My 5-year-old has tried everything from soccer to t-ball and, most recently, she is on a mini break from sports and has tried acting instead. It's no Broadway, but taking part in the Preschool Players at our local library has been something that she has loved and has put her heart into just as much as athletics.

So, when we return home from a practice, she's just as tired and hungry! Not to mention that her 2-year-old sister and I have kept ourselves occupied the whole time as well and are also ready for a quick bite to eat. Fortunately, we visited Walmart recently and found a fast and easy way to satisfy our hunger with the new Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches.

Tyson Mini Chicken SandwichesFully-cooked and nearly ready to eat, your on-the-go family will love this unique and tasty meal solution. Going directly from the freezer to the microwave, it takes only minutes to have the chicken heated and the fresh bakery rolls soft and warm.

Available with or without cheese, you can eat Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches as they are or add any of your favorite sandwiches toppings or condiments for a custom sandwich with no wait and no fuss. What could be better?

As this is a new product to the Tyson lineup, these sandwiches aren't available in all Walmart stores, so I was sure to check the store locator on to avoid having to make any extra trips. Finding out they were available at a Super Walmart nearby, my family stopped in while driving by recently so that we would have these sandwiches when we needed them after our next play practice.

What was planned as a short trip ended up taking much longer than we thought when we had to search much of the food section of the store to find the Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches (click here to see our full shopping trip in photos).

However, that just made it all the more exciting when we were just about to give up and...

...there they were! Even though it seemed like Walmart was trying to hide them from us, we found the only two boxes of Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches they had and scooped them up for our very own.

I was especially glad that there were two boxes available so that I could take advantage of the special offer going on now while supplies last: buy two Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches at a participating Walmart and receive a $5 Walmart gift card. That nearly makes it a buy-one-get-one-free deal!

It was good timing that we found these convenient sandwiches, as the next day we had our usual day of rushing from school to home to play practice.

After dropping Big Sister E off for her practice...

Sitting on her "mark" and ready to go!

...Little Sister B and I looked at books, played games, and chatted with friends while passing the time (all the while getting hungrier and hungrier).

When it was time to leave, I jokingly said, "If you're hungry, show me where the food goes!"

I'll take that as a yes!

Back at home, my younger daughter needed a nap and my older daughter was worn out from her rehearsal, so I pulled out the Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches to save on time but not skimp on filling them up.

The heating instructions couldn't have been much easier, as the Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches come in their own two-pack that goes directly into the microwave...

...and then is flipped over to finish the cooking on the other side. I appreciated right away that Tyson had included the instructions right on the sandwich packages as well as the box, so there weren't going to be any issues of us recycling the box too early or simply standing at the microwave not remembering how long we were supposed to select.

Instead, we popped a pack of these in, flipped them over halfway through, and cut open the pouch when they were done.

I suggested that we put ketchup on them, but was met with an emphatic NO (which surprised me, considering I've always thought that my kids would put ketchup on everything), so we tried them plain instead.

Making sure mom didn't get sneaky and slip that ketchup in there!

The results?

Only the sound of chewing!

Little Sister B turned out to be the bigger fan and ended up eating two of the Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches, but both kids were able to refuel and get ready to move on with the day. I love how fast and easy these sandwiches are, as well as their small portion size so that you can heat up just the amount that you need.

Whether after play rehearsals, swim lessons, gymnastics classes, or basketball, I've come to rely on having meals that are easily prepared and that my kids will enjoy. The warm, wholesome, 100% all-white chicken in Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches is something that I know we can count on pulling out for protein as well as taste for quite some time to come.

Remember, if you're heading to the store to pick these up for your family, check on the store locator to make sure they're near you and then pick up at least two boxes so that you can take advantage of the special offer for a $5 Walmart gift card while supplies last!

Next up, we're trying these sandwiches out for other meals of the day... stay tuned!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias but all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own. #CBias


  1. Great post! It made me totally hungry for a chicken sandwich :)

  2. Hello Xenia ... what a busy, wonderful place you have here! Came by via the Friendly Friday and today just happens to be my 100th post! I'll be enjoying checking out your notes ... lots of good stuff in your home! come by and see me anytime @
