Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches: A Quick and Easy Dinner! {#TysonGoodness #CBias}

Tyson logoDid you blink and realize Thanksgiving has arrived already? I did.

As is our tradition around here, we're spending the holiday at my in-laws' house, laughing and enjoying the time with family. Most of all, we're thankful for having one another.

Our big Thanksgiving meal will be for lunch, meaning all of the cooking and eating will take place earlier in the day... leaving the rest of the afternoon for resting, relaxing, watching football, and, if you're my husband, surely taking a nap on the couch.

By the time dinnertime rolls around, who feels like cooking? I know that there are some families that revel in having yet another turkey meal, but what about those that are looking for something slightly different? Something still tasty and satisfying, but also quick and easy to make (hasn't there been enough time in the kitchen already?) and that the whole family is sure to love?

I'm talking about Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches, of course!

Tyson Mini Chicken SandwichesIf you missed my earlier post that detailed our shopping trip and how much we enjoyed these fast and tasty sandwiches as a post-sporting event (or any event, really) snack, be sure to see how much fun we had being introduced to Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches.

With such easy heating instructions, I knew that we would be reaching for these sandwiches many more times in the future. Simply pull out one of the convenient two-packs, toss them directly in the microwave...

microwave chicken sandwiches...and you're ready for a tasty meal!

So after having cooked turkey, stuffing, potatoes, rolls, vegetables, and much more for Thanksgiving, Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches are the perfect thing for an easy dinner that we can all appreciate.

In a total of around two minutes, a full dinner of Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches and steamed vegetables is one that the kids and adults around here can look forward to. Whether on their own, like my girls prefer...

chicken dinner...or with accompaniments like cheese, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, or whatever your taste buds desire, this is a go-to meal that can be customized easily.

The result? For us, it's usually someone who is extremely pleased to see what's on their plate.

dinnertimeInstead of a dinnertime where I have to continually remind Little Sister B to Eat your food. Eat your food. Hey, stop talking and eat some food. Aren't you hungry? Sit down and eat some food. C'mon, take a bite, I can rest assured that she is going to dig right in to something that will fill her up.

fast dinner
She prefers to deconstruct the sandwiches first, but hey, whatever works

For any night of the year but particularly during the crazy busy times of the holidays, a quick dinner is a necessity. Whether you're heading out shopping or spending time with family, don't add on any more time in the kitchen than you already are... instead, pick up a box of Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches!

But remember, if you're heading to the store to pick these up for your family, check on the store locator to make sure they're near you and then pick up at least two boxes so that you can take advantage of the special offer for a $5 Walmart gift card while supplies last!

Next up, we're trying these sandwiches out for a few other meals of the day... stay tuned!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias but all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own. #CBias

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