Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lose Weight with Revolutionary Sports Clothing: Zaggora HotPants {Review}

HotPants logoAt one point in my life the only aspect of selecting clothing that I needed to focus on was the size. Choosing a pair of pants or shirt meant finding my size, liking the color, and that was that.

However, many years and two children later and although I actually weigh less than I did then, my body has areas that are permanently changed... for the worse. When it comes to finding clothes and liking my body now, I need all the help that I can get to boost my confidence and make me not feel self-conscious about any extra bumps or bulges.

As much as I'd like to be one of those people that puts in the time and effort at the gym, right now that just isn't happening. Which is exactly why I was happy to find out about and their revolutionary HotPants.

Zaggora HotPantsSpecially engineered using Celu-Lite technology, Zaggora HotPants target the areas you care about most by using your natural body heat to warm your muscles and by increasing perspiration. By wearing them daily for 30 minutes to an hour while exercising (either under your regular clothes or as workout pants), testing has show that you can lose two pants sizes in two weeks!

After hearing results like those by simply putting on a pair of pants, I was eager to see just how comfortable they would be... not to mention hopefully dropping some unwanted pounds.

HotPants reviewRight away I noticed the lightweight feel of the HotPants and how much they reminded me of a neoprene wetsuit. The feel is stretchy yet firm and I could tell that once I had them on that the HotPants would be breathable while also warming up the tissue below my skin as they are designed.

Putting them on for the first time, I found that they were indeed comfortable and felt similar to traditional spandex shorts. I appreciated the fit as well as the quality of the edging and seams, making it so that I felt like the HotPants were truly going to be able to hold up to an extended amount of use. From the thick, sturdy elastic at the waistband...

Zaggora HotPants the smooth, non-rolling legs...

Zaggora HotPants was clear that I really would be able to go about my regular life and keep these on while running errands, doing housework or simply hanging out with the kids.

As it is, I've unfortunately not been consistent enough in wearing my HotPants to be able to confirm major weight loss results. However, wearing them sure does make you sweat! According to Zaggora, their specially engineered technology increases your perspiration by up to 80% and I agree with that number because my legs have sure felt the heat!

The only downside I have found so far to HotPants is that the shorts must be hand washed and cannot be dried in the dryer. Considering the need to wash them fairly often after use, this means you have to be sure to get them off and washed right away so exercise pantsthat they have time to dry before you need them next... or else maybe just buy a second pair!

I'm looking forward to continuing to wear these for a longer period of time and especially having more of a chance to add them to my workout routine, as who doesn't want to maximize their weight loss potential? Retailing for $70.77 from, HotPants are a bit more expensive than a traditional pair of workout pants, but considering the bio-ceramic technology that they contain, they are clearly not just regular pants.

To find out much more about this innovative sports clothing, visit the Zaggora website, find HotPants on Facebook or follow the conversation on Twitter at #hotinhotpants.

(Other than the HotPants that I was sent from Zaggora, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this sports clothing.)


  1. Hey Xenia,

    We'll keep our fingers crossed for you! And can't wait to find out how did it go your 2 week challenge?
