Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lose Weight with Nutrisystem {10 Day Nutrisystem Select Package & Water Bottle Giveaway}

Nutrisystem Bloggers{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Michelle!}

If you visited my blog more than once or twice in 2011, it wasn't hard to see a reoccurring theme: Nutrisystem.

Having had the incredible opportunity to be a part of the Nutrisystem Nation, I can tell you completely and honestly that the program worked for me. I fall directly into the category of people that have no willpower (I should start counting the number of times that my husband shakes his head at me when he walks into the kitchen and finds me stuffing something into my mouth) so there just seemed like there was no hope for me when it came to weight loss.

So, in my case, Nutrisystem was the perfect solution.

Step 1: Choose your plan (women's, men's, silver, diabetic, vegetarian, etc) and then select your food. You can have Nutrisystem send you their favorites to start you off or right away you can opt to customize your menu with the foods you love.

Step 2: Delicious food arrives at the door. It was a mini-Christmas for me each time a new shipment of Nutrisystem foods arrived, as even before I had the boxes open I was thinking about all of the tasty things inside.

Nutrisystem foodIt never surprised me when people asked me how the food tasted, all the while waiting for me to tell them that it was bad or gross or like cardboard. After all, that's the image that we have of diet food, is it not?

Instead, the answer that I gave every time was that although there was a meal now and again that I would encounter where I wasn't a big fan, for each one there were at least 15x that many of items that I did like (and that doesn't even count the meals that I love, love, loved). As with any foods, homemade or store-bought or at a Nutrisystem pizzarestaurant, you try things and you see if they fit your tastes.

The benefit of ordering each month for Nutrisystem is that then if you've found something you're not especially fond of, just don't order it next time. And if you've found something that you could eat for every meal (e.g. those Double Chocolate Caramel Bars shown above, mmmmmmm), then order a whole bunch of them.

Step 3: Eat healthy and keep track of the pounds as they start to melt away. Nutrisystem's included Meal Planner made it nearly foolproof to figure out where to add my grocery items (e.g. fruits, vegetables, dairy) to balance out my diet and as long as I followed the plan, I never felt hungry. Just the opposite, in fact. When my next meal or snack time would arrive, I couldn't believe that it was time to eat again!

Skeptical? If you are, I don't blame you. When I started Nutrisystem, I was fairly certain that it wasn't going to work simply because nothing else ever had.

NSNationBut the scale doesn't lie and 25.2 pounds later, I am a complete believer in this program. All I had to do was add fruit to breakfast, veggies to dinner, and enjoy a tasty dessert... and somehow, the pounds kept coming off. Even though ultimately I was still the one responsible for what number the scale showed me each week, Nutrisystem is what made it easy.

If you want to find out more about this program, there is a ton of information on the Nutrisystem website, as well as from calling 888-853-4689. You'll be amazed at the support and care that they show for you right from the start!

Plus, if you're still not sold on what the food might taste like, they're ready to change your mind there as well, because...

One lucky person will win a 10 Day Nutrisystem Select package of Nutrisystem's fresh-frozen meals and a Nutrisystem water bottle (ARV $150)!

Nutrisystem giveawayTo enter to win: Tell me your biggest issue with weight loss OR why you would like to win this giveaway.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Nutrisystem on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Wondering how Nutrisystem tastes? WIN a 10-day package of their fresh-frozen meals! http://bit.ly/tcAoPl @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

1 Extra Entry (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
2 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on January 3rd, 2012 at 11:59pm CST. By entering this sweepstakes, you are agreeing to these official rules. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway is open to continental U.S. residents only and the winner must be 18 years of age or older, must meet eligibility requirements to be on Nutrisystem. Nutrisystem employees and their family members are ineligible; No Cash Value.

A big thank you to Nutrisystem for allowing me to be a part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, where I was provided with their food and program to follow, as well as for providing a 10 Day Select Package and water bottle for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Anonymous said...


shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Jennifer H said...

entd element case

Jennifer H said...

entd trop50

Kristen said...

entered Trop 50

brenda.owens22@yahoo.com said...

My biggest obsticle is inconsistant eating schedules. I often eat on the run which means drive thru food. I would like to try Nutri system because the pre-prepared food would be a great alternative to drive thru

janetfaye said...

My biggest issue with weight loss is that I always crave something sweet.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow Nutrisystem on Twitter - Janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I like Nutrisystem on FB - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow you with GFC - janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

Email subscribed.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I like you on FB - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow you on Twitter - Janetfaye


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

1. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

2. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

3. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

I'd love to win to lose weight in 2012. Exercising is easier when you are not starving.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

I entered the Sears Gift Card g/a.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

I'm an email subscriber to Thanks, Mail Carrier.

Anonymous said...


shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Erica C. said...

My biggest problem is variety in my meals...I never seem to have the time or motivation to make nice meals.

The Sleepy Dreamer said...

1/1 tweet

Nicole Larsen said...

tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/pittsy82/status/153635978957950978


Terra said...

I would like to win this giveaway in order to give it a friend of mine who is struggling to lose weight.

mystik2005 at hotmail dot com

Nicole Larsen said...

tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/pittsy82/status/153877734530088960


erma said...

My biggest issue is motivation.

pauline15 said...

After putting so much money towards losing weight, you tend to be a bit suspicious of things without really trying them out first. This is a perfect opportunity!

pauline15 said...

nutrisystem twitter follower (pauline15)

pauline15 said...

nutrisystem facebook fan (pauline1501)

pauline15 said...

tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/pauline15/status/153910724001939456

Shawanda said...

followed on twitter : @nevaehkisses3

tweeted about the giveaway :

liked on facebook :wanda poppins

Anonymous said...


shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

stracey2010 said...

my biggest issue is sticking with it

ewhatley said...

I would love to win since I know Nutrisystem works. I tried it years ago but I've added all those pounds back - they need to go.

mybeachylife at gmail dot com

ewhatley said...

follow via gfc as ewhatley

mybeachylife at gmail dot com

ewhatley said...

sub via google reader as ewhatley

mybeachylife at gmail dot com

cindy said...

My biggest issue is just sticking to the plan

C and C girl said...

Biggest issue is I hate cooking and would rather grab somethingg quick and easy which is usually fast food.

C and C girl said...

Follow on GFC

C and C girl said...

Also entered the Sears gift card giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this contest, so I could try the Nutrisystem foods. I have thought of trying it, but don't know if I would like the food.

Thanks for the chance.

morris4tax (at) yahoo (dot) com

pricekay58 said...

I use to never have trouble loosing weight until I had my last child. Now I can only loose a few pounds. Its so hard.

Kathy P said...

my biggest issue is getting motivate to start a weight loss plan..I need to get back on the treadmill since i have eaten all kinds of junk through the holidays

Kathy P said...

entered $100 Sears Gift Card Giveaway

chadro said...

foods arent filling and have no good taste to them

ltlbitone said...

My biggest issue is I'm not motivated enough..

ltlbit1 at hotmail dot com

Tara W said...

My biggest issue with weight lost is staying motivated to stick with a plan.
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

Tara W said...

I "Like" Nutrisystem on FB. Tara Woods
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

Tara W said...

I subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

Kerry said...

My biggest issue is trying to eat a healthy meal when we are on the go so much.

Becca Ann said...

I like nutrisystem on fb.. Becca Peters

Becca Ann said...

I follow on gfc

Becca Ann said...

email subscriber

Becca Ann said...

I like you on fb.. Becca Peters

Anonymous said...

I cannot seem to find my abs!


beads said...

I have trouble with eating at night. I seem to have no control. Would love to try Nutri-System.

Juleemm said...

I would love to win this to jumpstart my weight loss.

Juleemm said...

I follow Nutrisystem on twitter as juleemm

Anonymous said...

It's hard to lose baby weight and finding the time.

Unknown said...

My biggest issue is portion control. I tend to over eat. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I am a google follower Jammie

Unknown said...

I like nutrisystem on fb Jammie M

Unknown said...

I follow Mutrisystem on twitter mommysdizzy

Unknown said...

I subscribe via email. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I subscribe via google reader.

Unknown said...

I like you on fb Jammie M

Angie B said...

I've tried a few different things to lose weight but had trouble sticking to it. I think this plan would be easier but it seems expensive

angiewith3 at live dot com

Unknown said...

My biggest issue with weight loss is trying not to gain it all back. I am glad the holidays are over.

Hotsnotty2 said...

My biggest challenge is finding time to work out, thanks


Hotsnotty2 said...

Following via GFC (hotsnotty2), thanks!


Hotsnotty2 said...

Email Subscriber, thanks!


Hotsnotty2 said...

Liked you on FB (AngelaWinesburg)


Hotsnotty2 said...

Liked Nutrisystem on FB (AngelaWinesburg)


Hotsnotty2 said...

Following Nutrisystem via Twitter (@Hotsnotty2), Thanks!


Jeni Monroe said...

at 31 was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I've been ordered by my doctors to lose weight for my health. This is why I would like to win this.=)

Unknown said...

My biggest issue is probably periodic bingeing ... I mostly stay on track but then I'll go hogwild on a box of cookies outta nowhere. :( gosssh.

Unknown said...

I follow NutriSystem on Twitter

/\Heather/\ said...

My biggest issue is having the time to fix meals that fits my diet.
heatherpooh (hotmail)

Becca said...

My biggest challenge with weight loss is nighttime eating. I do fine all day but could eat my own body weight in food after 10pm. Thanks for the chance! sbcashortie at hotmail dot com

Becca said...

I follow Nutrisystem on twitter as sbshortie

Becca said...

I like Nutrisystem on fb as Becca Okaneko

Becca said...

I follow you on twitter as sbshortie and I tweeted at http://twitter.com/#!/sbshortie/status/154077190382829571

Becca said...

I follow you via gfc as Becca

Becca said...

I am an email subscriber sbcashortie at hotmail dot com

Becca said...

I am your fb fan as Becca Okaneko

Karen D said...

Oh, but there are so MANY issues. Lack of time, certainly, but willpower is a big part too....

schmidt01 said...

Even when I starve for few days I don't seem to lose weight. I try to keep my calories around 1500-1700 a day but I gain at the drop of a hat. I guess I have a slow metabolism. I would love to try this.

kellyr78 said...

My biggest issue with weight loss is it is much harder to take off the pounds since I entered my 30's (and had 2 kids)


kellyr78 said...

I follow you on twitter(kellydsaver) and tweeted


kellyr78 said...

I follow Nutrisystem on Twitter(Kellydsaver)

kellyr78 said...

I like Nutrisystem on FB(kelly D Saver)

Tonic67 said...

I am very short and every pound on me shows .. a ten pound weight gain looks like 20 on a taller person. I stress eat and also love bread and pasta so it is difficult for me to lose the 30lbs I gained during and after pregnancy.

FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Tonic67 said...

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Nutrisystem on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.

FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Tonic67 said...

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Nutrisystem on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.

FB follow

FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Tonic67 said...


FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67


Tonic67 said...

Google Friend follower

FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Tonic67 said...

FB follower

FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Tonic67 said...

RSS google follower

FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Tonic67 said...

email subscriber

FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Tonic67 said...

You're on my blogroll


FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Tonic67 said...

Button is on my blog

FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67


Tonic67 said...

Button is on my blog

FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67


Tonic67 said...




FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Tonic67 said...




FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Tonic67 said...




FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67

Jessica Rose said...

My biggest issue with weight loss is not having any support system

ijessica_r at yahoo dot com

tina reynolds said...

My biggest problem is having time to eat healthy and knowing what to eat eaglesforjack@gmail.com

tina reynolds said...

i subscribe by email eaglesforjack@gmail.com

tina reynolds said...

i like on facebook

Anonymous said...


shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

1955nurse said...

My biggest issue w/dieting & weight loss is PORTION CONTROL!!! I sooo need this, I'm trying to get healthy & fit in 2012 to be able to keep up w/my 2 Grandkids (4 + under!!!!)Thanks!!!((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com))

1955nurse said...

I LIKE Nutrisystem (HollyCunningham) on FB ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) Keeping my fingers crossed!

1955nurse said...

And I LIKE you (HollyCunningham) on FB, too!!!((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com))

1955nurse said...

I'm a current email subscriber ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) confirmed!

1955nurse said...

I follow you via GFC ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) and added you to my circles on G+ as well!!!

1955nurse said...

Also entering yr "Build-A-Bear" giveaway today!!!((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) Thanks for the chance....

Valeen said...

My problem is following through. I get so tired of the same old food, over and over.

sweepyhead at gmail dot com

Valeen said...

I follow you on GFC!

sweepyhead at gmail dot com

Michelle Spayde said...

I would like to win to get back on track! I used NutriSystem several years ago and loved it.


Michelle Spayde said...

I follow Nutrisystem on Twitter under chellesyvonne


Michelle Spayde said...

I like Nutrisystem on Facebook


Michelle Spayde said...

I follow you on Twitter under chellesyvonne

Tweeted - https://twitter.com/#!/chellesyvonne/status/154303182678401024


Michelle Spayde said...

GFC public follower


Michelle Spayde said...

subscribed to RSS Feed


Michelle Spayde said...

subscribed via email


Michelle Spayde said...

I'm a facebook fan!


Unknown said...

ive been stuck at this weight for a while now.i just cant lose it no mater what i do

Unknown said...

i like nutrisystem on fb

Unknown said...

i follow nutrisystem on twitter

Unknown said...

gfc follower

Unknown said...

i like you on fb

Terri said...

I have always wanted to try Nutrisystem but have never had the money. Thanks for the contest.

Nicole Larsen said...

tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/pittsy82/status/154374992967122944


PCOSbeaBunny said...

I have a hard time losing weight bc I am insulin resistant. I need a diabetic plan but never really found one I liked much. I just signed up for the Diabetic plan from Nutrisystem and would like to see how the frozen foods are. Thanks!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I usually don't have a problem getting started but tend to hit a plateau about half way to my goal that tends to stall me from meeting my goal weight.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am a fan of Nutrisystem via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am following Nutrisystem via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am following via GFC as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am subscribed via Google Reader.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Gaines7 said...

Hello, how are you? Thank you for this opportunity. Happy New Year. My biggest issue with weight-loss is eating healthy food that tastes as good as the junk.

I am following, liking, joining and subscribing. gainessimmons@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I've been on Weight Watchers for about 8 months and lost over 30lbs! But since the holidays.... I've gained back about 10. My motivation isn't there and I think a change like Nutrisystem can help. I'm sooo close to my goal, but don't want to give up!

Sand said...

I would love to win as I have forty pounds I'd like to lose.

Breanne said...

I'd like to win because I feel bad in my own body.

Breanne said...

I follow via GFC

Breanne said...

Google Reader subscriber

/\Heather/\ said...

I like Nutrisystem on facebook.
heatherpooh (hotmail)

/\Heather/\ said...

I follow and tweeted - http://twitter.com/#!/choochoo428/status/154430999164489728
heatherpooh (hotmail)

/\Heather/\ said...

I follow via gfc as /\Heather/\
heatherpooh (hotmail)

cman said...

My husband is wanting to lose weight so i'd like to win it for him.

cman said...

I'm a GFC follower.

cman said...

I'm an email subscriber.

lilyk said...

I would like to win this giveaway because it sounds very useful!

lightlovebeing said...

My biggest weight loss challenge is portion control and carbs, although I am doing well with limiting sugar. It is disappointing to see a big increase in weight, I had lost a lot while I was ill. Perhaps this would be a plan that would work for me.

lilyk said...

I follow Nutrisystem on Twitter under the username likwan.

lightlovebeing said...

I follow Nutrisystem on Twitter

lightlovebeing said...

I Like them on Facebook.

lilyk said...

I follow Nutrisystem on Facebook under the username likwan.

lightlovebeing said...

I you follow me on Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway

I forgot to leave my twitter name on another entry lightlovebeing

lilyk said...

I entered the Build-A-Bear giveaway.

lightlovebeing said...

I subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email

lightlovebeing said...

I am your fan on facebook

lilyk said...

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway at https://twitter.com/#!/likwan/status/154436741439295488.

lilyk said...

I follow you on Google Friend Connect under the username lilyk.

lilyk said...

I subscribed by email.

lilyk said...

I follow you on Facebook under the username likwan.

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