Saturday, February 18, 2012

Clorox Clean-Up Recipes For Fun {Banana Boat Recipe}

Clorox Recipes for Fun logoIn preparation for Valentine's Day, Big Sister E and her preschool class participated in one of the classic traditions for the holiday: decorating a shoebox to hold all of their precious cards and treats.

I was thrilled that she was able to participate in something that is long ingrained in so many adults' memories, but even more that she was able to do it at school. Because the day that I arrived to pick her up and saw the aftermath from that art project? Let's just say that it sent shivers down my spine.

As much as my kids love to be spontaneous and creative when it comes to arts and crafts projects, cooking, science experiments and more, the idea of the mess that they create makes me want to run for the hills.

The solution? One of the biggest names in cleaning, Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner, and the launch of the website Clorox Recipes for Fun. Because not only will I be able to find recipes, fun activities, crafts projects and more, but thanks to Clorox, cleaning up is a snap!

Recipes for FunNo matter what type of activity or directions you are looking for, Recipes for Fun is a great go-to source to find ways for kids to live it up, mess it up, then clean it up. What more could you ask for?

A contest, of course! To celebrate the launch of Recipes for Fun, Clorox is holding the Ultimate Mess Party Sweepstakes and entering sweepstakesto win prizes couldn't be much easier. Simply register and you'll be in the running to win $10,000 toward an Ultimate Mess Party (just think of the level of messiness that could get you!) plus chances to win instantly every day.

Also, for sharing your own Recipe for Fun, you'll receive 10 extra grand prize entries as well as a $1.00 coupon on Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner instantly. There's more! Each day, Clorox Clean-Up is randomly awarding FREE Clorox Clean-Up coupons and $100 gift cards from a variety of favorite retailers to lucky users just for viewing recipes. Easy!

Although my kids would be happy making a mess in any of the categories that Clorox focuses on (Wacky Science, Arts and Crafts, Kiddie Cooking and Creative Cooking), anytime there is food involved, that is clearly a favorite.

And one sticky, gooey favorite that is sure to result in smiles (and the dire need for Clorox Clean-Up) is the Banana Boat. Who can turn down a bite like this?

Banana Boat recipeIngredients

Toppings of choice! The classics are semisweet chocolate chips and miniature marshmallows, but you can go crazy with just about anything that you love. Try Nutella, peanut butter, bits of candy bar, raisins, cinnamon, coconut, chopped nuts...

1. Slit one piece of peel down from each banana lengthwise, making sure not to reach the bottom, and scoop out a small portion of the banana.

Banana Boat recipe2. Stuff the bananas with marshmallows and chocolate chips (or your own creations, of course) and close the peel back up.

Banana Boat recipe3. Wrap each banana in an aluminum foil "pouch" and bake in a 300° oven for 15-20 minutes, or until the chocolate is melted. Alternatively, these can be made in a toaster oven, on the grill or cooked over a campfire. I've heard that these are quite the Girl Scout classic over the fire!

Banana Boat recipe4. Open and enjoy! Best eaten with a spoon... and possibly some whipped cream or ice cream.

Banana Boat recipeWhile the clean up for the actual banana boat is almost non-existant (just throw away the aluminum foil!), a little Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner can go a long way to help wipe away any errant chocolate or sticky tabletops. The end result, no matter how odd and mushy it looks, is always YUM!

Do you have a Recipe for Fun? Be sure to visit Clorox Recipes for Fun for all sorts of ideas that you and your children are sure to love... and sign up for the Ultimate Mess Party Sweepstakes while you're there! Find out more about Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner on the Clorox website and connect with Clorox on Facebook and @Clorox on Twitter.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox Clean-Up Recipes for Fun blogging program, for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on this program, click here and see the Terms link.


  1. How dare you post something that looks so yummy while I'm trying to diet! ;-) What a fun idea! And yeah, if we were eating those in my house, we would need a ton of Clorox wipes to clean up the table afterwards!

  2. Those marshmallows look like funny teeth to me for some reason. I have no doubt the girls loved these!

  3. Drool. I make something similar but remove the peel. Definitely a kid-friendly snack:)
