Friday, February 3, 2012

What was your "Worst First Date?" Tell and win!

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, there are lovebirds everywhere planning the perfect date. Whether it is early in the relationship or after having been married for decades, it's fun to celebrate the holiday by spending time together doing something special.

However... what happens if those plans go wrong? And I'm not talking about a husband making dinner reservations and the babysitter cancels, I'm talking first date torture where the guy is so horrible or revolting that the girl wonders if she is on a hidden camera television show.

We've all had or heard about the date that went so badly that one person slipped out through the bathroom window or had to have a friend call them with a fake emergency, right? Well, what if your disgusting first date story could get you more than just a laugh?

Thanks to and Seven 'til Midnight, now it can win you a fun little costume of your own!

costume contestRunning through this Sunday, February 5th, US residents age 18 and older can visit's blog and leave a comment telling their worst first date story. Because if you've had a horrible dating experience, the only thing that can make it better is to share it with the world!

Additional entries can be received by liking's Facebook page, as well as Seven 'til Midnight's Facebook page but the two individuals with the 'worst' stories will win the fun little cupid costume (pictured above) from to help ensure that this Valentine's Day they have a 'best' story to share instead.

This contest is ending soon and, as of right now, there are extremely low entries (and some of them are pretty funny). So what are you waiting for? Head over and enter!

(I was provided with a child's costume from in exchange for writing this post, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I want to hear your Worst First Date stories, too!)