Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Helzberg Diamonds Mother's Day Pendant {Review & Giveaway}

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I am a firm believer that until a person has children of their own, they simply cannot fully understand the enormity of parenthood.

Sure, you can read books and you can babysit and you can immerse yourself in all things baby; until you look down at your baby in your arms and know, without a doubt, that you will spend the rest of your life loving them beyond all measure, there's just no comparison.

Does that make the sleepless nights, crying and future sassy back-talk any easier? Not really.

Which is why when Mother's Day rolls around each year and you realize everything that your own mother put up with while raising you, it is extra important to express your gratitude and love for her. And what better way to show Mom that you appreciate everything she has done than with a little sparkle from Helzberg Diamonds?

Mother's Day gifts

Since 1915, Helzberg Diamonds has been committed to providing their customers with unparalleled customer service, industry expertise and custom jewelry that makes that special someone say, "I Am Loved." Offering jewelry of every variety — rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants and watches, just to name a few — Helzberg Diamonds has the design and style that will match your recipient's personality while staying within your budget.

With Mother's Day right around the corner, this year Helzberg Diamonds has the perfect way to help you show your mom, grandmother, sister, aunt or your best friend that she is loved and appreciated for everything she does: the Mother's Day Sterling Silver and Diamond Pendant.

Mother's Day diamond pendant

Featuring a sterling silver double heart with MOM prominently displayed, this sterling silver diamond pendant is just thing to act as a token of your love and appreciation for Mom not only on Mother's Day, but every day after.

When a small box from Helzberg Diamonds arrived, I was ready to see the beauty of this classic piece in person.

Helzberg Diamonds box

Even more sparkly and beautiful than in pictures, this MOM Heart Pendant glistens with round diamonds weighing a total of approximately 1/20 carat. Each one is eye-catching and clear and give just the right amount of bling to the clean lines and simple design of the pendant.

Mother's Day necklace

As this pendant comes complete with a delicate sterling silver 18" rope chain, there isn't anything else that Mom needs to do to add this to her wardrobe and be reminded of the love and affection from her family!

Mother's Day gifts

Thinking that a diamond necklace isn't something that you can afford this year? While the Mother's Day Sterling Silver and Diamond Pendant has the look of a million bucks, it retails from Helzberg Diamonds for only $49.99. At that price, moms everywhere can be surprised with a gift that makes them feel special!

What could be better? How about $5,000 to spend on gorgeous jewelry? Helzberg Diamonds is currently holding a Show Mom She's Loved Contest based on your best stories, photos and videos about the special mom in your life. Contest entries can be shared by children (18 and older), spouses/significant others, family and friends and ends Friday, April 27, so head over there now for a chance at that $5,000 Helzberg Diamonds shopping spree!

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will have a beautiful and thoughtful gift ready for Mom this year as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Mother's Day Sterling Silver and Diamond Pendant from Helzberg Diamonds!

Helzberg Diamonds giveaway

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below - if you don't see the form, click here! If you have any problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Helzberg Diamonds for providing a Mother's Day Sterling Silver and Diamond Pendant for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. My Mom is loving, kind and caring. She has a huge heart and is so gracious with it!


  2. No matter how hard times are or how sick she is (she has lupus/arthritis/crones disease), I have always had everything I NEED and some of what I WANT.

  3. I lost my Mom 5 years ago and miss her so much. I loved her sense of humor.

  4. her fun loving and creative spirit!

  5. My mom was always caring, worried about our health, always looking out for us in every aspect in our life. We knew we were loved
    sandy1955 at comcast dot net

  6. I love how she takes care of my children, I always know I can trust her and my wishes for them come first.


  7. My mom is very patient, giving, and wise.


  8. my mom is very caring and giving:)

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  9. I admired my mom's honesty.


  10. I admire everything about my Mom. She is the most giving person I know -- she is always downgrading herself as she was never able to finish school. But she is very knowledgeable and has more common sense than anyone else I know. She's taught herself to do so many things and very creative.

  11. I admire that my mom is so kind and she always makes sure that i have everything i need =}

  12. I admire most about my mother is that she is finally treating my husband nicely.
    Danielle S

  13. my mom is a strong woman and is still a great mother to all of us.

  14. She had the utmost patience with us kids no matter how much we annoyed her

  15. I admire my Mom in law! She is the best, takes care of my son! I never have to worry about him! She does a great job after raising 4 of her own!!!

  16. I admire my mom's strength. Whatever happens, she just keeps going.

  17. She never judges me. She is understanding and helpful, especially in times of need.

  18. Patience for sure. I wasn't the best kid but she always loved me through it!

    jek9880 at gmail dot com

  19. My mom, no one else would put up with me, lol! sonyadmorris@gmail.com

  20. Her strength to keep going and enjoying life no matter what happened to her

  21. I admire my mother because she fights adversity! She has broken both hips and has macular degeneration.. but she continues to be sstrong! chefl@swbell.net

  22. her generosity is what i admire the most

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  23. My Mom has Alzheimer's ...so I am losing her slowly....

  24. she is one of a kind and sacrificed so much for us when we were kids

  25. she always put her children first

  26. My mom has and still sacrifices so much for my sister and I.

  27. I admire my mom because she always put my siblings and I first no matter what. She is a very strong woman who has been through a lot and still keeps going.

  28. My mom always puts the needs and thoughts of others, before herself.

  29. Her generosity.

    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  30. My mom always has my back and she told me the best thing the other day. That she was glad that Noah had me for a mom because I was such a good mom to him. It still makes me tear up.

  31. My mom always has my back and she told me the best thing the other day. That she was glad that Noah had me for a mom because I was such a good mom to him. It still makes me tear up.

  32. The quality I love most about my mom is her unconditional love for me. No matter what she is there for me.

  33. My mom can have a meaningful conversation with anyone she meets!

  34. My mom sees the best in everyone, but doesn't ignore their needs. She has helped an amazing amount of people in her life.

  35. My Mother was in a VERY abusive relationship with my Father at a time when the husband could do this and get away with it. After years of this and six kids she finally found the strength to walk away. I admire her strength!

  36. Daily tweet April 18


  37. She always has time for her kids and grandkids.

  38. My Mom always stood up for her kids.

  39. my mom is great lady she has always been supportive and is fun and loving

  40. She was the sweetest, most giving and caring person I have ever met. I miss her every day.

  41. I miss my mom's sense of humor... she was a total card.
    liked on fb!

  42. I admire my mom's work ethic - she always worked so hard at every thing she did.

  43. my mom is kind, caring, and the best woman ever!

  44. i love my moms selflessness

    christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

  45. The qualities that I admire in my mom are that is compasionate, honest and caring.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  46. My mom was always caring, loving and most importantly, supportive of my endeavours!

  47. I admire my mom for being nonjudgmental of people

  48. I admired my mother's intelligence.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  49. The quality that I admire most in my Mom is her intelligence, she is always reading and learning!

  50. My mom always, always says "I love you" whenever we talk. Also, now that I'm a Mom I so admire her ENERGY. I don't know how she had so much energy to accomplish so much while taking care of 3 kdis!

  51. My Mom is the strongest woman I have ever known. She had a troubled childhood, but has a wonderful graciousness about herself. She made sure she raised her daugthers to be strong women who cherishes their families.

  52. My mother is very giving with her time. She is 64 yrs old, still volunteers 30 hours a week at a local church. Back in the fall I was in the hospital for 6 weeks and she spent 10 hours a day, 7 days a week at the hospital and still kept up with her volunteering duties. She is the BEST mom a daughter could ever have.

  53. My mother is very giving with her time. She is 64 yrs old, still volunteers 30 hours a week at a local church. Back in the fall I was in the hospital for 6 weeks and she spent 10 hours a day, 7 days a week at the hospital and still kept up with her volunteering duties. She is the BEST mom a daughter could ever have.

  54. I love how my mom can always remain calm, even when things get really crazy

  55. she has a huge heart and always does for others before herself

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  56. My Mom is a great listener. You can tell her anything and she'll give you good advice when you need it!

  57. I admired that she was open minded and taught me not to hate anyone based on their preference or skin color.
    Jamie Brigham
    PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

  58. My mom taught me to care and help friends when ever you can because friends are more valuable than money.

  59. That she remembers all 6 of my children on their birthdays.

  60. She is unconditionally supportive of her children.

  61. My mom is truly the most self-less person I have ever met. She is someone I definitely admire and I hope to be just as good a mother as she was.

  62. my mom loved us all unconditionally, she would listen to every problem and not judge

  63. My mom is self-less and works hard to make sure we have the best in life. I couldn't ask for a better role model.

  64. I admire her compassion.
    Thanks for the chance.

  65. i admire her giving nature and unconditional love of her family

    annae07 at aol dot com

  66. My mom is always there for me when I need her at 72 and me almost 50 it means so much to me that when I need her she is selfless and drops everything to help me out!!!

  67. my mommy is very caring and giving love her so much c:

  68. Mom may only be 4'9" but she has been through it all. Always has kept her grace and loves everyone.
    She deserves something nice.

  69. if it was not for my mom, I would not be here

  70. perfect mother's day gift !!!

  71. Hearts are my personal favorite.

  72. My mom has always supported me, even when she may not have liked the choices I made.

  73. I loved her patience. Remarkable. I can never be like her with my children.

  74. my mom has always been there for are very large family even when our father past away at 44, i would give this to here as a gift for from all of us :)

  75. Mom wants to make my life better and happy.

  76. My mom has taught me to believe in my dreams and never give up!


  77. Loving, caring, friend and the only one who really loves me for what I'm...

  78. she's a pip....funny ways of looking at the world...
    caden at pineland.net

  79. She was there cheering at all our soccer games even though there were 4 of us.

  80. her support and her cooking


  81. I admire that my mom is so kind and caring to everyone


  82. I love my mom's sense of humor... growing up I don't remember her as being so darn funny but nowadays she's in her 60's and a hoot!

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  83. My mother is not afraid to stand up for herself or those weaker than her.

  84. My mother is so selfless! I have never heard her complain about the difficulties of motherhood and man is it HARD sometimes!

  85. My mom took care of my sick dad who died when I was 9 plus my younger brother and sisters. 42 years later she is fighting cancer bravely.
    jofo120 at yahoo dot com

  86. I admire how much my mom adjusts to every day life taking care of her son who has Austisum, it can be very hard sometimes.

  87. I admire everything about my Mom!!!She is so caring towards other people she doesnt even know!!Specially people that are on the streets she will feed them give them clothes she has a sweet heart and she never judges any one!!!!

  88. There are a lot of qualities I admire in my mother but I think her top quality is her honesty and morality you can always count on her to be the honest one!

  89. She always made time for me NO MATTER WHAT !!

    ktgonyea at gmail.com

  90. My mom is selfless and carring

  91. She is strong. She's been taking care of my sick dad for two years and is a complete rock

    dull2000 at cox dot net

  92. I have always admired her strength. trinitygsd at yahoo do tocm

  93. I admire my mother generosity of her time and resources. She's always there for us when we need her. Thanks.

  94. I most admire my mom for always being available and accepting of everything I tried to do.
    cspmom at gmail dot com

  95. I most admire my mom for always being available and accepting of everything I tried to do.
    cspmom at gmail dot com

  96. Unfortunately..not everyone had a great Mom. I love my mother, but we have never been close. Her religion always came first. The quality I admired most? She always kept the house clean. I wish I could say she did it cheerfully, but, I cannot. I felt more like a burden than a blessing. The only thing that makes my Mother's Day happy..is my 3 grown children love me with all their hearts. I love them so much, they gave me a reason to live.

  97. I admire my mom for being unabashedly unique. She knows she is different and she really loves that about herself. And I love it too. :)
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  98. my mom is driven she contantly goes for what she wants

  99. I love her faith in God, because of her I have my faith and THANK!!! God daily for her and the faith she give me.
    heartnsoulcooking at gmail dot com

  100. my mom uprooted her whole life when I was pregnant by moving 3 hours to be close to me.

  101. her bravery. she was brave and saved me and my brothers from our incredibly abusive father. She saved our lives. It was incredibly difficult, but she did it!!!!

  102. I most admire her willingness to sacrifice her happiness for those she loves. She will do anything for us, and we do the same for her.

  103. My mother is a caring person and would help anyone who needed help

  104. my mom passed away many years ago but her wonderful quality was she never said bad things about anybody...she was a wonderful mom & i miss her dearly!

  105. My mother's strength inspires me every day.

  106. Being a friend to the friendless.
    dolniaks at consolidated dot net

  107. She's a wonderful mom and a kind, patient Grandma to my kids!

  108. That she was a single mom raising us the best she could. Even though we went through some tough times, she always made sure we took time to laugh and smile.

    Katie Wurn

  109. My mom's love! :)

  110. She was a great listener

    alexisgrau1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  111. Her persistence is her biggest positive and negative :)

  112. her endurance worked full time in the mills then came home cooked and cleaned and basically had two full time jobs

  113. I admire my mom the most. She has done so much to keep our family together.. We have 7 kids in the family and my dad was always working or busy so it was all up to mom. She is the rock to this family.. I LOVE HER

  114. My mom is an AMAZING woman and the quality I admire most about her is her ability to put everything in the right perspective. She always believes in us and that we will succeed to matter what comes our way

    teechbiz at gmail dot com

  115. My mom is admired so much by me and my 8 siblings for her determination in life when the chips are down. She taught us about strength in the face of adversity we don't always believe we have, but SHE beleives!

    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

  116. My mom is careing about her family

    griperang at embarqmail dot com

  117. I admire her servant's heart and selfless attitude

  118. My mom adopted me at 3 days old and never made me feel anything but loved and wanted. I never doubted her love; I never felt less of a daughter because I am not her biological child.

  119. I admired her strength! Thanks! (Miz Vickik)

  120. I admire my mother's strength and unconditional love.

  121. My mom never gave up, when one idea failed she would always come up with something new to try.

  122. My mom's strength

    wiseowldesignsinc at gmail dot com

    Rafflecopter Liz W

  123. She respected us, gave us space and freedom to become who we were meant to be.
    nieceyd at gmail dot com

  124. I love how strong she is. I wish I was that strong.

  125. my mother is always there when I need her,she is loyal, honest, and true.

  126. Understanding and forgiveness for allowing us to make our mistakes but being there when we did.

  127. her positivity even though she had a lot of bad luck

  128. I love how giving she is.

  129. I admired my mother's compassion towards others and her generosity.


  130. My Mom has a big heart and taught me the meaning of charity from a very young age. I follow her example and always try to help others.

    the imagine tree at aol dot com

  131. Honesty, told it like it was....

    ltlbit1 at hotmail dot com

  132. mom is A great listner

  133. Her unconditional love (Corey Olomon)

  134. Loving and giving of herself before others.

  135. her kindness

    jdmimi at gmail dot com

  136. She is so selfless!

    Melanie MOntgomery

  137. Christina - xristya@rock.com - My mother taught me loyalty and perserverence, which she had in abundance!

  138. I admire my mom's strength and willpower.

  139. Sherri J.
    My mom is always supportive of her children and giving of her time and wisdom.


  140. My mom left us never wanting. She was a single mom and had no help from our dad, but she was still able to make it all happen

  141. My mom is super responsible and clean. Both areas I struggle with. :P

  142. My mom had a great sense of humor. She could get you through anything with it.

  143. my mom is handicap she has ms but she is the best listener ever she is so compationate even if she dont know you she will listen love and try to help to the best of her abbilitys. my mom has 3 daughters but she has ALOT of people who call her mom

  144. The miles she walked to make sure we had bills paid, and food on the table.

  145. The qualities I like most in my Mom is #1: Her Faith and #2 I can talk to her about anything and everything.

  146. She's intelligent and strong and she has taught me what to value in life. LeanS12(at)gmail(dot)com

  147. My mother passed 13 years ago this coming June. The quality I admired about my mom was her work ethic. She rarely missed a day of work and did her job to the best of her ability.

  148. The feeling that she can always be my nurse and make feel better...at any age!

  149. My mother is so hardworking.

  150. I admire her unwavering love and encouragement. She told me I could do anything - no matter what. She taught me to dream.

    arudig at comcast dot net

  151. My mother was always honest... good, bad, or ugly and I always respected that quality of hers.


  152. she is the greatest in every way

  153. my mother is the smartest woman I know

  154. I admire the determination she has

  155. I admire my mother's patience! If I could have 1/4 the patience she has I'd be good to go!

  156. I admire her selflessness and patience.

  157. My mom is always positive and believes in will. She says if there's a will there a way:)

  158. Strength, for raising 5 girls!

  159. I admire my mother's independence and courage!

    mosaic317 at gmail dot com
    Claire McKeon

  160. I admire my mother's patience :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  161. My mother really loved God and raise me to believe.

  162. My Mom showed me everyday the importance to giving back to your community. I never remember her saying "you have to do this" but she taught me with her actions.


  163. My mother raised me to be independent and to know I can do anything I set my mind to

  164. I admire that shes always there for me!No matter what!!
    ptavernie at yahoo dot com

  165. The quality I most admired was that she was hard working and generous.

    canastaxyz at yahoo dot com

  166. My mom never quits. She never stops working. Even when she is exhausted she provides for her family--truely inspirational!

  167. That shes here for me no matter what. Ive been through a lot in the past year and no matter what I do if I suceed or fail shes always here by myside. I just had surgery last week and she stayed by my side all night while I was in the hospital making sure I was ok!


  168. She is the most loving, generous & selfless person I have ever known.

  169. I admire my mom's ability to care about all of us even though we are older and to give us wisdom and advice all through the years and not letting go or giving up on any of us, while still maintaining her sense of humor.

    FB: Toni Marie Caravello
    reannenny at aol.com
    Twitter: Tonic67
    Google: toni caravello or reannenny

  170. I admire my mom's courage thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com

  171. The quality I admire the most is her patience.

  172. her courage

    sarahurick (at) comcast (dot) net

  173. admire her determination!

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  174. I admire my mom's friendliness and chattiness. tylerpants(at)gmail.com

  175. Her honesty, sometimes too honest!

  176. I admire my mothers strength. She was so strong through the last 8 years of her life, struggling with kidney failure. She showed me a side of her that made me honored to call her mom. I miss her so much.

  177. My moms humor and honesty
