Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How Moms Treat a Cold and the Flu {Vicks Germ Free Cool Mist Humidifier Review}

Even though spring is officially here, that hasn't meant that we're out of the woods when it comes to catching a cold or, even worse, the flu. In fact, according to the CDC the 2012 flu season had the latest start in 24 years, so that means that the threat of falling ill just might still be lingering around the corner.

We all know that moms don't always get sick days, so what do they do to treat — and beat — sickness as quickly as possible? A new national survey of moms by the makers of Vicks branded Humidifiers revealed some interesting stats:

· 43% of American moms say that they avoid hugging and kissing altogether and 10% report that they sleep on the couch when a spouse is sick.

· For moms always on-the-go, relaxation or "me time" was a common trend uncovered in the survey. Good books and classic movies were top activities mentioned to get through a cold or the flu, and Love Actually, Dirty Dancing and Ferris Bueller's Day Off were ranked as the top three movie choices to watch.

· When it comes to treating a cold, the top five natural remedies moms use are (1) tea, (2) orange juice, (3) chicken soup, (4) lots of water and (5) humidifiers.

When it comes to those humidifiers, it has been shown that portable humidifiers help loosen congestion and soothe coughs while also reducing the survival of flu viruses on surfaces and in the air when maintaining an indoor humidity level between 40-60%. Which is exactly why the Vicks V3900 Germ Free Cool Mist Humidifier is a great choice for families everywhere.

Vicks Cool Mist Humidifier

The Vicks V3900 Cool Mist Humidifier is designed to temporarily relieve dry air for better home and personal comfort. With a 1 gallon water tank (great for medium size rooms) and a 24-hour running time per filling, it hasn't been difficult to see why this unit is an easy choice for providing clean, germ-free air in any room of the house.

Vicks V3900 Cool Moisture Humidifier

While I don't claim to understand how the technology works, I love knowing that something so easy to use is secretly containing Vicks' patented Germ Killing Technology, killing up to 99.9% of certain bacteria, mold, fungus and virus in the water after two hours of continuous use. By simply running this device in the background during the day or night, I can rest assured that the moisture emitted from it is virtually free of germs.

When it comes time to refill with more cool water, the tank is lifted right off the top...

Vicks Cool Mist Humidifier water tank

...and the tank cap screws on and off right underneath, ensuring that we haven't had any problems getting it properly sealed (preventing any leaks).

Vicks Humidifier water tank cap

Also underneath the tank, the Scent Pad Heater slot is easily accessible to insert the optional Vicks VapoPads with this humidifier. These scent pads (Soothing Menthol or Sleepytime Lavender and Rosemary) release the soothing Vicks vapor relief into the air for an extra burst of alleviating calmness and fresh scent.

Vicks VapoPads

To get us through the rest of this cold season (and beyond) the Vicks Germ Free Cool Mist Humidifier has been a convenient and handy addition to our home. The mist easily evaporates into the air and the quiet hum of the machine provides a light white background noise that isn't irritating during the day or night.

Best of all, having this humidifier around provides my family relief from nasal congestion, dry cough, sinus irritation and dry skin and allow us to breathe easier and get a good night's sleep. And that just makes everyone happy.

Retailing for $79.99, the Vicks V3900 Humidifier is available directly from the Vicks Cold and Flu Shop or on Amazon (for quite a savings). During this cold and flu season, pediatricians are highly recommending cool mist humidifiers to help moisten the air and keep children breathing comfortably, so be sure to visit Vicks to learn more about their humidifiers as well as other interesting facts from their survey.

(Other than the survey information and V3900 Germ Free Cool Mist Humidifier that I was provided by Vicks, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this product.)


  1. I'd totally choose the menthol pads for this, and I get super itchy, dry skin when the heat is running so having a humidifier is a must.

  2. I have used Vicks products for years an this is a great addition to have on hand,thanks for the review

  3. Thank you for the review.
    I'll have to start looking for deals on this one for my son.

  4. I've wanted a humidifier for years, but I don't have much room in my house for one. This would be perfect for my bedroom. I suffer for horrid nasal congestion and dry itchy skin, so this would be great to have. Thanks!

    Katie Wurn
