Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kokopax Samantha Diaper Tote {Review & Coupon Code}

While I wouldn't have believed it at the time, it seems that suddenly my children are past the baby and toddler years. How did that happen? Where did their chubby little cheeks and wobbly first steps go?

Along with reminiscing about the memories and days gone by, there are times that I look back on the past 5+ years and focus on the products. There were some that were, and still are, good choices. Products that made life easier, brought comfort or joy, or were, quite simply, items that I would recommend.

Among those was my beloved kokopax carrier. Not only was this a versatile, convenient way to carry my girls, but the high quality, durability and overall gorgeous look made it hard for me to accept it when Little Sister B had truly outgrown it.

These carriers come in three styles - the eco-classic carrier, the classic carrier and the city carrier - and are beloved by everyone who tries them. In fact, Ellen DeGeneres is such a big fan that she not only gave away kokopax carriers to a full audience of pregnant moms-to-be for Mother's Day, but she surprised Victoria's Secret supermodel Miranda Kerr with a one-of-a-kind, winged, blinged-out carrier!

Miranda Kerr kokopax

At the same time that I look back at items such as my kokopax carrier that I adored, I know that there were some items that I regret, knowing that I shouldn't have spent the money or taken up the space. Among those: the excess diaper bags.

What was I thinking buying a diaper bag that screamed Diaper Bag! when that easily meant that I would no longer carry it the second I didn't have an infant? Instead, it makes much more sense to select one bag that is unique, high quality, ultra-fashionable and extremely versatile. That way it can be used pre-baby, throughout childhood, and then beyond, never once giving a woman's appearance the look of being centered on baby, baby, baby.

That's why I know that I should have ignored the rest and purchased a samantha diaper tote from kokopax right from the beginning.

kokopax diaper totes

Available in a variety of modern, fun patterns and prints, the samantha diaper tote gives moms the option to experience a luxurious and fashionable handbag without sacrificing the functionality of the diaper bag they require. This is definitely a fun and funky tote that can be used to carry diapers, wipes and bottles or an iPad, daily planner and sunglasses... or anything in between!

As I have long been a fan of seeing kokopax's samantha diaper totes online, I couldn't have been more excited to see the bubbles 3 print in person.

kokopax bubbles tote

Made from 100% cotton canvas, this tote felt extremely durable and ready for use right out of the box. Right away I loved the color combination and way that each time I looked at the design that I saw a different strand of "bubbles."

In contrast to the dark brown of the tote itself, the bubbles 3 features thick, wide, silver handles which are just the right length to fit perfectly in your hand, the crook of your elbow or slung conveniently over your shoulder.

kokopax tote

I love the leather accents along the straps as well as on the extremely handy magnetic closure. As moms already often have their hands full holding a bottle, a baby or preparing for a diaper change, being able to access items inside this bag with only one hand is a must-have convenience!

kokopax tote magnetic closure

As well as the attractive outer appearance of the samantha diaper tote, kokopax made the water-resistant lining just as eye-catching and unique. How often can you peer into a great bag and find adorable monkeys smiling back at you?

kokopax samantha tote

The inside of this tote features a zippered pocket with custom monkey zipper pull on one side and three extra–deep pockets and a beverage compartment on the other. If you are using the samantha as a traditional diaper bag, there is plenty of room for diapers, wipes, baby food, sippy cups, extra clothes and more. Or, once you are past the baby stages, these pockets work great for a water bottle, phone, wallet, planner, pens, table and snacks... while still having room to spare.

The samantha diaper tote also comes with a plush, cushioned, monkey-themed changing pad stored right inside...

kokopax changing pad

...as well as metal studs along the outside of the bottom to keep the bag clean.

kokopax samantha diaper tote bottom

All in all, the functionality, versatility, high quality, and creatively fun colors and designs will make your kokopax samantha tote the first one that you reach for for your next outing, no matter what stage of motherhood you are in, coming upon, or passing through.

The variety of colors and prints ensures there is one to fit your personality and the 18 x 5 x 14" size means there will surely be enough room for your belongings. It is one bag that you can truly just grab and go and know that you'll have it all!

samantha diaper tote

Retailing for $99.99, the samantha diaper tote can be found on www.kokopax.com, along with the rest of their great products. If you are looking for amazing lightweight framed carriers (along with organic accessories for them), sun hats, and these top-notch coordinating diaper totes, this is one mom-founded company that creates only the best.

But, wait! Before you make a purchase from kokopax's incredible collection, how about a discount? Enter the coupon code thanksmailcarrier2012 and you'll receive 10% off of your order until April 20, 2013! Head over to kokopax now and be sure to connect with them on Facebook and Twitter as well for news, special promotions, new product introductions and more.

(Other than the samantha diaper tote that I received from kokopax, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this company and this product.)


  1. I agree with you on wasting the money on diaper totes. I don't know how many I went through that looked tacky, didn't work, or fell apart when the kids were little.

    That bag actually looks cute and you can't tell it's a diaper bag.

  2. love the bags they look very fashionable

  3. this would be soo cute for my daughter she has 2 very small babies and I think she would love it Ill send her a ling so she can look at the coupon :)

  4. I have bought maybe 2 diaper bags in the last 23 years. I like to buy big bags that are versatile.I carry a designer cooler bag as a purse but it looks like a purse. i love it because it has so many functions.

  5. Love, Love, Love...

