Thursday, June 28, 2012

Equestrian Memories: Stables, Riding Horses and Cake

Every year when I begin coming up with ideas for my daughters' birthday parties, I reminisce over my own memories.

Along with the fun parties that I had (rollerskating, swimming, slumber parties, etc), I remember that a popular location for celebrations in elementary school was at the horse stables a short drive away. Just imagine the excitement of half a dozen 10-year-old girls arriving ready to admire and ride these majestic creatures!

horseback riding
But the part that always sticks out in my mind was the amount of time that was spent at a Horseback Riding Party not actually riding horses.

Let's face it, party attendees had two things on their mind: horses and cake. So while the stable staff was busy talking about the horses' diet or showing quality horse equipment from Equestrianclearance, all we wanted to do was ride.

horseback riding
In the end it always worked out. We had a chance to tentatively climb into a saddle, hold onto the reigns with all of our might, and marvel at all of the "skill" we had at controlling a horse... that, in reality, was simply following the horse in front of it.

The ride probably only lasted 15 minutes, but it was the highlight of the party (next to the aforementioned cake, of course) and every little girl went home happy. What more could we have asked for?

girl kissing horse
While I don't foresee horseback riding in the future for either of my daughters' birthday parties, at least I can always hope that whatever we do to celebrate their special day creates memories that will last a lifetime.

Are there birthday parties (of yours or that you attended) from your childhood that stick out in your mind?

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