Thursday, July 26, 2012

1st Step Pro-Wellness Nutritional Supplements {Review}

In a previous lifetime of mine (meaning before I had children), I most likely would have considered myself fairly healthy. I ate well, I exercised a bit... life just seemed to provide much more time to take care of myself.

Fast-forward quite a few years and I often cringe knowing that I'm not always making the best choices for my health. While I've long heard about supplements as a way to give your body a boost, I'm always hesitant to take anything. Who knows what's really in that stuff?

Fortunately, there are companies like High Performance Fitness, Inc. and their 1st Step Pro-Wellness supplements that are all natural, so there's nothing to worry about. Simply put, whether you're a multi-tasking mom, a high powered executive, an athlete, or an energetic retiree, 1st Step Pro-Wellness will provide you with the highest quality supplements to help you live your extraordinary life healthier, longer.

1st Step Pro-Wellness products

For over a decade 1st Step Supplements' high powered and proven ingredients have fueled elite female and male athletes in more than 275 colleges and universities and countless professional and Olympic teams. Recently, however, High Performance Fitness realized that women were looking for their own nutritional supplements tailored just to them.

In collaborating with world-wide leaders in nutrition, the 1st Step Pro-Wellness line was developed to meet that desire for smart nutrition, lasting energy, strong bone and joints, toned muscles, healthy hydration, healthy weight, and healthy heart. These supplements are customized just for women and are natural, great-tasting products that provide everyday women the fuel needed to embrace a healthy life and accomplish extraordinary things.

Who doesn't want that? When a selection of 1st Step Pro-Wellness products arrived, I was ready to make a change for the better.

1st Step Pro-Wellness review

As energy is often hard to come by around here, I was interested in the 1st Step Liquid Vitamin B12 Complex and its claim to provide natural energy without any unpleasant side effects. As this little bottle doesn't contain any stimulants or caffeine, there's no worry of the "crash" from an energy drink... plus, with pharmaceutical high-grade B12 and all-natural cherry and tropical fruit flavors, energy never tasted so good.

Great tasting and natural energy to get through the day? As a bonus, Vitamin B12 is also known to help convert food into energy and is essential for red blood cell formation. I'm happy knowing that all of this can come from one small bottle!

Next, I'm constantly wondering if I am getting enough protein in my diet, so the Whey Protein Powder Plus Vitamins and Whey Protein Powder have been great ways to easily add more. Mix them in a smoothie, add them to a recipe for protein bars, or simply blend them into a vanilla drink and know that it is helping retain muscle tone and strength.

As well as helping achieve a toned look, I appreciate that protein makes your body work to digest, metabolize, and use it, which means you burn more calories processing them. As protein takes longer to leave your stomach, having a smoothie with these 1st Step Pro-Wellness Protein Powders has made me feel full sooner and for a longer amount of time.

protein powder

Finally, in my never-ending quest to watch my weight, I was interested in trying the Chromium Picolinate and Chromium Picolinate plus Green Tea to see if they could help. Both of these products are designed to aid your body process fats and carbohydrates more efficiently, regulating your blood sugar and raising your energy levels.

I appreciate that these tablets are only taken once a day (before the meal of your choice) so that it isn't an ordeal to remember to take them too often or at a particular time. Instead, they're just another way that 1st Step Pro-Wellness has used scientific research to provide a quality nutritional supplement that demonstrates their commitment to helping improve people's health.

1st Step Pro-Wellness products are available nationwide at Walgreens, but be sure to print a $2 off coupon before you go shopping! To find out much more, visit and connect with this innovative brand on Facebook, Twitter and their blog.

(Other than the nutritional supplement items I was provided by 1st Step Pro-Wellness, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. I am in no way a doctor and this review is solely my honest opinion of these products.)


  1. I think I'll just eat my fruits & veggies.

  2. Boy I need all of the above. My body needs all the help it can get.

  3. wow these sound really great I spend a ton of amazon gift cards on all my supplements a month and these sound better than what Im currently taking

  4. I really liked all of these. The protein powder was great!
