Friday, July 27, 2012

Time to Stock up on Johnson & Johnson Healthy Essentials {Mom's Back-to-School Survival Kit Giveaway}

While summer is in full swing around here, I have no doubt that I will blink and the new school year will be upon us. And while that brings excitement about new schools, new teachers and new friends, it also means that life will be busy with lunches, field trips, homework and more, adding up to a hectic few months.

Which is why right now is a perfect time to stock up on essentials that the whole family depends on – from filling the medicine cabinet to encouraging healthy habits in kids. Even better? Thanks to a special Healthy Essentials coupon insert coming out in the Sunday, July 29th newspaper (and online at, you can save $175 on all of your favorite Johnson & Johnson products!

Johnson & Johnson products

From products for your skin, hair and mouth to providing relief for colds to following a healthier diet, Johnson & Johnson cares for the world one person at a time. So when it comes to being prepared for fall, the Johnson & Johnson Mom's Back-to-School Survival Kit includes items that we all know and love:

Aveeno Continuous Protection for Face SPF 30 ($8.99-$11.99): Perfect for the whole family, especially your athletes who are outside on the playing field this fall! This powerful sunscreen provides high, broad and photostable UVA/UVB protection against the sun's harmful rays, specially formulated for the face to be oil-free and non-greasy.

Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion SPF 15 ($9.49-$9.99): Colloidal oatmeal and rich emollients moisturize your skin for up to 24 hours while providing UVA/UVB protection. Ideal for mom on-the-go to keep skin soft, smooth and protected!

Reach Total Care Multi-Action Toothbrush ($5.09): Teaching good brushing habits just got easier with this multitasking toothbrush – specially designed bristles clean in multiple directions with each stroke, helping you remove up to 90% of plaque.

Listerine Smart Rinse Phineas and Ferb ($5.19): Specially designed just for kids, this post-brush mouth rinse with fluoride – an important ingredient to help provide extra cavity protection – provides 12-hour cavity protection and strengthens teeth 99% better than brushing alone!

Johnson's Baby Powder ($3.99): It's a tried and true classic. Johnson's Baby Powder leaves skin feeling soft and fresh, while helping to eliminate friction to keep skin feeling cool and comfortable.

Johnson's Baby Creamy Oil ($3.99): Classic Johnson's Baby Oil gets a rich makeover with Aloe Vera & Vitamin E. With a sweet yet subtle fragrance, it's an indulgence for mom and something the kids will love as well!

Neosporin and Band-Aid Flexible Fabric ($4.77 - $9.07, $6.99): A staple in every family’s first aid kit and a match made in healing heaven. From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Neosporin First Aid Antibiotic Ointment kills more types of infectious bacteria in laboratory tests than even the leading topical prescription antibiotic.

Bengay Zero Degrees ($13.99): Bengay introduces this unique stick that can be stored in the freezer and provides an instant, icy cold sensation. It's perfect for mom to throw in the cooler for soccer practice, long hikes, or wherever your active family takes you!

With back-to-school around the corner, these (and many other) Johnson & Johnson brands are going to be on your shopping list anyway, so why not save some money while purchasing them? Be sure to keep an eye out for the Healthy Essentials coupon insert this Sunday, July 29, and visit for more.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of Johnson & Johnson, one person will be prepared for everything that autumn is sure to bring, because...

One lucky person will win a Mom's Back-to-School Survival Kit
(ARV $65) from Johnson & Johnson!

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Johnson & Johnson for providing a Mom's Back-to-School Survival Kit for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 317 of 317   Newer›   Newest»
Growl Tiger said...

We need baby wash

Karen F said...

neosporin and bandages

Cheryl said...

Paper towels!

sparkedcat said...

I need to stock up on laundry detergent.

Kim Miller said...

Mouthwash & TP

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Body lotion, once the weather changes my skin will not be happy

kannw27 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

germx that is one thing we need on hand at all times.

txpepperqueen said...

I need to stock up on sunscreen!

katfam95 said...

I need to stock up on hand sanitizer. The kids are supposed to bring some for the classroom, and like to keep a small bottle in their backpacks.

katfam95 at aim dot com

Unknown said...

Band Aids

Ledford Land said...

Band-Aids! Even if my daughter has just a bruise, it has to have a band-aid :)

cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com

Emily said...

hand sanitizer

maryjaco1 said...

I like stocking up on suntan products.

Anonymous said...

I always need more Band-aids.

eclairre said...

Hand sanitizer

Anonymous said...


Breanne said...


Unknown said...

bandaids and neosporin!

Erika P. said...

Paper towels and cleaning solutions.

Jennifer said...

sunscreen and moisturizer

Sandy said...

Nice giveaway. I luv these products!

DC said...

We really need replenish our band aid supply

Deb K said...

I need to stock up bandages before summers end.

rene said...


lilbipolargirl said...

bandaids... my boy is accident prone lol

Stephanie said...

I am going to have to stock up on first aid products.

Jennifer T. said...

I need to stock up on hand sanitizer, Kleenex, and band-aids.

Anonymous said...

Band aids!

Simonette said...


Unknown said...

bandaids because i am a klutz when i get no sleep and when class is in... no sleep for me.

dani marie


Theresa said...

I need to stock up on Shampoo and Conditioner!


Country Cookin' Mama said...

I need to stock up on antibacterial hand sanitizer.

ehhogan said...

I need to get some facial moisturizer

Stevie said...

Hand sanitizer for cars, purses - you name it!

Claire said...

Paper towels and tissues!

kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I need to stock up on tissues. Gaye M; rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com

Nickolay said...

I need to stock up on some Aloe Vera for all those pesky last minute bug bites

Unknown said...

great to have this with kids..

ExitsAngel said...

Definitely kleenex. Hello, allergy season.

Erica C. said...

I have to stock up on lotion...we go through so much of it!

KJ Skib said...

With a 2 1/2 year old and another little one walking soon, BANDAGES!!!!

Rebecca Orr said...

Band-Aids!! My 5 year old is the king of scrapes and cuts lately!! bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Toothpaste and hand sanitizer!!

Tamar said...

I need to stock up on shampoo

C.P. said...

I need to stock up on hand sanitizer & lotion badly!!
(Chel Pay - Rafflecopter/Facebook)

Sonya said...

Bandaids and lotion!

Ashley Morrissey said...

Diapers! I am expecting my first baby next month :)

-Ashley Marie Morrissey

Anonymous said...

I need to stock up on lip balm.

lilyk said...

One item that I need to stock up on before the end of summer is sunscreen.

Caryn said...

Neosporin and Band-Aids

caryn9802 at yahoo dot com

Becca Ann said...

Tissues.. its almost that time of year!

Jen H said...

We need just about everything, lol our stocks are dwindling

Julie said...

Sunscreen - usually it goes on sale at the end of the summer!

micheal dale grim said...

i would have to say toiletries!!!!

susan1215 said...

I need to stock up on toothpaste

s2s2 at comcast dot net

tavernie said...

I need to stock up on Tissues!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

Marianna said...

Pens and pencils

Unknown said...

i need to stock up on johnson and johnson baby powder

christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

Jennafer211 said...

Chapstick! Thanks!!

Missy L said...

Bandaids. My kids go through them like candy

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

moisturizer and lip balm
vmkids3 at msn dot com

shirley H said...


wwe11 said...


Darlene said...

I need to stock up on bandaids, I went through a lot this summer.

Unknown said...


Hoa said...

Hand sanitizers!


April said...

It is just about time to get some more toothpaste.

Anonymous said...

We need tissues and lysol wipes

Unknown said...

I need to stock up on kleenex.

Unknown said...

Band aids.


playswithclay said...

Never have enough Band-Aids

Anonymous said...

We need detangler for my girls.

itsrob said...

i need to stock up on sunscreen while it's still easy to find in case we get a chance to go anywhere warm this winter

Paige said...

Definitely tissue!

Retta69 said...

SPF lotion

edgesmama said...

kleenex especially before school starts

bbrittbrat1398 said...

def. hand sanitizer!

Ms Penny Pincher said...

I need to stock up on tissues!

PDWinner523 at

yyeres said...

we need wipes

dispatcher_kristy said...

hand sanitizer and tissues..flu season will be here soon

Leenburke said...

Eileen B.

mail4rosey said...

We need to stock up on cold and flu season items like medicine (for us and little one), and a thermometer (ours is mercury and I want to replace it).

Nicole C. said...



Melanie Montgomery said...


Amy Dalrymple said...

Lotion and band aids!

Unknown said...

Hair bands and other hair accessories

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

Ciara B. said...

i need to stock up on lotion

susansmoaks said...

i have to stock up on sunscreen for swimming season!
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

tia said...

I need to stock up on tissues and moisturizer.
tmoyer6980 at charter dot net

Cálaeb T. said...

hand sanitizer, hand wipes.

pintworks at hotmail dot com.

Patrice said...

I need to stock up on liquid hand soap.

Unknown said...

I need to stock up on the baby powder

Unknown said...

Tissues ans hand sanitizer

Kathy P said...

i need to stock up on bandaids my son plays every sport out there

Jenny18286 said...

I need to stock up on lotion, especially Aveeno - it's great for dry winter skin!

Peggy Rydzewski said...

we stock up on Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion due to our cold Michigan winters

Unknown said...

I really need to stock up on bandaids!!

samf36 said...

Nose tissues and bathroom tissue

Lisa said...

body wash

Ms D said...


brendaelsner said...

Hand sanitizer and kleenex.

ltlbitone said...

kleenex, napkins and paper towels

ltlbit1@hotmail dot com

Dawn Reid said...

Kleenex and lotion

Cweller75 said...

I need to stock up on tissues

carol lewis said...

Always bandaids as I am dangerous! And Ben Gay.
spcale at yahoo dot com

Trisha McKee said...

I need to stock up on band-aids!

tridingermckee at gmail dot com

Hotsnotty2 said...

hand sanitizer

Louise Brimsley said...

I like to stock up on hand sanitizers and tissue while it is on sale for back to school.

cman said...

Neosporin and Band-Aid Flexible Fabric.

emchelly77 said...

the mouthwash esp since school starts on monday!

dmoniz1980 said...

baby powder i like to use it after i shower in the summer

Anonymous said...

Bengay Zero Degrees
lisa.blogs2 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I need to stock up on toothbrushes.

laurasloves said...

I need to stock up on tissues as it is allergy season almost all year long and we all have allergies.
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

Neenie19 said...

I need to stock up on Neosporin! My kids go through it even though they are older now they still seem to get scraped up!

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