Friday, July 20, 2012

SHOLDIT: The Clutch, Wrap and Scarf in One {Review}

While a single search online for purses, clutches or bags results in millions of results, there are times when I look at them and wonder how I could attain their benefits (e.g. my items all held conveniently for me) without having to actually carry one.

What if I just want to run to the store and only need my phone and credit card? Or I'm going to a concert and don't have to hold a purse the whole time or shove things into my pockets? Or I simply don't want to put a bag down on the floor of a restaurant or bathroom and cringe thinking of what germs it is sitting in? As far as I knew, there weren't really any other options.

And then I was introduced to SHOLDIT and was immediately captivated by the combination of fashion, versatility and hands-free possibilities in one stylish piece.

SHOLDIT review

Whether folded into a clutch, worn around your neck as a scarf or draped across your body as a wrap, the SHOLDIT adapts to the form that fits you best. Plus, due to the zippered pockets, you'll always have a place to stash small belongings without having to think about carrying, losing or forgetting them.

Intrigued by the possibilities, I was eager to see the Black Olive (Signature Series) SHOLDIT in person to try out its many uses.

black scarf wrap

As promised, this SHOLDIT truly is a 3-in-1 product! It folds in on itself to become a clutch, complete with a sturdy zipper and plenty of space inside...

Sholdit clutch

...but also unfolds easily to become a wrap or scarf.

As a wrap, it only takes a second to pull it across your body and use the strong elastic cinch to pull it tight to fit right to your body.

cinch it

The cell phone pocket is down by the cinch, meaning it stays close to your side, and the larger compartment up higher is great for storage of all kinds of lightweight items.

SHOLDIT Clutch Wrap review

While I'm not one to wear wraps too often, I do think that this is a cute option. On the other hand, I love scarves! Unsurprisingly, this has quickly been my favorite way to use the SHOLDIT and I foresee using this much more than a traditional scarf. Simply wrap it up and around your neck like a traditional infinity scarf...

black infinity scarf

...but with a secret handy storage compartment right within reach.

infinity scarf

Unless using the SHOLDIT in the clutch form, I wouldn't recommend putting anything of substantial size or weight into it, as it results in a clunky feeling across your body or around your neck. However, I really love being able to slip a few dollars, a credit card, lip gloss, my phone, my small camera or more right inside without problem.

Available in eight different fashionable styles and colors, I really like the layered, scalloped look to the Black Olive (Signature Series). The detailing is eye-catching enough to give it dimension, while keeping a classic, simple look that goes with just about everything.

scalloped fabric

Whichever way you choose to wear the SHOLDIT Clutch Wrap, the result is a fashionable way to keep your valuables secure while taking advantage of being hands-free. With a retail price of $79, this makes a unique and creative gift (or to keep for yourself) as the ultimate accessory and alternative to carrying your essentials in a purse.

To find out more and to see the selection of styles, visit SHOLDIT on their website and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own.


  1. that's cute! although the across the body kinda reminds me of the girl scout sash. lol

    katie wurn

  2. What a neat idea! I'm gonna wait to see just how long it takes my 17 yo fashionista niece to say "I want one!

  3. What a great idea! We don't typically wear scarves here in FL (in fact, I have never worn one LOL) but the wrap is very cool. This would definitely be useful when running around with the kids.

  4. What a great idea! We don't typically wear scarves here in FL (in fact, I have never worn one LOL) but the wrap is very cool. This would definitely be useful when running around with the kids.

  5. This is a pretty cool way to accessorize. I love it!

  6. What an innovative product, absolutely love this! My phone never fits in my pocket so in my hand it goes. Off to check them out!

  7. What a neat idea. Three separate ways to wear your purse and I love it. Perfect for going to the store.
