Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ocean Coloring Book! App for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch {Review}

Peep Software logo
When it comes to our devices, I think almost any parent can agree that having an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch is extremely convenient. After all, there's an app for just about anything and everything, isn't there?

However, if you asked those same parents to list the applications that truly make their life easier, I'm pretty sure that many listed would be ones that exist solely to keep their children entertained. I know that I have depended on my gadgets more than once when I need my kids to sit quietly while I have a meeting or we have to wait for an appointment. Talk about a lifesaver!

Therefore, when I was introduced to Ocean Coloring Book! by Peep Software, LLC, I knew that it would be a fun and functional way for my girls to enjoy a way to digitally paint and color all in one place whenever and wherever we need.

Ocean Coloring Book app
Universally developed to look and function equally well on the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch,  Ocean Coloring Book! is the perfect app for summer... and it's FREE for a short time!

Using this app couldn't be much easier, as you simply open it and choose where to go from the clear table of contents. A child would have no problem tapping on the "Coloring Book" and getting started right away all on their own.

table of contents

Once in the Coloring Book, I appreciate that there are over 30 pages to color (you can also color your own photos from the photo album), so that kids can select their favorite under the sea options and never have to be bored with doing the same one twice.

under the sea creatures

When it comes to coloring or painting, Ocean Coloring Book! is easy to navigate. Users can easily choose between using a paintbrush, a "fill" paint option, or an eraser for removing mistakes. At the same time, the app gives you the choice of coloring in a Free Style method (the color appears wherever your finger goes) or an In Lines method that keeps the color within the lines of the selected section, giving it a professionally-done look.

boat coloring page

My kids have had no problem scrolling through the 60 colors of the crayons and creating colorful images of all sorts. I appreciate that Peep Software included the ability to zoom in and out on a page so that small spaces can easily be colored and that with a quick shake of the iPad, the colors are cleared from the page so that kids can start over quickly.

When it is time to quit, colored pages can easily be saved to the included gallery, to the photo album, or they can be emailed to family and friends. Or, for a social media twist, share them on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr to really show the world your artistic talents!

mermaid coloring page

For an app that is sure to provide entertainment in a pinch, during quiet time, or on a rainy day, Ocean Coloring Book! is a great option to have on hand... even better, right now it's FREE! Find out more and download this app in iTunes today before this free trial period ends.

(I was compensated in exchange for my time writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions shared are honest and my own.)


  1. Davis is really getting into the coloring apps. I'll have to check this out.

  2. my grandkids love coloring so this would be fun for them.
